Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 6027 Warning from the Land of Death

The tip of the sword collided with the black tentacle, and in an instant, a huge force was transmitted to Chu Fengmian's body.

"This power?"


But before the confrontation was over.

Several more black tentacles bombarded Chu Fengmian.

"Nine Realms!"

Chu Fengmian held the Purple King Sword in his hand, his face solemn.

This kind of power was even stronger than he had imagined. The power of this black tentacle alone was no less than the full force of a Thousand Laws Master.

Chu Fengmian could only deal with it so easily with the power of the Purple King Sword and the full power of the Eternal True Body, but there was more than one black tentacle.

Just when Chu Fengmian's sword was about to fall.

All the black tentacles stopped in mid-air.

At this time, Chu Fengmian saw clearly that there were twelve such black tentacles.

Twelve black tentacles.

Judging from the power of the black tentacles in Chu Fengmian's previous fight, this is almost equivalent to the power of twelve Thousand Laws Lords.

Even the power of this black tentacle is much more difficult to deal with than a real Thousand Laws Lord, because this black tentacle is extremely hard.

Chu Fengmian just slashed with the sword, although it was the power that repelled the black tentacles, but the black tentacles were not hurt at all, because they were too hard.

Such a black tentacle is definitely more difficult to deal with than a Thousand Laws Lord, and now there are as many as twelve black tentacles.

However, after discovering Chu Fengmian, these twelve black tentacles did not choose to attack again, but stopped in mid-air.

Chu Fengmian stared at the black tentacles in front of him, and as Chu Fengmian stared, these twelve black tentacles suddenly retracted into the ground.

The dead land also returned to its previous calmness, and it was impossible to tell that there had been a battle here.

"Is this a warning?"

Chu Fengmian muttered to himself.

Twelve black tentacles were all displayed in front of Chu Fengmian, but he did not take the initiative to attack, but chose to retreat.

This was like a warning. The existence behind the dead land was warning Chu Fengmian not to try to explore the secrets of the dead land.

"Interesting, what kind of existence exists in this end era? First it was a crystal continent, and now this dead land is full of secrets."

Chu Fengmian said to himself.

As Chu Fengmian explored, this end era was countless times more dangerous in Chu Fengmian's eyes than he had guessed before.

"It seems that I can't continue to explore."

Chu Fengmian muttered silently.

Although he was extremely curious about this dead land.

But now that he had received a warning, Chu Fengmian still planned to stop for the time being.

On the one hand, the power of the twelve black tentacles just now was indeed extremely powerful, equivalent to the strength of twelve thousand masters, especially the amazing defense ability of these black tentacles, which was equivalent to the invincible thousand masters.

If they all besieged Chu Fengmian, even without the power of the magic weapon, it would not be easy for Chu Fengmian to resist.

Moreover, these twelve black tentacles may not be the full power of the existence behind the Land of Death.

Since Chu Fengmian is now unable to fight against it, he had better choose to accept this warning.

On the other hand.

Chu Fengmian came to the Land of Death this time because he accepted the mission of the old man of Samsara. He had to come to this Land of Death to find the treasure of the old man of Samsara.

If he really broke up with the existence behind the Land of Death.

Chu Fengmian's plan to find the treasure of the old man of Samsara would not work.

So now, after accepting the warning, Chu Fengmian can only choose to take a step back temporarily. Only after his strength is further improved can he unveil the mystery of this Land of Death.

However, Chu Fengmian also understood that the existence behind this Land of Death took the initiative to warn Chu Fengmian because Chu Fengmian's current strength was no longer an object that he could easily solve.

If Chu Fengmian was weaker, he would have been killed by the shadow beast or even the black tentacles.

You should know that there are many warriors and even masters who have entered this dead land, but many of them died at the hands of the shadow beast, and they obviously did not receive any warning.

It is the strength shown by Chu Fengmian that makes the existence behind this dead land think that it is difficult to deal with, so it chooses to show up and warn.

Whether it is the black tentacles or the shadow beasts, they are essentially part of the dead land, belonging to the power of the existence behind the dead land, hidden in this dead land.

So since it is considered to be a balance, the other party should not attack Chu Fengmian again.

"Let's find the treasure of the old man of reincarnation first."

Chu Fengmian muttered silently, and he also took out the jade talisman, looked at the guidance of the jade talisman, and walked over.

Along the way.

Chu Fengmian has never been attacked by the shadow beast again.

Just as Chu Fengmian guessed.

Whether it is the so-called shadow beast or the black tentacles, they are actually the power behind this dead land.

Since he is now warning Chu Fengmian, he has reached a balance with Chu Fengmian and naturally will not attack Chu Fengmian again.

Without the attack of the shadow beast, Chu Fengmian's speed was extremely fast. He followed the jade talisman and came to a place in the dead land.

Everything in the dead land was a deserted black plain.

The place where Chu Fengmian was standing now was such a place. There was nothing special about it, but according to the jade talisman given to him by the old man of the wheel of life, this should be the place where the old man of the wheel of life's treasure was.


Chu Fengmian looked around, but found nothing.

There was nothing on the surface of this dead land, no living things, not even stones, only black soil.

"Is it underground?"

Chu Fengmian looked at his feet and frowned.

Before, he was trying to explore the underground of this dead land when he was attacked by the black tentacles. This warning obviously did not allow Chu Fengmian to continue exploring.

But if the treasure of the old man of the wheel of life was underground in this dead land, it would be troublesome.

The existence behind the Land of Death, his strength is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary Thousand Laws Lords, and is even stronger than the Lord of Moments. Chu Fengmian feels that he is somewhat similar to the Lord of Nine Heavens.

Chu Fengmian is not willing to rashly provoke and offend such an existence.

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