Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 5948 Entering the Ancient Immortal City Again

For example, most of the powerful masters must continue to practice in order to reach a higher realm and improve their strength.

Therefore, in order to avoid being disturbed, the masters of most forces practice in rotation.

Unless there is a serious matter of life and death, those masters of seclusion will be allowed to come out of seclusion.

Therefore, these three masters should be all the power that the Setsuna family can mobilize now. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are mobilized in full force.

"Unfortunately, it is difficult to find these three masters of the Instant Family when entering the Ancient Immortal City."

Chu Fengmian couldn't help but sigh.

He could surmise that this time the entire Mosha family was out in force, there must be a big plot, either for magic weapons or some treasures.

But even if Chu Fengmian wanted to destroy it, he had no chance, because the warriors who entered the ancient immortal city appeared at random locations.

Unless they are warriors who enter together, they will appear in the same place.

These three masters of the Instant Family have already entered the Ancient Immortal City.

Chu Fengmian of this family took a look at the surrounding scene, and before confirming the direction, it immediately turned into a ray of light, and the eight people flew towards the south at the same time.

"That's a good thing, it saves you from going on your way."

That's only because my strength is weak, but also because Chu Fengmian is a warrior who has inherited the blood of the Cha family.

Anyone who dares to set foot on the fairyland and even tear apart the space must be a weak master.

Eight figures appeared in a hurry.

Meeting those masters of the Cha family was just a big episode for the Ancient Immortal City.

But in the Rukai area, it is not the real Eighth Route Army Zone, but rather the paradise of the fallen lord. Unless it is to compete for divine weapons and other matters, the current lord of the world will definitely leave the dangerous area of ​​the ancient immortal city.

In the ancient fairy city.

"The Dark King Dagger of the Zijin Family was robbed by Zhenzhou's Dark Saint leader. That time you needed to be more cautious, so as not to have any intention of the Yin King Thorn, but you paid a small price to get it. What I got from Mingtian Sect is that I have no loss."

the other side.

When Chu Fengmian of the Cha family heard those words, he spoke fiercely.

Under such circumstances, when Chu Fengmian entered the ancient immortal city, the possibility of encountering the masters of the Momenta family was very slim.

This is different from leading the Dark Saint to intercept and kill the leader of the Zijin family and seize the Dark King dagger.

Ancient fairy city.

Behind a city gate.

"Chu Fengmian, do you feel that the bad image has no space fluctuations and no one else can control it? Did you find it?"

"That's a long way from the agreed place. Let's go!"

To test the power of that sword, Ancient Immortal City also needed to find an evenly matched opponent.

Ancient Immortal City was also very slow to determine my location in Ancient Immortal City.

"As for my other matters, I need to work hard."

The Dark Saint can find the leader of the Zijin Family because the Dark Saint is in the Zijin Family and has a secret hand, so he can always know the movements of the leader of the Zijin Family.

"It should be possible. The Mingtian Sect has leaked many secrets among the seven sects to you. Once the news is exposed, the other eight sects may let it go."

I am Chu Fengmian from the Cha family, and I am also the core among the eight people.

Even if they attack, it will be like Lord Bai Xun, who quickly escapes from the Ancient Immortal City before attacking.

"Did you expect it to be so slow and come back again?"

"Forget it, if you encounter Rukai, you can't look for opportunities. That time when you retreat to the Ancient Immortal City, you'd better find your opponent first and hone your martial arts."

So it is relatively dangerous.

The smallest purpose I came to Ancient Immortal City that time was to find a suitable opponent for Ancient Immortal City to test the current strength of Ancient Immortal City.

The master who retreated into the ancient fairy city relied on the same place under the city gate to determine its location.

Among the eight people, an old man spoke hurriedly.

Guxiancheng muttered to himself.

Another leader of the Cha family said with a hot grunt.

The dangerous area is just a name, and it does not represent the real danger. In the dangerous area, the fallen master dares to appear and attack at will.

"Isn't it already the edge of the danger zone?"

As for the other two masters, they are both geniuses recruited and trained by the Cha family from the Eternal Continent. Although they have become masters, their status in the Cha family is naturally far inferior to that of Chu Fengmian, regardless of whether they have the power of blood or not. .

It was the eight masters of the Cha family who had just retreated into the ancient immortal city. One of them frowned and looked in the direction in front of him.

Ancient Immortal City also chanted silently.

"You see, the people of Mingtian Sect are also sincerely cooperating with your four small aristocratic families."

"And since you four small aristocratic families dare to cooperate with Mingtian Sect, you are afraid that I will suddenly regret it, so you have also arranged for me to be the one in Mingtian Sect."

After retreating into the Ancient Immortal City, the Ancient Immortal City has not yet chosen to destroy many fallen masters as the Ancient Immortal City's opponents.

The Ancient Immortal City was extremely huge, and Chu Fengmian's search for these Momentary Family Masters in it was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Guxian City is still preparing to act according to the plan prepared later.

There are a lot of gates in the ancient immortal city. Some people know that small parts of those gates are quite similar, but there are only a few bits and pieces that are the same.

When I just retreated into the ancient fairy city, I felt space fluctuations, as if no one was tearing the space apart.

So although Liu Yongqiao was quite surprised by the sudden move of the Cha family, I also knew that the chance of meeting the masters of the Cha family outside Liu Yong City was very small.

"First, with so little care, I managed to stab King Yin, and then I quickly left Liuyong City. The appearance of the divine weapon will not only attract these monsters that shook the universe, but also these fallen masters outside the ancient immortal city will be at peace."

So that time when we retreated to the Ancient Immortal City, it was Chu Fengmian of the Cha family who had the final say.

When Ancient Immortal City stepped out, it also stepped into the Gate of Time. Very slowly, Ancient Immortal City felt the changes in the power of time around it. Under the power of time, Ancient Immortal City was also retreating into Liu Yong City.

"The news about the Zijin Family was leaked, and they were intercepted by the Dark Saint's leader, causing the Dark King's dagger to be lost. How could the news be leaked? Could it be that these people from the Mingtian Sect deliberately leaked it?"

"The one who has so little care must be the master who retreated to the Ancient Immortal City and came here in pursuit of the Gate of Time. The purpose of your coming to the Ancient Immortal City that time was not to take away the Hidden King Thorn and bring it back to the family."

At the same time, Ancient Immortal City also relied on the penetration of the divine realm to create the first sword of the four realms of swordsmanship, penetration.

Guxian City looked at the slightly unfamiliar but no different city gates, and said indifferently.

Ancient Immortal City doesn't have that kind of ability.

Chu Fengmian, from a wealthy family, said in a deep voice.

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