Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 6114: The Master of Thousand Methods! The Lord of Blood Roar!

Divine weapon!

This is the most terrifying weapon in the world. In the Ancient Immortal City, only the Thousand Laws Master is qualified to master this treasure.

Even in the nine great families and four sects, the number of divine weapons is very small, and they are all controlled by the ancestors of the family.

And for the nine great families and four sects, the masters who have divine weapons are even fewer.

So much so that for many masters present, they have never even seen a divine weapon.

This time, seeing the blood-colored long sword in the hands of the Lord of Blood Roar, it was the first time they really saw the divine weapon with their own eyes.

For the first time, they really felt the power of the divine weapon, and their faces changed.

Because just by feeling it, they can clearly feel the terrifying power contained in the divine weapon, which is beyond the power of ordinary masters.

Especially when the Lord of Blood Roar held this blood-colored long sword, the power aura on the Lord of Blood Roar was completely different from before.

Such a close distance.

That battle, the victory or defeat is determined by points!

After that, the Ancient Immortal City had not used all its strength, but had been forcing the Lord of Blood Roar, not waiting for the Lord of Blood Roar to take out the magic weapon and show its true strength.

Now that the Lord of Blood Roar has taken the initiative to come to the door, the Ancient Immortal City naturally has to fight hard.

The power of that knife completely crushed the surrounding space, with the momentum of destroying the world.

Many of the top masters of the Hundred Laws in the Ancient Immortal City were promoted to the level of the Lord of Thousand Laws after obtaining the magic weapon and fully mastering the power of the magic weapon, becoming the new Lord of Thousand Laws.

Because of the spiritual consciousness, it has long been discovered that there has always been a hidden power under the Lord of Blood Roar.

Even a Lord of Thousand Laws could not resist that kind of sudden attack.

The Lord of Blood Roar was hiding so deeply that he even hid a magic weapon.

But after all, without the blessing of the power of the magic weapon, the power of that knife was less than ten times weaker than the later one with the power of the blood-colored long knife.


If it weren't for killing Guxiancheng today, the Lord of Blood Roar wouldn't have cared so much. I can't imagine how angry the Lord of Blood Roar is.

A small roar.

This has surpassed the power of the peak master of Hundred Laws and reached the power of the master of Thousand Laws.

"Are you bluffing? Or have you ever seen the power of the magic weapon! Today you will let him know the difference in power between you."

I almost judged at a glance that the Lord of Blood Roar behind me must have that magic weapon.

It was also the weakest knife that the Lord of Blood Roar had used.

Now it seems that the Lord of Blood Roar finally held back.

Under the Eternal Land, the laws of heaven and earth are not as stable as those in Chu Fengmian. The power of a master of Thousand Laws does have the power to destroy the world.

When the Lord of Blood Roar took out the magic weapon, Guxiancheng didn't have any surprises.

I suddenly took out the magic weapon and killed Guxiancheng with that blood-colored long sword.

"Blood Blade! Kill!"

"It is an honor for the Lord of Absolute Sword to die on a magic weapon!"

Many people thought that the battle would definitely break the myth of the Lord of Blood Roar.

Gu Xiancheng was not familiar with the magic weapon, especially before Gu Xiancheng completely mastered the Purple King Sword, and with Gu Xiancheng's weak spiritual awareness.

Now the Lord of Blood Roar has actually done this.

Even in the four small families and the seven sects, a master of a thousand methods is an absolute weakling, a special existence of the ancestors in a force.

It is certain that the Lord of Blood Roar is really just a master of a hundred methods. Gu Xiancheng is afraid that he has already gone all out and defeated him.

The Lord of Blood Roar felt a little strange, but I just thought that Zhan Chunmei was bluffing.

For the Lord of Blood Roar who has completely mastered a magic weapon, I am not a real master of a thousand methods.

Seeing Gu Xiancheng's intense reaction.

But no one expected it.



Originally, seeing that Zhan Chunmei's strength was so weak.

Everyone felt suffocated when they heard that name.

In the imagination of the Lord of Blood Roar, the scene of Ancient Immortal City panicking did not appear.

"Too horrible! How did the Lord of Blood Roar do it? The Lord of Thousand Laws! In an era, I am not enough to be on equal footing with these legendary existences!"

Instead, Ancient Immortal City looked at the Lord of Blood Roar fiercely and spoke fiercely.

The Lord of Blood Roar raised his blood-colored long sword and fell, slashing towards Zhan Chunmei in the air.

Even the news that the Lord of Blood Roar possessed the magic weapon was known in the Eternal Land, and some people even knew that the Lord of Blood Roar had mastered the magic weapon without anyone knowing.

Before leaving Zhan Chunmei, Ancient Immortal City had a hard time finding an evenly matched opponent.

That was the true strength of the Lord of Blood Roar.

When Master Xu Shao saw the collapse of the surrounding space, his face changed slightly and he fled madly to the nearby place.

"Is that the true strength of the Lord of Blood Roar?"

In the situation that no one knows, the Lord of Blood Roar has not yet possessed the strength of the Lord of Thousand Laws.

That time, the Lord of Blood Roar was also completely enraged by the Ancient Immortal City. If so, I would also show my true strength.

And now, the Lord of Blood Roar, as the master of that era, has become the Lord of Thousand Laws.

It is precisely because the Ancient Immortal City has not yet seen that the Lord of Blood Roar behind him is definitely a Thousand Laws Lord, a Thousand Laws Lord holding a magic weapon, that he would go to such lengths.

"Finally willing to show his true strength?"

"Thousand Laws Lord!"

But Zhan Chunmei, who was at the center of the blade, had an extremely fierce expression on her face.

We are also willing to be involved in the collapsed space. The power of a Thousand Laws Lord, even the aftermath, is enough to crush me to death. That is not the difference in strength.

The Lord of Blood Roar looked at the Ancient Immortal City with a ferocious face.

It is not for a bad battle with the Lord of Blood Roar.

And what shocked everyone was that the current Lord of Blood Roar could actually fully master the power of this magic weapon, otherwise, the power of the Lord of Blood Roar would not become so terrifying.

It must be just a peak Lord of Hundred Laws, which naturally attracted the attention of the Ancient Immortal City and wasted so little time of Zhan Chunmei.

The Lord of Blood Roar held the blood-colored long sword in his hand. It can be seen that the Lord of Blood Roar has not completely mastered the power of the blood-colored long sword, but has only mastered it roughly, so it is not difficult to use it.

In the Eternal Continent, mentioning a master of thousands of methods is almost a mythical figure, a legend, a myth.

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