Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 6024 Six Jedi, the Land of Death

"This should be a dead place in the end of the world. No living beings exist. It is said that even warriors who enter this dead place may die inexplicably."

"This place of death and silence can be regarded as an extremely dangerous place in the end of the world."

"The treasure of this reincarnated old man was left in the land of death?"

Chu Fengmian looked at the black plain around him, and a lot of information about the Land of Death appeared in his mind.

This time it's the end of the world.

Chu Fengmian also collected a lot of information about the Doomsday Era from Zhenzhou in advance.

Although the information recorded was extremely general, Chu Fengmian also obtained a crucial thing, which was the map of the End Era.

The Doomsday Era is a very special era.

Like most eras, the central area is the core of an era, the most important, and the most iconic place of an era.

But this end of the world is different.

The entire branch of the End of the Age is the central area, which is considered the safest area. For example, most warriors who come to the End of the Age will feel that the End of the Age is not as dangerous as the rumors.

It is because the central area of ​​the Doomsday Era is considered the safest place, but once you move towards the edge, you will encounter more and more dangers.

The entire Doomsday Era is divided into six Jedi areas, which are considered the most dangerous areas. Crystal Continent is one of them.

Although it is said that the Crystal Continent contains the mysteries of Crystal Martial Arts, it is a treasured place for warriors like Chu Fengmian who have understood the Crystal Martial Arts.

However, for most warriors who have not practiced crystal martial arts, the Crystal Continent is an absolute decision. Especially those warriors who have not practiced crystal martial arts have no ability to resist crystal erosion.

If you approach the Crystal Continent rashly, you will only end up with the power of crystallization corroding you and your demise.

Therefore, the Crystal Continent is also known as one of the most dangerous Jedi in the Doomsday Era.

The remaining five Jedi are also located in other areas of the Doomsday Era, which can be regarded as dividing the entire Crystal Continent into six.

No one knows the size of these Jedi, because no one has ever entered the end, whether it is the Land of Death or the Crystal Continent.

So no one knows how huge the Doomsday Era is, but in many people's speculations, the Doomsday Era is marked on the map.

It may be just a part of the real Doomsday Era, and the six Jedi are the largest area in the Doomsday Era.

With Chu Fengmian's current strength, he would need to explore the Crystal Continent tens of thousands of times before he could fully explore the Crystal Continent.

For other warriors who have not practiced Crystal Martial Arts, exploring the Crystal Continent is an unthinkable thing.

As for this Deadly Silent Land, it is similar. Regarding the dangers contained in the Deadly Silent Land, there are very few records in Zhenzhou. They only mention an existence called Shadow Beast.

All warriors who enter the land of death and silence will be attacked by shadow beasts, and the deeper into the land of death and silence, the stronger the shadow beasts will be.

According to the records of Zhenzhou, the six Jedi in the End of the End Era are all dangerous places where the master may fall if he enters them, marking the dangers involved.

Chu Fengmian had also vaguely guessed that the treasure that Old Man Samsara asked Chu Fengmian to search for might be among the six Jedi.

If it were outside the six Jedi, I am afraid that the treasure would have been found by some warriors long ago. After all, the death of Old Man Samsara can be traced back to an extremely ancient era.

For so long, the old man Samsara still believed that the treasure had not been discovered. The only possibility was that the old man Samsara left the treasure among the six Jedi.

Only in areas like the Six Jedi, where even the rulers dare not set foot rashly, can such a treasure be preserved.

"That old man reincarnation, since he thinks I can get the treasure, this dead place won't be so dangerous."

Chu Fengmian muttered silently.

Old Man Samsara wouldn't let him die in vain, it was meaningless.

However, Chu Fengmian did not completely believe what Old Man Samsara said.

"This dead place is so boundless that you can't even tell how huge it is."

Chu Fengmian flew in the land of death and silence for a full quarter of an hour. He also found that the surrounding scene was no different from when Chu Fengmian first entered the land of death and silence.

The entire dead land looks exactly the same environment, without any living creatures or signs. Even the black land underfoot is exactly the same.

If Chu Fengmian hadn't been sure that he hadn't entered the illusion, he might have thought that this dead place was just an illusion.

"How come I haven't encountered those so-called shadow beasts?"

And what Chu Fengmian found strange was.

He had been in the land of death for so long.

Unexpectedly, I haven't encountered the shadow beast mentioned in the Zhenzhou intelligence.

According to Zhenzhou's intelligence, the most dangerous things in this dead place are the so-called shadow beasts.


Just when Chu Fengmian was thinking.

Suddenly he felt a slight itch on his back.

It was very slight, but it still couldn't be hidden from Chu Fengmian's eyes.

He turned around immediately, but suddenly saw a black humanoid figure standing on the ground. His right hand stretched out and turned into a tentacle, like a blade, slashing towards Chu Fengmian's back.

But this power.

It didn't even reach the level of Dao Zun.

So this blade slashed at Chu Fengmian's back, but it only made Chu Fengmian feel a little itchy.

"Is this the shadow beast?"

But Chu Fengmian was quite interested in the black humanoid figure in front of him.

Judging from the attack of the black humanoid figure just now, his strength should not even reach the level of Dao Zun. With such strength, even if Chu Fengmian stood in the same place, he could not hurt Chu Fengmian at all.

But what made Chu Fengmian emotional was.

How did this shadow beast suddenly appear behind Chu Fengmian?

After Chu Fengmian came to the dead land, he also used his spiritual consciousness and paid attention to the surroundings at all times.

Although the Zhenzhou intelligence mentioned that this kind of shadow beast's attack was silent.

But Chu Fengmian's spiritual awareness is comparable to that of the master of all laws. Even if a master of all laws takes action, it cannot be hidden from Chu Fengmian's eyes.

But now this shadow beast, such a weak shadow beast, can actually hide from Chu Fengmian's eyes, which makes Chu Fengmian feel extremely surprised.

"Are you a shadow beast? Or something else? Can you speak?" (End of this chapter)

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