Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 5975: The Purple Sword King’s Sword Technique

In the ancient fairy city.

In Chu Fengmian's cave.

Chu Fengmian sat cross-legged on the ground, and above his head, ancient books on swordsmanship appeared.

On top of this ancient book on swordsmanship, a new page of swordsmanship is gathering.

Chu Fengmian, on the other hand, was concentrating on comprehending the sword intention left in the Purple King Sword.

"Finally it worked!"

At the moment when the sword intent reaches its peak.

A new page of swordsmanship based on this ancient book on swordsmanship was finally condensed and completed.

Chu Fengmian opened his eyes, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that this Purple King Sword actually contains the Purple Sword King's sword inheritance."

That is also the origin of the saying that the sword is incomplete.

For these Thousand Dharma Masters, we have spent several eras of seclusion and hard training, and the Purple King has accumulated several years, but it is difficult for us to master 70% of the power of a magic weapon.

Even more advanced, Chu Fengmian discovered the sword intention hidden in the Purple Sword Sword from King Sword King. Chu Fengmian spent half a year comprehending the swordsmanship of King Shao Xin and integrating it into it. In the ancient books on swordsmanship.

Shao Xinshu stood up hurriedly.

That's precisely because Wang Jianwang's sword technique is deeply hidden in Shao Xinjian. In the end, he only mastered 87% of the power of the Purple Sword Sword, and there is no way to discover Wang Jianwang's sword technique.

Chu Fengmian vaguely felt that 80% of the power was still the limit of Shao Xinshu's ability to master the purple sword.

This sword intention seems to have been deliberately left by the Purple Sword King, and it was left in the Purple King Sword.

After all, for many masters, if we can get a magic weapon, it is just a matter of luck. We only get a magic weapon by chance.

But when he understood Wang Jianwang, Chu Fengmian realized that Wang Jianwang had not taken that step with the sword.

In this Purple King Sword, in addition to the powerful sword intention of the Purple King Sword itself, there is also another, completely different sword intention.

Shao Xinshu's swordsmanship has always been able to break through to the extreme and reach the realm of dominance. In fact, it is not the last step that is missing, but that last step is the threshold that has troubled countless swordsmanship geniuses throughout the ages.

The master of swordsmanship can do it, the former Master of Sword Master Xu Shao can do it, and even the current Chu Fengmian can do it.

Even though he is a weakling in the heart of the ancient Shao, King Sword King is still the master of strength and achievement in the end, not the way of the sword.

And it was precisely by virtue of the swordsmanship left by Wang Sword King that Chu Fengmian mastered the power of Shao Xinjian. Taking a step back, Chu Fengmian now mastered about 80% of the power of Shao Xinjian.

Chu Fengmian also comprehended this sword intention with curiosity, and finally the other sword intention hidden in the Purple King Sword was also comprehended by Chu Fengmian.

Especially the Purple Sword in Chu Fengmian's hand is an eighth-level magic weapon. Because Shao Xinjian's own power is weak, it is easier to master the power of the Purple Sword.

"No one would have thought that the Purple Sword King's swordsmanship inheritance, which seems to have been lost, is actually in the Purple King Sword."

Among the masters of thousands of arts, mastering 70% of the power of a magic weapon is almost the limit.

Although there is a way to fully control the power of the divine weapon, it is only possible to control it initially.

But even Old Man Samsara thought that the swordsmanship of King Sword King had not been lost.

Preliminarily mastering the power of a divine weapon is not enough for many masters.

Even if the power of the divine weapon does not match our Purple King, we have no choice but to quickly master the power of the divine weapon.

No matter whether it is in the Eternal Continent or the Era Sea, there is no sword cultivator who can achieve dominance with swordsmanship.

All the weak swordsmen are stuck in the last step after dominating the realm.

Shao Xinshu couldn't do that, not only because Shao Xinshu obtained the kendo of King Sword King from the Purple Sword, but also because of Chu Fengmian's own achievements in the kendo lineage.

Perhaps the Purple Sword King thought that after his death, my swordsmanship might be passed on, so he chose to hide his swordsmanship in Shao Xinjian.

As Chu Fengmian continued to understand the sword power contained in the Purple King Sword, he suddenly discovered it.

After all, the enlightenment of the Purple King lineage cannot be achieved in a short period of time, so Shao Xinshu did not choose to continue to retreat.

As for Chu Fengmian, it was when he mastered 70% of the power of the purple sword that I discovered that there was actually another kind of sword intention hidden in the purple sword.

Chu Fengmian was extremely slow in understanding the power of the Purple Sword. In almost half a year, I mastered 70% of the power of the Purple Sword.

Even the Purple Sword, which controls 70% of the power of the left and right, is comparable to the seventh-level, seventh-level magic weapon that controls 70% of the power.

And this turned out to be the sword intention of the Purple King Sword's previous owner, one of the ancient kings.

"It's a pity that this King of Swordsmen is not a master achieved by the way of swordsmanship, but a master achieved by the way of strength. He uses swordsmanship as a means of attack."

I would definitely let other Qianfa Masters know this, and I'm afraid they would all be shocked.

It seems that the way of the sword is not inherently incomplete, but there is a way to perfect it, and there is a way to achieve dominance through the way of the sword.

Chu Fengmian was overjoyed.

However, although the sword is hidden in the purple sword, it is difficult to find it, because the master of the purple sword may not be the master of the sword.

Chu Fengmian could not do that in such a short time, and it was precisely because of Chu Fengmian's terrifying talent in the sword path that he was able to do that.

In fact, the Purple Sword had changed several masters before King Jianwang, and finally fell into the hands of the old man of reincarnation.

Now Chu Fengmian has mastered 80% of the power of the Purple Sword in just one year, breaking the power limit of the Thousand Laws Master to master the magic weapon.

That has not broken the limit of the special Thousand Laws Master.

As long as Chu Fengmian cannot continue to perfect my sword path, Chu Fengmian may still master the Purple Sword, with less power, but it will take a long time.

Shao Xinshu originally thought that King Jianwang, who was one of the lower ancient martial arts, was a master of sword path achievement.

Originally, when Chu Fengmian discovered that the other sword intent in the Purple Sword belonged to Shao Xin left by King Shao Xin, Chu Fengmian was also more than happy in his heart.

So the Purple Sword is the most suitable for the Purple King. Therefore, although the Purple Sword is an eighth-level divine weapon, its price is almost the cheapest among the eighth-level divine weapons. It is precisely because of that reason.

I also showed some disappointment in my eyes.

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