Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 6016 The most dazzling genius

Chu Fengmian's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Let's not talk about the Lord of Blood Roar, who was originally a genius with a promising future.

If the Lord of Blood Roar continued to develop, his strength might indeed catch up with Chu Fengmian, or even surpass Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian never looked down on a peerless genius like the Lord of Blood Roar.

Now it seems that the Lord of Blood Roar is a little too arrogant because of his high qualifications.

But if the Lord of Blood Roar can escape this disaster, with his qualifications, he will definitely break and then stand up. Once the Lord of Blood Roar grows up, it will be a trouble for Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian was a little annoyed that he failed to kill Gu Luanyu in the Ancient Immortal City before.

However, because of the special environment of the Ancient Immortal City, Chu Fengmian could not stop Gu Luanyu from escaping even if he tried his best.

But this time, facing the Lord of Blood Roar, since there is an opportunity to kill the Lord of Blood Roar, Chu Fengmian will definitely not let the Lord of Blood Roar go.

Moreover, Chu Fengmian was determined to obtain the blood-colored long sword, the magic weapon in the hands of the Lord of Blood Roar.


"What happened?"

"The Lord of Blood Roar was defeated?"

"This Lord of Blood Roar is a Thousand Laws Lord! The Thousand Laws Lord was defeated?"

"The Lord of Absolute Sword is also a Thousand Laws Lord. He also has a magic weapon? His strength is even stronger than that of the Lord of Blood Roar?"

Many Lords present felt that they were dreaming when they saw the changes in the battle.

After seeing the Lord of Blood Roar display the strength of the Thousand Laws Lord.

Many Lords present believed that this battle was no longer suspenseful.

On the Eternal Continent, a Thousand Laws Lord is an absolute ancestor. Even in the four sects and the nine great families, they are all transcendent beings. In countless eras, it is not necessarily possible to give birth to a Thousand Laws Lord.

A Thousand Laws Lord can walk sideways even in the Zhongfu where there are many strong people, let alone in a remote place like Luming Territory.

Everyone thought that with the Lord of Blood Ming showing the power of the Thousand Laws Lord, Chu Fengmian in front of him would be easily killed.

But the confrontation was in an instant.

The person who was beaten back step by step was actually the Lord of Blood Ming?

It was not because the Lord of Blood Ming was weak.

Even if they watched from afar and felt the power of the Lord of Blood Ming, they could understand the strength of the Lord of Blood Ming.

But now the Lord of Blood Ming still seemed so vulnerable in front of Chu Fengmian.

That was because Chu Fengmian's strength was stronger than that of the Lord of Blood Ming.

The power of Chu Fengmian was even more terrifying than that of the Lord of Blood Ming.

"Thousand Laws Lord! Two Thousand Laws Lords appeared in the Eternal Continent at once? This?"

Many Lords were shocked and speechless.

Especially for many of them, the Lord of Hundred Laws and the Lord of Hundred Laws Peak are the gaps they cannot cross, and are the goals they pursue throughout their lives.

As for the Lord of Thousand Laws, this should only exist in myths and legends.

Now two of them suddenly appeared, which is beyond everyone's cognition.

If it weren't for the fact that the power of the aftermath of Chu Fengmian's fight with the Lord of Blood Ringing continued to spread around in the air, they could feel this power.

I'm afraid everyone would think that everything in front of them was a dream.

"Lord of Thousand Laws? Brother Chu is actually the Lord of Thousand Laws? And he has a magic weapon! This..."

The Lord of Black Sky on the other side.

Looking at Chu Fengmian in the sky, his eyes were also mixed.

Lord of Thousand Laws.

Even for the Lord of Black Sky, this is a mythical existence. Even if he got the inheritance of the Black Ancestor, he might not be able to become the Lord of Thousand Laws in the end.

But now, Chu Fengmian did it.

Even more surprised than others, the Lord of Black Sky.

Because the Lord of Black Sky was the one who brought Chu Fengmian to the Eternal Continent.

Chu Fengmian's strength in the Epoch Sea was enough to sweep across the Epoch Sea and dominate the Epoch Sea.

But the power gap between the Epoch Sea and the Eternal Continent was huge.

The Lord of Black Sky, who had entered the Eternal Continent, understood it best.

I'm afraid that Chu Fengmian at that time would not be a match for any Ten-method Master.

And how long has it been since Chu Fengmian just entered the Eternal Continent?

It's only been more than a year.

The Lord of Black Sky thought that in this year or so, he could step into the realm of master, and even become a master of a hundred methods, which is already a peerless genius.

But now, in front of Chu Fengmian, any so-called peerless genius seems so bleak and unqualified to have the name of a genius.

In more than a year, from an invincible strong man who has not achieved mastership, he has directly reached the realm of a thousand-method master.

If the Lord of Black Sky had not witnessed all this with his own eyes, the Lord of Black Sky would never dare to believe it.

"It is a pity for all warriors of this era that someone like Brother Chu rose up in the same era."

The Lord of Black Sky sighed.

If he had wanted to compete with Chu Fengmian before.

Then he saw that Chu Fengmian already had the power of the Lord of Thousand Laws.

He even held a magic weapon and beat the Lord of Blood Ming, who also had the strength of the Lord of Thousand Laws.

The Lord of Black Sky wanted to fight with Chu Fengmian, but it was completely shattered. Such a gap has made the Lord of Black Sky understand that there will only be one most dazzling genius in this era, and that is Chu Fengmian.

Just when everyone was feeling mixed emotions.

The battle in the air.

Since Chu Fengmian wanted to kill the Lord of Blood Roar, he did not show any mercy. Holding the Purple King Sword, he slashed at the Lord of Blood Roar one sword after another.

The Lord of Blood Roar raised the blood-colored long sword in his hand to resist.

If there was no blood-colored long sword, the Lord of Blood Roar would have died countless times.

It was with the power of this blood-colored long sword that the Lord of Blood Roar could barely resist Chu Fengmian's sword.

But this resistance could not last too long.

Because Chu Fengmian could see that the power of the Lord of Blood Roar was getting weaker and weaker.

Every time he activated the power of the blood-colored long sword, he would consume a lot of the Blood Roaring Lord's own power. Now the Blood Roaring Lord has reached the point of exhaustion.

If he continues to fight, the Blood Roaring Lord will eventually end up exhausted.

Chu Fengmian knew this, so he was not in a hurry to kill the Blood Roaring Lord immediately.

Because a peerless genius like the Blood Roaring Lord is not so easy to kill.

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