Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 5935 Dark Night Palace

"The true swordsmanship is Shadow's supreme martial art. It cannot be traded. Even I can't get it."

Upon hearing Chu Fengmian's words, Dark Saint answered directly without any hesitation.

Although the three major forces in the black market are vaguely respected by Zhenzhou.

But that doesn't mean Zhenzhou can decide everything.

For example, True Jie Swordsmanship is the most important inherited martial art in the shadows.

Dark Saint has no way to get it, nor can he make a deal with Chu Fengmian.


Hearing Dark Saint's words, Chu Fengmian also sighed.

If he could directly spend reincarnation points to buy the true swordsmanship, even if the price was more than twenty points, Chu Fengmian could still come up with enough treasures for exchange.

After all, Chu Fengmian didn't have many treasures in his hands. The reward he got from the Dark Saint was plus the treasures Chu Fengmian got from killing many powerful men.

When Ren Yucheng met this White Dark Master later, I found that the other party's ancient immortal seemed to be far from reaching its limit. Obviously, the way of the White Dark Domain that I practiced had not caught up with anyone weaker.

Ancient Immortal City also described what happened to Dark Saint.

"Those Baiye Lingquan Zai, who are good at the white and dark field, are really annoying. Once they attack sneakily, it is really difficult to deal with them. So even if you wait and retreat to Renyu City, a small number of them will go together, not to avoid those trouble."

However, Chu Fengmian was not discouraged.

"Seventy martial arts masters cannot do it.

Dark Saint added.

Therefore, Ancient Immortal City also believed that this Lord of White Darkness might have a weaker Lord behind him. He came to Ancient Immortal City and was stared at in the distance of Liu Tianzun's cave.

"By the way, you were attacked outside the palace master's city. The opponent should be the fallen master. The Ren Yu he used contains the power of white darkness, but it is the way of the domain. Does he know the identity of this person?"

Guxian City also remembered that name in a flash.

"This person's strength is probably at the level of the Master of Hundred Dharmas. He should have reached the eighth level of practice in the realm, and his aura of strength..."

"The seventh spiritual spring, the Lord of Eternal Night."

Before losing his body, Lord Bai Xun's current strength could barely reach the level of Master of Hundred Arts, which was naturally on the same level as that of the Ancient Immortal City.

So as long as there was a price, Chu Fengmian could possibly buy the true swordsmanship from the Dark Saint.

"The strength of those eight people is extremely terrifying in Ren Yucheng and even in the long river of time. Since he is now being targeted by the people from Baiye Palace, he must be more careful and never retreat to Ren Yucheng alone again."

Even if he couldn't get the true swordsmanship from Zhenzhou, Chu Fengmian could still get the true swordsmanship from Yaoying.

The purpose of the ancient fairy city is to become a master. It is so complicated. I want to become the master of thousands of laws, the master of ten thousand laws, and even the legendary king of masters.

After all, Chu Fengmian's words were just a test.

In the case where there is a way to take a step back in the way of swordsmanship, what Guxian City can rely on if it wants to improve its strength is not the way of divine power.

"The person he met should be the Lord of Bai Xun. He is considered the Prime Minister of Baiye Lingquan. He is an extremely young person. His strength is weak, so he does not pose much of a threat."

Before finishing all that, Guxiancheng sat cross-legged on the ground, and there was a bit of anticipation in my eyes.

"The eighth spiritual spring, the Lord of the Dark Night."

As soon as I started describing it, the Dark Saint recognized the other party's identity. Obviously, Baiye Palace, outside Renyu City, was not very famous either.

It's just that you need to wait a little longer and spend some time and resources. Ancient Immortal City can afford to wait.

However, the Dark Saint refused without hesitation. Obviously, this path was not feasible.

Although Baiye Palace is a powerful force in the long river of time, the total number of masters of Baiye Palace is over seventy.

"It seems that he was walking alone in the palace city, so he attracted Bai Ye Lingquan Zai to pursue him."

The Dark Saint soon replied.

"The way of the White Dark Realm? He met the Lord of the White Night Palace?"

"But he should be more careful. Many of the masters of Baiye Palace are greedy people. The ancient immortals we practice are even more suitable to hide their aura and launch sneak attacks quietly."


Being defeated by the Ancient Immortal City was also unusual.

Therefore, I must accumulate a small amount of sources of power, and in the Eternal Continent, the most suitable source of power is martial arts.

The Dark Saint's tone also became a little more solemn as he reminded the Ancient Immortal City.

White Night Palace?

The eighth level of the way of divine power is still far from being able to satisfy the Ancient Immortal City. In the future, the ancient immortal city will also need to reach the seventh level of the way of divine power, or even the seventh level.

Ren Yucheng also described the Lord of White Darkness that I had seen.

"The first spiritual spring, the Lord of White Darkness."

"They need it again, and we can get it together in a month at the latest."

The eighth level of divine power is just an end.

Ren Yucheng thought for a moment and then spoke to the Dark Saint.

At the same time, Ancient Immortal City does not have enough confidence in Yaoying, and Yaoying will definitely not be able to become the Shadow Master in the future.

Guxian City also believed that it was because of me.

There are also some treasures that Chu Fengmian obtained from the Era Sea, which are also valuable in this Eternal Continent.

The Dark Saint also thought for a moment and recognized who his opponent was.

After hearing Ren Yucheng's words, the Dark Saint also blurted out.

Although the Ancient Immortal City was not able to see my appearance clearly, the aura of strength and the habits of the Ancient Immortal are unique to every weak master.

Martial arts, in Zhenzhou, are indeed considered important treasures. Although the number of seventy martial arts is small enough, with my status, it is not difficult to get such a small number of martial arts.

Those White Night Lingquan Masters all have the same strength. With the description of the ancient fairy city, it is very difficult for us to confirm that the person who did it is not the master of Bai Xun.

He has also completed the layout on Yaoying's side.

Ren Yucheng's strength is considered a weak one among the masters of hundreds of arts.

Even if a single kind of ancient immortal actually gave birth to seventy masters, that would be a shocking thing for them.

You must know that Ren Yucheng defeated Gu Luanyu head-on.

"Although his physical body is weak enough, even the Qianfa Masters in Baiye Palace may not kill him again, but in Baiye Palace, there are eight Ren Yu and each of the eight Lingquan. But they all have extremely terrifying strength, far more powerful than the special Qianfa Master."

Guxiancheng nodded. Suddenly Guxiancheng thought of the White Dark Master in Renyu City and spoke again.

"You wish to exchange all those seventy reincarnation points into martial arts."

Since there is a way to obtain the true swordsmanship, it is absolutely possible for the Ancient Immortal City to rely on their true swordsmanship to hit the original realm of swordsmanship in such a short period of time.

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