Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 5933: The Master Who Hides His Identity

In this underworld city, except for the warriors guarding the door, they seemed to be warriors from the underworld sect.

There are no warriors from the Mingtian Sect anywhere.

More of them are warriors from the sects under the Mingtian Sect.

In the Nether Realm, in addition to the Mingtian Sect, there are many sects. These sects are all dependent on the Mingtian Sect and submit to the Mingtian Sect.

Such subsidiary sects can be found in every major sect, not to mention the Mingtian Sect, one of the four sects.

After Chu Fengmian entered the city, he also walked towards the city lord's palace with Yaoying.

The teleportation array in the underworld city is also located in the city lord's palace.

There was a lot of excitement around the city lord's palace. There were warriors coming to the underworld through the teleportation circle, and there were also warriors leaving from the underworld.

Chu Fengmian and Yaoying also walked towards the city lord's mansion.


Suddenly, Chu Fengmian saw a group of people walking out of the city lord's mansion.

This group of people were dressed in plain clothes and looked unremarkable.

But that's just the surface.

In Chu Fengmian's eyes, he could clearly see that among this group of people, the weakest ones were actually warriors who were half-step to the realm of domination, and there were many invincible strong ones.

Especially the leader turned out to be a powerful master.

A strong master is not even an ordinary master. He has definitely reached the peak of the master of ten laws and is close to the level of master of one hundred laws.

This strength is no longer weak, comparable to many veteran masters.

And this group of people turned out to be disguised as a group of ordinary warriors. They pretended to be the strongest, but they were only at the Taoist realm.

So among the crowd, he is inconspicuous at all.

Even the warriors around them ignored them.

After all, this is the Zhongfu, and some Dao Zun warriors are simply inconspicuous in the Zhongfu, let alone in this underworld city.

This group of people seemed to have come to the underworld from the teleportation circle. They quickly left the city lord's palace and walked towards the underworld city.

"The powerful master is actually willing to hide his identity and come to the underworld?"

Chu Fengmian checked everything and found that he was right.

After all, this scene is really amazing.

How proud is the master of the strong.

On the Eternal Continent, the dominant masters are the beings who stand at the pinnacle of thousands of warriors, with a transcendent status. No matter in any force, the dominant masters are absolute big shots.

Even among the four sects and nine great families, it is the same.

Perhaps an invincible strong man is inconspicuous among the four sects and nine great families, but once he becomes the master, he is an absolute big shot and has a very high status.

Therefore, it was really incredible for Chu Fengmian that a strong master would hide his aura and identity and come to the underworld city.

After all, unlike Chu Fengmian who was unwilling to be exposed due to his special status, the origins of this group of people were quite high.

From this group of people, Chu Fengmian felt a powerful bloodline power. The level of this bloodline power was not weak at all compared with the bloodline power of the Zijin Family and the Guluan Family.

On the Eternal Continent, there are only nine major families with this level of bloodline power.

Only the bloodline power of the nine aristocratic families surpasses the bloodline power of all the dominant families, so they can be called the nine aristocratic families.

Chu Fengmian did not dare to pry too much to avoid attracting the attention of the powerful master.

Therefore, he could not tell which of the nine aristocratic families the blood power of this group of people belonged to.

But judging from the strength of this bloodline, there is no doubt that this must be a warrior belonging to the nine great families.

A group of warriors from the nine great families, including a master from the nine great families, now came to the underworld.

This is already amazing.

After all, even if the relationship between the nine great families and the four sects cannot be said to be incompatible, it is not uncommon for both parties to be enemies rather than friends, and they fight overtly and covertly.

Therefore, warriors from the nine great families will not set foot in the four sect areas.

Warriors from the four sects will not set foot in the areas of the nine great families.

This is actually an unspoken rule. Both sides live in peace and harmony in their respective territories.

Therefore, it is already strange that warriors from the nine great families would come to Hades City. What's more, there is not a single weak person here this time, and there is also a master from the nine great families.

Moreover, these warriors from the nine great families also chose to hide their identities and come to the underworld. All this can't help but make people think.

Even Chu Fengmian's mind had countless thoughts popping up in an instant.

The masters of the nine great families hid their identity and came to Ming City, but the Ming Tian Sect showed no reaction at all...

This is even more strange.

After all, although the master of the nine great families has hidden his identity.

But this kind of concealment cannot be hidden from the eyes of the real master.

Even Chu Fengmian could see the other party's identity at a glance.

In this underworld city, there is also a strong master of the underworld sect.

Chu Fengmian didn't believe that the leader of the nine great families passed by the leader of the Mingtian Sect without the other party noticing.

So now since the leader of the Mingtian Sect has no reaction, it is very likely that he knew about this in advance. Even the arrival of the masters of the nine great families this time is not considered a secret among the top leaders of the Mingtian Sect. .

"It's interesting. This information should be able to be sold at a good price on the black market."

Chu Fengmian couldn't help but think of it.

He stumbled upon this scene by chance, and it was just the right time to sell the information to the black market.

Information about the nine aristocratic families has the highest price in the black market, not to mention that this time the masters of the nine aristocratic families sneaked into the underworld.

Chu Fengmian didn't need to guess at this point, he knew it, and he must have a big plan.

Otherwise, a powerful master would not be willing to hide his identity and come to the underworld.

Although Chu Fengmian didn't understand what the nine aristocratic families and the Mingtian Sect were planning, Chu Fengmian didn't mind telling the black market the news as long as it could destroy the plans of the nine aristocratic families.

For Chu Fengmian, as long as it could disrupt the plans of the nine aristocratic families, Chu Fengmian didn't mind doing it.

Just as Chu Fengmian was thinking, the demonic shadow on the other side had also entered the city lord's mansion.

Yaoying's identity did not arouse anyone's suspicion.

As the demonic shadow entered the teleportation array and the teleportation array was operating, the demonic shadow also left the underworld and the central mansion.

Seeing the demon shadow leave, Chu Fengmian also turned around and left. He wandered around the underworld city casually at first.

It looked like he was wandering around, but in fact Chu Fengmian was quietly observing the warriors from the nine great families with his spiritual consciousness.

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