Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 614 Invincible


Chu Fengmian's body became even larger as he spoke. 0.000~10,000\\small! said

The ancient war dragon is an invincible existence, invincible in all the nine realms of the sky.

The nine-domain swordsmanship that Chu Fengmian has now mastered is just incompatible with his bloodline. The two together make the aura on Chu Fengmian's body even more terrifying.

Now Chu Fengmian is a symbol of invincibility.

"What Dragon Party! Holy Party! Royal Party! Whoever dares to deal with me, I will kill anyone! Your Dragon Party actually dares to deal with my friends, then today is the moment of destruction for your Dragon Party!"

Chu Fengmian looked at the Dragon Party disciples, then looked at the dead people, and said calmly.

"Now, I am going to destroy the Dragon Party, let you see Chu's power, and let everyone know what will happen if you dare to provoke me!"

Chu Fengmian's anger was unprecedented.

Chu Fengmian never gets angry when dealing with Chu Fengmian, but if he dares to deal with the people around Chu Fengmian, he has truly touched Chu Fengmian's reverse scale.

Since you can't keep a low profile, you are arrogant.

Chu Fengmian is so arrogant that everyone is in awe of him! Everyone is afraid!

Today this Dragon Party is going to be destroyed!


Chu Fengmian spat out one word calmly, and the power of his palm became countless times stronger.

Countless groups of dragons merged into one, turning into a huge ancient war dragon, descending from the sky and attacking.

This target is Bai Xuan. He wants to break the restrictions on Bai Xuan and rescue Bai Xuan directly.

"We can't let him save people!"

A Dragon Party disciple shouted loudly.

He could already see that Chu Fengmian's strength was now different from what it used to be. With this kind of strength, he was already considered a giant in the Beimang Sanctuary.

A person who can compete with Long Weiyang, Ye Tianjun, Lu Hua and others.

Now that Bai Xuan is in their hands, they can still make Chu Fengmian fearful. If Bai Xuan is rescued, Chu Fengmian will really be unscrupulous.

Several Dragon Party disciples rushed towards Bai Xuan, trying to control Bai Xuan.


The ancient war dragon condensed by Chu Fengmian's palm was faster, roaring wildly, suddenly.

The Dragon Party disciples were all knocked away, spitting out countless blood from their mouths and falling to the ground.

At the same time, the restriction on Bai Xuan was also directly broken, and Chu Fengmian was brought directly to her.


A disciple of the Dragon Party looked extremely gloomy when he saw Bai Xuan being rescued by Chu Fengmian.

"Let's kill him directly! His strength is simply terrifying. This kind of power is unprecedented. If we don't kill him today, he will be a disaster sooner or later!"

"Yes! Kill! This is the stage of life and death. If we kill this person, the academy cannot blame us!"

"The King of Gathered Dragons! Kill!"

The spiritual power of countless Dragon Party disciples was completely condensed and burst out.

Right in front of him, these countless spiritual powers suddenly transformed into a huge dragon king. Under the command of this dragon king were countless real dragons, the king of dragons.

What this spiritual power evolved and condensed was an extremely terrifying and powerful figure from the Dragon Clan, the King of Dragons.

"No, this is the Dragon Party's secret technique. Countless Dragon Party disciples have condensed it into the King of Dragons! It is enough to destroy everything. All powerful warriors will be killed!"

Bai Xuan saw the King of Dragons gathered together and hurriedly said to Chu Fengmian.

"The Dragon Party is powerful, let's leave first. With your qualifications, as long as you survive the catastrophe of life and death and destroy the Dragon Party, the fundamental problem is! No need to entangle with them now!"

"It doesn't matter."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chu Fengmian's mouth.

Since he is here today, he has no intention of leaving.

Even if he wants to leave, he must destroy the Dragon Party before leaving.

The Dragon Party will be destroyed today. No matter who comes, it is impossible to save them.

"They are just a few chickens and dogs. They have been dealing with me for a long time, and they still want to pay some price? It would be a disgrace to my face!"

"What is the King of Ten Thousand Dragons? If this is the King of Ten Thousand Dragons, then I am the Dragon Ancestor! Fighting with the power of dragons!"

Facing the condensed King of Dragons, Chu Fengmian moved his body and roared suddenly, and all 12,960 drops of ancient dragon essence and blood were activated.

His body instantly transformed in the air and turned into a real ancient war dragon.

The king of dragons in front of him, in front of this ancient war dragon, all the aura and dragon power on his body were tightly suppressed.

All the true dragons today are just the remnants of the bloodline of the ancient war dragons. A dragon king will be like a grandson in front of the real ancient war dragons.

"You know some rudimentary dragon martial arts, but if you dare to use them in front of me, the light of a grain of rice will shine brightly. Kill it for me!"

Chu Fengmian transformed into an ancient war dragon and immediately activated the power of the dragon's claws. The huge war dragon's claws fell from the sky.

The King of Ten Thousand Dragons was directly smashed into two halves. With a scream, he was almost destroyed and strangled instantly.

"Destroy the King of Ten Thousand Dragons? The King of Ten Thousand Dragons is an immortal existence and cannot be destroyed no matter what!"

Those Dragon Party disciples did not panic when they saw the King of Dragons, but continued to activate their spiritual power.

I saw that the King of Dragons, who was destroyed at the last moment, was now reborn and resurrected again.

The forces above have become more powerful, and this rebirth and capture has actually caused the King of Dragons to rise steadily.

"This King of Dragons claims to never die. Every time he is destroyed and reborn, he will become stronger!"

Bai Xuan obviously knew about the King of Dragons and shouted hurriedly to Chu Fengmian.

"According to legend, this King of Dragons was condensed with a dragon treasure. It cannot be destroyed at all! If it is destroyed ten thousand times, it will be reborn and condensed."

"The Dragon Clan's treasure?"

Chu Fengmian's eyes were like a torch, and he glanced at the King of Ten Thousand Dragons. Suddenly, he saw that there was a wooden totem among the King of Ten Thousand Dragons.

"Dragon King Totem?"

This wooden totem is not as powerful as a heaven-level spiritual weapon. It is a treasure condensed by some dragon kings with their own dragon power.

It is obviously the treasure condensed by the master of the King of Dragons.

Only these disciples of the Dragon Party can mobilize their spiritual power to condense the King of Dragons.

This dragon king totem is immortal, this king of dragons will not be destroyed, and will be reborn after countless destructions.

"This Dragon King Totem has been desecrated by you. Take it and blend it into my body to return to your roots! You don't deserve this Dragon King Totem!"

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

The ancient war dragon he transformed into struck out with one claw again.

This claw bombardment caused countless spiritual powers in the air to turn into a huge magic circle.

Form an array with one hand!

He transformed into an ancient war dragon. In terms of martial arts, they were more mysterious than those used by real dragons, and he could condense formations in an instant.

"Boom!" a sound.

The King of Ten Thousand Dragons was suppressed by this formation.

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