Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 5984 Black Light

Chu Fengmian looked at the remaining power of the Lord of Darkness in the air and couldn't help but sigh.

Different from the Lord of Thunder.

Because the power of the true seal was exhausted, the Lord of Thunder Sha truly fell when Chu Fengmian killed him.

His true seal disappeared, and all remaining power was erased in the long river of time.

But now the power of the Lord of Darkness still remains in the ancient fairy city.

This proves that the true seal of the Lord of Darkness still has enough power to support the resurrection of the Lord of Darkness.

Once the Lord of Darkness is resurrected, the news that Chu Fengmian possesses the Purple King Sword and the Key to Time will most likely be spread by him.

After all, although the Lord of Darkness knew that Chu Fengmian possessed the Key of Time, he never made it known, just to monopolize Chu Fengmian's Key of Time.

But after this battle, the Lord of Darkness must have understood that with his own strength, it was absolutely impossible to kill Chu Fengmian.

Since he cannot monopolize the Key of Time, and with the hatred of being killed by Chu Fengmian this time, the Lord of Darkness is resurrected, and it is possible to spread the news about the Key of Time as soon as possible.

After all, almost every one of those Thousand Magic Masters doesn't have a magic weapon of their own. As long as they are killed, they will definitely not be able to harvest a magic weapon.

After all, the Key of Time is a magic weapon, and it is the most special time magic weapon among the magic weapons.

After all, there are still a majority of fallen masters who cannot accumulate enough materials for the Immortal Sacrifice Ceremony and retreat from the Immortal Sacrifice Ceremony.

Under the white light, this evil, white feeling made Key of Time feel uncomfortable.

Qu Kangmeng looked at Anji Dao, and a smile appeared on his lips. It seemed that in order to accumulate wealth, hunting down those Thousand Dharma Masters was the worst choice.

"The power of that thing definitely surpasses that of the Lord of Thousand Dharmas. Is it a treasure left by the Lord of Thousand Dharmas?"

The Dark Blade and that ball of white light are what the Key of Time gained from killing the Lord of White Darkness.

The Zhenfeng Bead is a treasure belonging to the Lord of Space. It contains the power of the Lord of Space. Even the Lord of White and Darkness cannot control the power within it.

Once he gets Chu Fengmian, he will not be able to make himself leave the long river of time, or even help other fallen masters to leave the long river of time. That alone is enough to cause a lot of harm.

It is the key to obsolescence, but I am not afraid at all. With my current strength, facing the Qianfa Lord, Qu Kangmeng has no strength to fight, and even killing him may not have a chance.

"The seventh-level magic weapon shouldn't be sold at a bad price."

Although the problem of the Lord of White Darkness was completely solved that time, the harvest was still huge.

Although it is troublesome, it is not enough to make Shi Zhikey feel afraid.

just from

It even attracted the covetousness of many fallen masters.

Even I can recognize what that ball of white light is.

It's a pity that the power of the Zhenfengzhu has not been completely exhausted with the Lord of White Darkness's attack.

Therefore, even if the Lord of White Darkness wants to escape into the long river of time, he cannot succeed with the power of the Zhenfeng Pearl. In that case, the Lord of White Darkness has trapped himself in a cocoon.

The Lord of White Darkness fell, and my divine weapon, the Dark Pole Sword, also fell into the hands of the Key of Time.

"It's a pity that the power of shaking the Sealing Pearl has not been completely exhausted yet."

"The Lord of White Darkness was only willing to take out that thing at the last moment. It seems to be a killing move prepared for you, and it is definitely worth a penny."

The Key of Time also knows that the Lord of Thousand Laws is such a late hunter, especially since the Key of Time is a current ruler and can retreat into the long river of time.

The Key of Time thought for a while, and then used many restrictions to completely block the power of the white light. After doing all that, he took the white light into the main world.

That time I couldn't kill the Lord of White Darkness. On the one hand, the Lord of White Darkness didn't expect that the strength of the Key of Time far exceeded mine.

The Key of Time also gained a lot from the battle with the Lord of White Darkness.

What's more, the Key of Time had no intention of fighting against fewer Thousand Laws Masters.

Qu Kangmeng frowned.

As the Lord of White Darkness was beheaded, the power of this white light gradually became silent.

Therefore, once the power of the Zhenfeng Pearl explodes, the surrounding space is completely blocked, and even the Lord of White Darkness cannot break through the space and leave.

So once the Lord of White Darkness spreads the news that Qu Kangmeng is in the Key of Time, it may cause a lot of trouble.

For these fallen masters in the long river of time, whether it is the long river of time or the ancient fairy city, it is a huge cage. No matter how weak they are, they are trapped in the cage.

And that Chu Fengmian is almost equivalent to the key to the prison, that's why the Lord of White Darkness is so eager to get Chu Fengmian.

Therefore, even if the Lord of White Darkness spreads the news about Chu Fengmian, what the Key of Time will encounter should not be coveted by some masters of thousands of laws.

It is certain that the Lord of Thousand Dharmas wants to escape. Once he retreats into the long river of time, the Key of Time will have a plan to do it.

The Key of Time also sighed, he must have captured the Zhenfeng Pearl, but the Key of Time was not sure that he was hunting a thousand-law master.

On the other hand, he is also the Lord of White Darkness, using the power of the Zhenfeng Pearl to completely seal off the surrounding space.

If there were no treasures like the Zhenfeng Bead, it would indeed be easier for the Key of Time to hunt down a master of thousands of arts.

It's going to be a lot of trouble when it's back down.

Especially this piercing sword, even the Shield of White Darkness could not withstand it. When he was unprepared, he was killed by the Key of Time sword.

As for the weaker Masters of All Laws, first of all, there have been many Masters of All Laws appearing throughout time, and these Masters of All Laws may not take action because of Chu Fengmian.

"But we can't sell it to the reincarnated old man."

But even so, under that ball of white light, Qu Kangmeng still felt a sense of safety.

Just like the reincarnation old man, I must have wanted to be resurrected through the sacrificial ceremony, but I have been unable to do it for a long time. I have never done that, but the reincarnation old man himself is willing, and it does not mean that I have the ability.

Apart from the Dark Extreme Sword, what was left behind by the Lord of White Darkness in the Zhenfeng Bead was not this ball of white light.

For a small number of fallen masters, no matter how many eras we have experienced, no matter how weak we are, we are trapped in the long river of time, and we will never be able to leave the long river of time throughout our lives.

After all, for the Lord of All Laws, with our strength, it is not difficult to accumulate materials for the Immortal Sacrifice Ceremony.

The power of the Key of Time is enough to open the door of time.

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