Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 6004: Plan

Although Hei Zu's martial arts may not be suitable for the Martial Overlord.

But for the Martial Overlord who has no way out, he also wants to grab a glimmer of hope.

"The Martial Overlord is not a problem, but behind him is the Panwu family, one of the nine great families. If we kill him directly... there will be endless troubles."

Chu Fengmian's eyes condensed and he said to himself.

The Martial Overlord.

A master of the top of the hundred methods.

Not to mention no magic weapon.

In Chu Fengmian's view today, it is indeed not a problem.

With Chu Fengmian's current strength, it is not a difficult task to kill the Martial Overlord.

But behind the Martial Overlord is the Panwu family, one of the nine great families.

Lord Luo looked at Lord Bai Tian and asked.

"So the leader Zheng Qianqun can be killed, and the worst is to let me move forward despite the difficulties..."

Lord Bai Tian did not dare to doubt Zheng Qianqun's words.

Hearing Lord Luo's question.

"Brother Chu, what kind of opportunity did you get when you came to the Eternal Continent? You are so powerful that you even take the top master of the Hundred Methods seriously?"

"At worst, we can talk to the Dark Ancient Immortal City alone for a while, let him get in, and then find a way to force the head of the Wu Family."

On the other hand, it is also because Chu Fengmian is not the only one who took action. Ghost Saint, Dark Saint and others have not participated. It can be regarded as an action initiated by Zhenzhou.

If the Lord of Bai Tian retreated to Wu Bazhi once, I am afraid he would be surprised.

Even if Lord Luo asked Zhenzhou for help, I am afraid he would have to pay a very small price.

My master must get in.

Hearing that name, Lord Luo also thought about it.

Not in the Eternal Continent, so this matter will not affect the Eternal Continent.

Lord Bai Tian couldn't help thinking in his heart.

But now Lord Luo said, he killed him? It seems that killing such a top master of the Hundred Methods is like eating and drinking water.

And the Lord of Luo is also a master of Zhenzhou.

By then, Chu Fengmian will have to face not only the Panwu family, but the entire nine great families.

"How does the strength of the ancient city of Mingxian compare with the master of the Wu family?"

One of the important reasons why the inheritance of Baizu attracted so many masters was not the strength of the Lord of Baitian himself.

It must be the Lord of Baitian, who knows nothing about Zheng Qianqun. If Zheng Qianqun is such a targeted person, I am afraid that the Lord of Luo is talking nonsense.

This is different from the killing of the master of the Zijin family in the ancient city and the seizure of the Dark King Dagger.

The Lord of Luo said to himself, I also thought of a plan.

"As for the rest, there is only one master in Zhenzhou, Ming Zheng Qianqun. As for the other masters, you can't deal with them, but those seven people..."

In addition, Zhenzhou itself is a relatively loose organization, so many of the young masters are alone.

The Lord of the Day also thought for a while and spoke.

Zheng Qianqun looked at the Lord of the Day and asked again.

I am now in such a small trouble, all because of Master Xu, who coveted the inheritance of the White Ancestor.

Thinking of that, Zheng Qianqun also looked at the Lord of the Day and suddenly spoke.

"Another master of the Hundred Methods Peak, the Dark Ancient Immortal City is not a big deal."

The Lord of the Day heard Zheng Qianqun's muttering, but was surprised and speechless.

In addition, the nine great families have always been of the same blood.

A man is guilty of holding a treasure.

Although the Lord of Luo has now joined the Zhenzhou.

Chu Fengmian just left the Ancient Immortal City and returned to the Eternal Continent to avoid trouble. He doesn't want to provoke the nine great families all at once.

Behind the Dark Ancient Immortal City is the Zhenzhou.

I am also worried that the Lord of Luo also wants to seize the inheritance of the White Ancestor.

Although I have joined the Zhenzhou, the Lord of Luo is the only one who has cooperated with the Lord of Zhenzhou, namely the Dark Saint, Ghost Saint, and Lord of Feiyang.

The head of the Wu family is a master of the top 100 methods.

Because of the inheritance of the Baizu, I was even betrayed by my best friend.

After all, even the Lord of Baidang, a master of thousands of methods who mastered the magic weapon, was killed by the Lord of Luo.

The worst way to save the Lord of Baitian from trouble is to let everyone's sight leave the Lord of Baitian.

In addition, there is no small force to support the Lord of Baitian. If the inheritance of the Baizu falls into the hands of any of the four small families, seven sects, and the eight small forces of Baishi, it will be coveted by so many masters.

It is certain that Lord Luo really caused trouble for a long time, and Zhenzhou will take the initiative to help.

Even if I try my best now, at least I am not a temporary opponent.

I need to take Zhenzhou into consideration.

The Lord of Bai Tian now holds the inheritance of Bai Zu, so he is being watched by the young masters. However, once the inheritance of Bai Zu falls into the hands of others, into the hands of a master we dare to provoke.

Lord Luo said silently.

Facing Zhen Zhou, even the Purple Gold Family would want to start a war rashly, so he could only swallow the loss.

After all, the Lord of Bai Tian had just entered the realm of master, and had never retreated into Wu Ba Zhi, so he knew what Lord Luo did in Wu Ba Zhi.

Although the Lord of Bai Tian is a master of 100 methods, his strength is not enough in front of the treasure of Bai Zu's inheritance.

The Lord of Bai Tian also replied with a wry smile.

The Lord of Bai Tian's face became relaxed.

The Lord of Luo was also thinking about the plan in his mind.

He is not much different from Zheng Qianqun, and he is just a cooperative relationship with Zhen Zhou.

As for the other people, the Lord of Luo also belongs to them.

"Among the masters of the Wu Shi family, there is not even the master of the other family, but he has also set his sights on the inheritance of Bai Zu."

On the one hand, this incident happened in Guxian City.

But the Lord of Luo also knew that such joining could only be regarded as a kind of cooperation.

Now the master of the Wu Shi family is naturally nothing.

I have fought with those seven people briefly, so I know our strength roughly.

"Zhenzhou Lord, Minggu Immortal City?"

"On par with them."

"What is the inheritance of Bai Zu? Can I show it to you?"

"If it weren't for the seven of us, we would be wary of each other and have nothing to do with each other. We all want to let Bai Zu's inheritance fall into the hands of the other party, so we have not taken action yet. I'm afraid you can't sit there now."

That's what Lord Luo wants to see.

The Lord of Wu Ba is an extremely ancient Lord in the Panwu family. If he suddenly dies, the Panwu family will definitely not let it go.

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