Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 606: You can die

Xin Rouqing ate two fruits and plucked up the courage to ask Ouyang Ming: "Does your leg still hurt?"

Ouyang Ming agreed: "Fortunately, it doesn't hurt much anymore, it's a little numb!"

It doesn't hurt even though it's folded like that. It must be nerve necrosis!

I still had to find someone quickly, so the next sentence was straight out: "Then you rest, I'll go out to look for anyone, I can't stay like this forever."

He left directly without waiting for him to speak.

Ouyang Ming looked at the slender figure disappearing at the entrance of the cave, and began to frown. Where is this place? who is she?

She said it was a forest outside and there was no one there. Is this really a forest?

Is there really no one or is she lying deliberately and not looking for anyone at all.

Ouyang Ming's eyes became darker and darker. Could it be a conspiracy?

Xin Rouqing came out of the cave. She wanted to go a little further this time while it was still dark. She took out her phone and checked, but there was still no signal.

They come, the security!

He took out the facial tissue, tore it into small strips, and tied a strip of paper across a few trees.

It's pretty easy to get lost here.

After walking for about half an hour this time, I stopped to take a breath. Looking from a distance, I saw white clouds. During this period, I could vaguely see the snow-capped mountains between the leaves. It was really refreshing to see it.

But why are there no small animals? I have picked a lot of wild fruits, enough to eat for one night, and there are also some birds chirping!

But not a single bird was seen.

There were only some unknown flowers and plants among some low bushes.

I really haven’t seen it before. This place can’t really be a virgin forest. After walking and shouting for so long, there is really no one there.

I really don't want to leave.

One is fear, the other is still fear.

What the hell is this place? It’s really scary!

I have never done such an exciting thing since I was a child. The most exciting thing was that I was beaten and ran away from home when I was a child. Before I walked 10 meters out of the house, I saw a dog and ran back with a scream.

But we still have an adventurous spirit. Xin Rouqing had just boasted a few words happily when she felt something was wrong.

For a brief moment, I felt a chill all over my body, and goosebumps arose one by one.

Xin Rouqing comforted herself, it should be a bit colder in the woods because of the strong gloom.

After a thrill, the feeling became even stronger. Could this be the sixth sense?

Can predict some unknown things, such as danger!


I looked around carefully, looking forward, backward, left, right, up and down, but there was nothing!

But the feeling is just like that - it scares people to death!

Xin Rouqing began to walk back faster, and then she finally saw something different.

I caught a glimpse of it when I was walking. It looked like a pair of eyes, but those eyes didn't look like human eyes.

It just disappeared in the bushes.

That glance made all the hairs on Xin Rouqing's body stand up. What the hell are those eyes!

Xin Rouqing was shaking a little and her legs were a little weak, but she still persisted and walked quickly.

However, the eyes appeared again, becoming blood red and tender, forcing herself not to look at them.

Hurry up and walk, there is still a short distance to reach the hill, but you can't help but look around.

So what the hell is that?

Xin Rouqing couldn't walk any longer, so she stared directly at the owner of the eyes.

It looks like a mouse and a wolf, with a mouse's tail, a wolf's mouth, long big ears, long hair, front paws up, long hind legs, and blood-red eyes staring at Xin Rouqing, The hair was flowing slowly, and when it stood upright, it was as tall as an adult.

Xin Rouqing was so frightened that she couldn't even move forward.

He asked tremblingly: "Do you eat people?"

What answered her was the beast's bared teeth and roar.

Xin Rouqing nodded quickly: "I understand."

Xin Rouqing pinched herself hard and ran back like crazy.

At the same time, the forest echoed with shrill screams: "Help!"

Xin Rouqing listened to the roar of the beast and the sound of the wind behind her. In fact, she was so frightened that she didn't know anything. She just ran instinctively.

The beast rushed to Xin Rouqing's back and slapped it with its paw. Xin Rouqing just staggered and narrowly escaped.

The hill in front of her gave Xin Rouqing a huge boost of motivation, and she jumped forward, crashing into the cave.

Ouyang Ming was resting with his eyes closed when he heard the cry for help. His heart trembled. Was the woman in danger?

The man's instinct still drove him to stand up and take a look.

He just stood up by holding on to the wall and fell down again. He had been enduring the infinite annoyance. He was so outstanding, but now he has become disabled.

He had no way of knowing whether this was a conspiracy or not. Ouyang Ming roared angrily, "Ah~~~"

He punched the wall to vent his anger.

Then there was also a scream: "Ah~~~"

It's that woman.

There was a roaring sound at the entrance of the cave, and a large amount of soil fell from the top of the cave. What was going on?

Ouyang Ming gritted his teeth and called the woman: "Xin Rouqing, Xin Rouqing, are you okay?"

Xin Rouqing looked at the scene in front of her in horror, "Oh my God!" The big rat was spitting laser beams from its mouth and shooting them into the hole.

But it was as if there was an invisible wall at the entrance of the cave. No matter how much it spit out the laser, it couldn't get in. The beast roared in anger.

Xin Rouqing swallowed repeatedly, her fear gradually began to recover, and she realized that this thing couldn't get in.

If I hadn't been so close to it, I would have been killed by the laser it spit out.

But what is that, a rat spitting laser light? ah?

Xin Rouqing was watching dumbly when she vaguely heard Ouyang Ming calling her. She stood up, held on to the wall and walked in.

The branches had been burned and it was dark inside, but he could still be seen.

Reluctantly walking over, Xin Rouqing wanted to throw herself into someone's arms desperately for the first time. She really wanted to throw herself into that man's arms to comfort herself, but she was so anxious that she died.

The next moment she couldn't hold it back and threw herself into Ouyang Ming's arms.

Wow! She started crying. She had never been so scared. In an unknown place, an unknown rat chased her with laser spit. She almost lost sight of him.


Xin Rouqing kept crying!

He didn't see Ouyang Ming's indifferent expression at all, and even a hint of disgust.

His expression gradually changed and became softer, and he still pushed Xin Rouqing away.

He asked in a soft voice: "What's going on? Are you in danger?"

Xin Rouqing wiped her tears and sobbed for a while. After crying, she felt a little awake and a little embarrassed.

Ouyang Ming left his body and said sarcastically: "I'm sorry, I'm a little scared."

After breathing for a while, Xin Rouqing grabbed Ouyang Ming and said tremblingly: "Brother, we seem to be wearing clothes."

Ouyang Ming didn't understand what it meant and asked, "What are you wearing?"

Xin Rouqing swallowed her saliva and continued: "It seems like we have traveled through time."

In the darkness, Ouyang Ming's face twitched, a little angry, and his disgust became even stronger.

He said: "Don't talk nonsense, there is no such thing as time travel."

He was even more certain that this was a conspiracy. This woman had kidnapped him, made up such lies to comfort him, and even broke her legs. He would never forgive her, and she would be jailed for the rest of her life when she got out.

I actually felt that she was kind of friendly. The disgusting woman pretended to be so innocent just now, but now she's not pounced on her.

What Xin Rouqing saw through some dim light was disdain and disgust on Ouyang Ming's handsome face.

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