Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 5993: Attack on Chu Fengmian

"In the final era, obtain a treasure?"

Chu Fengmian thought for a moment and nodded.

In the final era, Chu Fengmian often went there because he wanted to understand the mysteries of the Crystal Continent.

It's just that Chu Fengmian has never had the opportunity to explore the end of the world in detail.

He always felt that there were quite a few secrets hidden in the Doomsday Era.

But before, Chu Fengmian did not dare to explore the end of the world rashly because of his lack of strength.

But now Chu Fengmian has the strength to dominate the Thousand Laws. With such strength, he is already qualified to explore the end of the world.

It just so happens that we can take advantage of this opportunity to complete the reincarnation old man's mission.

Especially Old Man Samsara, he also promised a reward. Although he didn't say what kind of treasure it was, as Old Man Samsara, the treasures he took out were definitely worth a lot, and Chu Fengmian also knew this.

What's more, Chu Fengmian also believed that Old Man Samsara would not harm him intentionally. After all, with Old Man Samsara's strength, killing Chu Fengmian was just a snap of the fingers and there was no need to spend so much effort.

Suddenly there was a burst of energy under the sky, and a huge force suddenly fell from the sky. The small force was like a huge tentacle, grabbing the Key of Time.

That force soared into the sky, tearing apart the space. In an instant, the two forces clashed together, and the huge forces collided with each other, tearing apart the surrounding laws of heaven and earth.

An extremely small force suddenly erupted from behind the Key of Time. Or rather, it suddenly erupted from the palace in front of the Key of Time.

"The power of evil and terror, isn't that the power of the Lord of All Laws?"

The power of any tentacle is a force that the Qianfa Master cannot resist.

Who would have thought that the Lord of the Four Heavens would actually take action, and that his power would be far weaker than before.

Eyes and eyes were looking over there, but there was someone who dared to approach.

The Key of Time raised his head and looked at the collision of forces under the sky, especially the center of the confrontation between the two forces. The violent power was enough to sweep everything and destroy everything.

"It is said that there is a little secret hidden in Chu Fengmian. At first glance, it turns out that what he said is false."

He only doesn't have the Key of Time, but he stands still and moves.


There was a boom.

Very slowly, all the masters moved towards Yu Qin, forming a blank area there.

"Four days! Is he provoking you?"

"Lord of the Four Heavens? Haven't I surpassed the limit of being the master of thousands of laws and become the master of ten thousand laws?"

And that palace is the palace of Old Man Samsara.

But there is a timely key to take action.

"That power is so weak that it must be at the level of a Thousand Dharma Master! Didn't you expect that the Lord of the Four Heavens actually succeeded!"

"Lord of all laws?"

At the same time, thinking about the news released by the Lord of White Darkness later, people understood the thoughts of the Lord of the Four Heavens.

"That is?"

"That kind of power is the Lord of the Four Heavens?"

Even many of the masters in the ancient immortal city raised their heads, because the power spread hundreds of thousands of people under the sky. Even from a distance, they could not clearly see the power in the air. Clash of forces.

That kind of power?

The moment Pan Tinglei's face changed in shock, she took out the Purple King Sword without any hesitation, and immediately activated the power of the Purple King Sword, preparing to resist.

It is much weaker than the power of any Qianfa Lord that Key of Time has ever seen.

"That's a dangerous area outside! He's crossed the line! He's broken the rules!"

Seeing the huge tentacles of power falling from the sky, Key of Time's expression changed slightly. I also felt the huge power under the huge tentacles, which was far beyond the power of the Lord of White Darkness.

For many of the ancient masters in the Ancient Immortal City, when we saw the small figures in front of the four tentacles under the sky, we recognized each other's identity at a glance.

"Did Old Man Samsara take action?"

The Lord of All Laws is the apex existence of the Lord. Apart from the lowly King of Lords, the Lord of All Laws is the weakest.

Not to mention the other masters.

The confrontation between the two Masters of Ten Thousand Laws, even if the aftermath breaks out, it is difficult for the Master of Thousand Laws to withstand it.

It is also in Panting City that he is almost universally recognized as the being with the least hope of being promoted to the Lord of All Laws.

Because the Key of Time also knows whether there is any meaning in my escape. The goal of the Lord of the Four Heavens is to marry the Key of Time.

Under the sky, the Lord of the Four Heavens also spoke. My voice was like rolling thunder, resounding between heaven and earth, deafening.

"You hold the jade talisman and enter the end of the world. This jade talisman will guide you forward."

Old Man Samsara nodded when he saw Chu Fengmian agreeing. At the same time, a jade talisman emerged from his palm and handed it to Chu Fengmian.

But just when the Key of Time left the Palace of Old Man Samsara, preparing to communicate with the power of the laws of heaven and earth in Panting City, he was about to leave the Ancient Immortal City.

The Key of Time felt that the surrounding world was shaking, and at the same time, a strong sense of security surged into his heart.

"Go in quickly!"

In the palace of Old Man Samsara, Old Man Samsara's voice sounded again.

Key of Time's expression changed.

"With the strength of the Lord of the Four Heavens, Chu Fengmian is actually needed?"

"Am I going to take action against the master of the sword? Want to capture Chu Fengmian?"

After doing all this, Chu Fengmian turned around and left the palace of Samsara Old Man.

Lord of the Four Heavens!

Even the Key of Time was amazed when he saw that scene. That was not the power of the master of all laws.

Boom boom boom boom!

Now that the old man of Samsara has taken action, he still cannot stop the four masters of the sky. The Key of Time must face the four masters of the sky alone. Even if the Key of Time has played all his cards, he may not be able to get through unscathed. It is better to stay with the old man of Samsara.

I never thought that there would be no master in the dangerous area. He took no account of the rules of the dangerous area and suddenly attacked the Key of Time. Especially the weak power was several times weaker than the Lord of White and Darkness.

Chu Fengmian took the jade talisman and put it into the main body world.

"Old man of Samsara! You intend to be his enemy! Chu Fengmian, he cares about him, but you need to hand this big guy over to you and leave immediately!"

It is the Key of Time.

"Who is that? Dare to attack in the danger zone, Master of Thousand Laws? Do you have the courage to do that?"

Four huge tentacles fell from the sky and bombarded the direction of the Key of Time together.

"Action in the danger zone?"

According to rumors, one of the weakest Masters of Thousand Laws.

Although the voice of the old man of Samsara was fierce, there was no questionable command in his tone.

Master Xu also saw at a glance that the target of the four masters of heaven was the Key of Time above.


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