Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 593 The Ancient Dragon King's Body

In the southern part of Hunyuan Continent, in this desolate land, a huge altar was suddenly completed.

If many warriors saw the various heavenly wonders arranged around the altar, they would all be jealous to the point of madness and try to seize them.

It's just that all these heavenly wonders are now arranged around the altar as sacrifices.

In front of the altar, two figures were standing there, it was Chu Fengmian and Bai Xuan.

"All people in the world, sacrifice to God's will!"

Chu Fengmian roared loudly.

On this altar, all kinds of changes suddenly occurred, and countless strange patterns suddenly appeared on this altar.

These strange lines are so ancient that even knowledgeable people cannot understand their meaning.

Because this is a text that was born from chaos before humans were even born.

Mysterious and obscure, every word contains the truth of heaven and earth.


Just above the altar, a huge face seems to appear in the sky. This face looks like a human face, like an animal face, a monster, a devil, a strange beast, it seems to be the face of all the people in the world, and it can be seen from this face. Found among faces.

This face is the face of God, the face that condenses the whole world.


Seeing this face appear, Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and the Nirvana Dragon Egg, the Creation Branch, and the Dragon King Dragon Claw all flew into the altar.

Flying onto the altar, they were suddenly merged into countless chaotic words.

Then all three treasures flew straight into the sky and were swallowed by that weird face.


After a long time, countless spiritual powers suddenly poured down from the sky. This spiritual power pouring down was simply more terrifying than a tsunami.

If it were to bombard a warrior, even a high-level warrior in the life and death realm would have no chance of resisting.

"This is?"

Bai Xuan's face showed a bit of nervousness, and she activated the spiritual power in her body, as if she wanted to resist.

"Don't resist, these spiritual powers are feedback from God!"

Chu Fengmian roared loudly.

Bai Xuan then dispersed all the spiritual energy that was running in her body. She was a little nervous and a little expectant, looking at the rolling spiritual energy falling in the air.


Wave after wave of spiritual power poured down and washed down, all washing over the bodies of Chu Fengmian and Bai Xuan.

"My strength has actually increased again? How is that possible?"

The moment this stream of spiritual power washed over Bai Xuan's body and integrated into Bai Xuan's body, Bai Xuan actually felt that the power in her body had taken another step forward.

The spiritual power in Bai Xuan's body has reached the limit of the divine power realm, which means that she herself, no matter what heavenly objects she is devouring, cannot go any further.

This is only possible if you choose to survive the catastrophe of life and death and enter the realm of life and death.

But now, with the spiritual power fed back by God's will, her strength actually began to rise again.

This simply made Bai Xuan herself unbelievable.

Chu Fengmian on the side just smiled in his heart when he heard Bai Xuan's words.

This limit of power is nothing in front of God's will. The power of God's will is enough to break through the limit.

In ancient times, in order to reach the ultimate limit of power, some strong men would also use holy sacrifices to harness the power of God's will to push their limits.

But doing this is an extremely extravagant act. You have to know how much wealth Chu Fengmian needed to hold this holy sacrifice. He still got a lot of treasures from Qianyuan and others' empty rings, so that he can hold this holy sacrifice now. .

If it were to be held again, even if Chu Fengmian searched for it, it might not be enough to find everything inside.

"It's my turn too!"

Behind Chu Fengmian, the shadow of the ancient war dragon condensed by the war dragon art was clearly visible, churning with this strange light.

Wave after wave of spiritual power also washed through Chu Fengmian's body, and all of it was integrated into Chu Fengmian's body.

It's just that this spiritual power is too much, and even if it is integrated into Chu Fengmian's body, it can no longer condense a drop of the ancient dragon's essence and blood.

Now the ancient dragon essence and blood in Chu Fengmian's body has reached its limit. This is an eternal rule. Even God's will cannot change this.

It's just that these strands of spiritual power have been integrated into Chu Fengmian's body and into every bit of Chu Fengmian's blood.

The blood in Chu Fengmian's body was reorganized and condensed countless times.

Every reorganization and condensation makes Chu Fengmian's body stronger.

Finally, after being broken again, the blood on Chu Fengmian's body was no longer blood red, but a golden color.

Golden blood R is a color that can only be displayed by the blood R of ancient dragons.

Now, not only the blood in Chu Fengmian's body, but also the blood in his body began to change towards the ancient war dragon.

"It is said that it is rumored that when an ancient war dragon reaches adulthood, it will condense its dragon body. The strength of this dragon's body also determines the future strength of the ancient war dragon. I don't know if my condensed dragon body will reach What a state!"

Chu Fengmian thought to himself as he frantically devoured countless spiritual powers and integrated them into Chu Fengmian's body.

"Bump, bump, bump!"

Chu Fengmian's blood was torn apart step by step and reorganized step by step. In an instant, Chu Fengmian's blood turned into gold and became a real fighting dragon body.

In this golden blood, some ancient lines are clearly visible.

These lines are all in dragon language, one of the oldest languages. Although it is not as ancient as the chaotic writing, it contains the true meaning of the dragon clan.

These dragon words were condensed into Chu Fengmian's blood, and they all turned into formation eyes.

Chu Fengmian's body was transformed into a formation, continuously blessing Chu Fengmian's power.

"The ancient dragon king's body! With this formation, my body has reached the level of the ancient dragon king's divine body!"

Chu Fengmian could already feel that his current power was countless times stronger than before.

Although Chu Fengmian's state and the ancient dragon's essence and blood have not changed at all.

But his body has reached the level of a true ancient fighting dragon, enough to bring the power of his blood to its extreme.

There has been no change in strength, but Chu Fengmian's strength now is probably infinitely stronger than before.

"My strength has actually reached this level!"

Bai Xuan, who was standing next to Chu Fengmian, slowly opened her eyes.

Bai Xuan seemed a little unbelievable when she noticed her own strength.

Her current power actually vaguely surpasses the geniuses of the seven major sects such as Qian Yuan and Gu Lin.

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