Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 586 Hundreds of Billions

"Who is this person?"

"Five billions of wealth, even some big forces can't come up with it. Even the president of the Tianshang Guild will not be so extravagant."

"I originally thought that the dust had settled on this Ji Dao Immortal Soldier, but I didn't expect that this person actually spoke again."

In the Tianzi box, the spiritual consciousnesses were all talking, and they had withdrawn from the fight.

Now the battle between the fragments of the Jidao Immortal Armament is between Chu Fengmian in Box 11 and Qianyuan in Box 1.

"Senior Brother Qianyuan, someone actually dares to compete with you again."

A disciple of the Holy King Sect said coldly.

"This person seems to have a lot of wealth. I'm afraid he also got a lot of wealth from the ancient D mansion, so he would squander it like this."

"So what if we have wealth? I can get all the wealth of Demon Lord Y Yang, but I don't believe that this person can compete with me."

There was a bit of a sneer in Qianyuan's eyes.

"Six billion!"

Another number was shouted out in an understatement, but Qianyuan felt a little unhappy in his heart.

This fragment of the Jidao Immortal Weapon almost fell into his hands.

Unexpectedly, Chu Fengmian suddenly appeared and completely disrupted his plan.

However, Qianyuan is confident. With his wealth, it should not be difficult to obtain the fragments of the ultimate immortal weapon.

"Seven billion!"

Chu Fengmian shouted out a number again, his tone was the same as Qianyuan's.

The sky-high price of seven billion was shouted out, but no one seemed to care.

Chu Fengmian owns a sea of ​​blood. The wealth in this sea of ​​blood can be calculated in trillions, not to mention seven billion or seventy billion. Chu Fengmian would not even blink an eye.

"Eight billion!"

Qianyuan's eyes showed something strange and he spoke again.

Before he finished speaking, Chu Fengmian's voice sounded one after another.

"Nine billion!"


Qian Yuan's face was full of anger, which completely broke his plan. He didn't expect Chu Fengmian to dare to compete with him.

"Ten billion! I will pay 10 billion!"

Qianyuan said through gritted teeth.

"Boy, let's see how you fight with me!"

"Ten billion? It's just 10 billion spiritual stones. With this little wealth, you want to buy the fragments of this Ji Dao Immortal Weapon?"

Chu Fengmian's sneer sounded from the box.

"Twenty billion spiritual stones!"


This sentence simply made countless people present feel confused.

Twenty billion spiritual stones.

The price actually doubled again.

This kind of price increase method simply means that Lingshi is not regarded as wealth, just like Chu Fengmian's wealth is endless.

"Who is this person?"

"Twenty billion spiritual stones. There are only a few people in the void sea who can produce 20 billion spiritual stones."

"Is this the old antique? Or the person who got a great opportunity in the ancient D mansion? No matter which one he is, it will be difficult to deal with."

"We can't check. This person's origin is probably very unpredictable."

In the Tianzi box, voices sounded one after another.

If they still had some ideas about the wealth that Chu Fengmian showed before, they wanted to take the opportunity to plunder it.

Now this wealth can no longer be plundered. Whether it is an old antique or someone who has received a great opportunity from the ancient D mansion, they are extremely terrifying existences and cannot be messed with.


Qianyuan was stunned when he heard Chu Fengmian's numbers. His face turned red and he seemed to be too angry to speak.

Being so strong and ruthlessly crushing him with wealth made him extremely angry.

"Thirty billion, I'll give you thirty billion!"

Qianyuan spoke crazily, and the anger in his voice simply swept the entire venue.

This Qianyuan's strength was not at the high level of the life and death realm. This anger made the restraints on the box begin to tremble. It was obvious that he was extremely angry.

But compared to Qianyuan, Chu Fengmian's expression was extremely calm.

"Thirty billion? It's just a joke. I'll give you 40 billion."

Chu Fengmian said calmly. Although these words were calm, they raised the price by a full ten billion.

Ten billion spiritual stones were casually spoken in Chu Fengmian's mouth.

It seems that this is not 10 billion spiritual stones, but a hundred spiritual stones.

And even a hundred spiritual stones are not enough to allow a warrior such luxury.

"Little guy, there's no need to argue with me. You can't compete with me. All your wealth, in my opinion, is just trivial matters."

Chu Fengmian's faint voice sounded.

Qianyuan would be furious to death if he heard it.

Qianyuan obtained the wealth of an ancient D mansion. This wealth was simply greater than the wealth of many sects.

I didn't expect that I would be laughed at like this.

"Damn it! Boy, this is yours and mine! Fifty billion!"

Qianyuan roared crazily.

He originally didn't plan to invest all his wealth, but at this time, Qianyuan was in a state of madness.

Now all his thoughts are to overwhelm Chu Fengmian and obtain the fragments of this ultimate immortal weapon.

"Sixty billion!"

Chu Fengmian spoke lightly and spoke again without caring, adding tens of billions of spiritual stones each time.

There was even a bit of teasing in this tone, as if he was playing a game with Qianyuan.

All situations are completely controlled by Chu Fengmian.

"Seventy billion!"

Qianyuan gritted his teeth and snorted coldly.

"Eighty billion!"

Chu Fengmian then spoke calmly.

This price is getting more and more inflated, making people feel frightened when they hear it.

What is the concept of eighty billion spiritual stones? If released, it would be enough to pile up into a mountain, enough to crush a person to death.

Countless warriors present could not imagine that someone could possess such a level of wealth.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

In Box 1, Qianyuan was absolutely crazy and furious.

Qianyuan looked at the other Holy King Sect disciples in the box and shouted loudly.

"Contribute all your wealth to me."


These disciples of the Holy King Sect did not dare to resist, and hurriedly handed over all their wealth and gathered all their wealth together.

Qianyuan now seems to be a crazy gambler, doing everything he can to win at any cost.

"Ten million! I'll pay ten million!"

Qianyuan's words determined Qiankun and suppressed all the wealth on his body. Even the wealth of those disciples of the Holy King Sect were suppressed by him.

Shout out the absolute numbers.

"One hundred billion? Is this the wealth you can bring out? That's all. I said, your wealth is just a trinket in front of me, one hundred billion!"

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

As soon as this number came out, Qianyuan's face froze.

Qianyuan opened his mouth and was speechless, unable to say a word for a long time.

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