Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 596 Jade Emperor Mirror

"What? Make us kneel down? Could it be that Chu Fengmian has lost his mind and gone crazy?"

Yan Gu sneered repeatedly.

"Don't think that just because you get some adventures, you are enough to be arrogant. With all the adventures you get, you are not even worthy of carrying my shoes!"

"So much nonsense."

Chu Fengmian glanced at Yan Gu, then at Mu Yezhan, and sneered.

"You two come together. It's troublesome to deal with it one by one. Since you are here to die, why don't you just have fun?"

Chu Fengmian stood in the air with his hands behind his back, and said coldly, with great confidence in his words.

His eyes were extremely relaxed, as if there was no pressure at all.


Chu Fengmian's words simply stunned countless Beimang Academy disciples present.

One against two? When facing Yan Gu, he actually asked Mu Yezhan to join him?

"Although Chu Fengmian is the new king of this year, everyone knows that this new king is just the tallest among the short ones, and is a disciple with extremely high talents, such as Yan Gu, Mu Yezhan and others. Only when he is selected by the elders and becomes an inner disciple will he be allowed to become the new king."

"Chu Fengmian is really too arrogant. Now that he has had some adventures, he can become arrogant."

"Humph, Chu Fengmian is at the limit of the divine power realm. Yan Gu and Mu Yezhan are also at the limit of the divine power realm. What's more, they have also learned the elder's secret technique. This kid can't stand up to one against the other. Maybe, you still want to fight one against two? "

"Forget it, this person is extremely arrogant, and he should be taught a lesson. It's okay to be arrogant in the outer sect. If he dares to be arrogant in the face of two top ten figures in the inner sect, he is asking for trouble."

There were many discussions.

Near this mountain range, there are now countless disciples of Beimang Academy, coming to watch the battle.

Yan Gu, Mu Yezhan was an elder's disciple. Now that he had completed his cultivation, he took action for the first time and attracted the attention of countless people.

As for Chu Fengmian, in their opinion, he was someone who was looking for death.

It is only a matter of time for an elder disciple like this to be promoted to a seed disciple. The qualifications of the two of them are not bad, and now their realm has reached the limit of divine power.

In the same realm, there is no chance that they would lose to Chu Fengmian.

"Chu Fengmian, please be merciful and teach him a lesson."

Bai Xuan frowned and reminded him.

She also knew that these two people were truly ignorant, and now that they could not die in peace, they could only ask Chu Fengmian to show mercy.

"It doesn't matter. I'll teach them a lesson. It won't really hurt them."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

This tone seemed to show that Yan Gu and Mu Yezhan were not considered at all, as if they could manipulate them however they wanted.

"What a shameless statement! Bai Xuan, do you really think the two of us are afraid of you? It's just because you are a womanizer and I don't want to argue with you."

Yan Gu looked at Bai Xuan with a hint of anger in his eyes.

"I'll take care of this kid in a while, and then I'll enjoy you! A woman like you should be my woman!"


Bai Xuan looked at Yan Gu with extremely cold eyes, but she didn't make a move.

She knew that there was no need for her to take action. Now that Yan Gu came to provoke Chu Fengmian, he was already a dead person.

Even if he doesn't die, Chu Fengmian will teach him a lesson sooner or later.

"You're just an ant, but you still want to be the king?"

Chu Fengmian looked at Yan Gu and sneered.

His figure suddenly moved, and in an instant, his figure came to Yan Gu. Suddenly, he gathered spiritual power and merged into his palm wind.

Suddenly, a palm struck towards Yan Gu.

"Hmph, how dare you be so arrogant with this little trick?"

When Yan Gu saw Chu Fengmian's attack, his eyes were extremely disdainful. In his opinion, this palm was simply a rough one with pure strength.

"Chu Fengmian, today I will let you see what real martial arts is! Mysterious!"

Yan Gu roared, and countless spiritual powers suddenly condensed from his side. These spiritual powers turned into layers of jade mirrors and blended into his fist style.

"Jade Mirror King Fist!"

Suddenly, Yan Gu's punch was about to sweep across the world, and the layers of space began to collapse, directly blasting the area around Chu Fengmian to pieces.

This punch was intended to shatter Chu Fengmian and the space around him, causing Chu Fengmian to be directly suppressed by the shattered space.

Chu Fengmian felt that the space around him was being condensed by a force, as if it was about to be completely blocked, leaving Chu Fengmian with no way to escape and could only be suppressed alive.

"It's ridiculous."

Chu Fengmian sneered and punched out, flying towards each other in the air.

"Boom! Boom!"

Continuous roars sounded, and surging spiritual powers clashed with each other. In the next moment, the blockade of the surrounding space was directly broken.

All the spiritual power of Yan Gu's punch was broken by Chu Fengmian's punch.

The two fists faced each other, and Yan Gu's power was retreating steadily, and he couldn't sustain it in an instant.

"How can it be?"

"Yan Gu actually lost? In a battle of forces, Yan Gu actually lost?"

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of some of the powerful men from Beimang College present.

Chu Fengmian and Yan Gu were both in the same realm, the limit of divine power.

As for Yan Gu, he was an elder's disciple and had also learned advanced techniques from Beimang Academy. His strength should be still higher than that of Chu Fengmian.

But now in the battle of strength, Yan Gu was defeated so miserably. This result was beyond anyone's imagination.

"Damn it, how can this person be so powerful?"

Yan Gu retreated repeatedly to neutralize the power of Chu Fengmian's fist. His eyes couldn't believe it either.

"It seems that you have underestimated this kid, but Chu Fengmian, so what if you are getting stronger? In front of my Jade Emperor Mirror, all your power will be meaningless!"

Yan Gu roared, and a mirror suddenly appeared from behind him.

This mirror is a simple bronze mirror, extremely ancient, and it contains mysterious power.

The power in this Jade Emperor Mirror is actually very close to the spiritual power in Yan Gu. It is obviously a spiritual weapon that best suits him.

"The Jade Emperor Mirror, this spiritual weapon, actually fell into Yan Gu's hands?"

Bai Xuan stood aside and said in surprise.

"The Jade Emperor Mirror, this is Elder Yugui's favorite spiritual weapon. Although it is only the best earth-level weapon, its real power is no less than a real heaven-level spiritual weapon. This is Elder Yugui's life-saving means, and it was actually given to him by him. "Yangu."

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