Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 583 Three Thousand Dragon Blood

Countless people's eyes are looking this way.

They all wanted to see if Chu Fengmian could afford the sky-high price of 100 million spirit stones.

"Please also ask your Excellency to come up with 100 million spiritual stones."

Master Lingzun spoke slowly.

"Take out 100 million spirit stones. This Dragon Emperor Dragon Claw belongs to you."

"It's just 100 million spirit stones. There's no need to mobilize so many troops. Will Chu still owe you Tongtian Pavilion?"

Chu Fengmian's laughing voice sounded from it.

I saw a long river of spiritual stones flying directly out of Box 11.

Every piece of spiritual stone in this river is the ultimate spiritual power, and they are all king-grade spiritual stones.

"All of them are king-grade spiritual stones!"

"What? What is the origin of this person? He is an extremely extravagant person who trades Wang-grade spiritual stones!"

The respected warriors were simply stunned when they saw the long river of spiritual stones. They couldn't hold it any longer and wanted to snatch it away.

Anyone who can get this river of spiritual stones will instantly become rich.

But this kind of idea only exists in imagination at most. People who can take out so much wealth in one go are by no means ordinary people.

In this Tongtian Pavilion, snatching is the real way to seek death.

Master Lingzun took the spirit stone and checked the numbers in it at a glance. Without any questions, he opened his mouth and said.

"One hundred million spirit stones, not bad."

"Well, this Dragon Emperor Dragon Claw belongs to me!"

Chu Fengmian shouted softly, and a spiritual arm suddenly appeared and grabbed the Dragon Emperor's claws directly.

In the blink of an eye, the Dragon Emperor's claws shrank rapidly, and the next moment they disappeared from the venue. No one present could figure out the mystery.

"This person's methods are so mysterious that I didn't even see how he did it!"

In the Tianzi No. 10 box, a disciple of the Huanggu Sect murmured to himself.

"I'm afraid this person is difficult to deal with."

"It doesn't matter, his methods are just weird. I can feel that this person is still in the realm of divine power. Humph, a warrior in the realm of divine power dares to fight against me. He is simply looking for death!"

Gu Lin sneered.

"It doesn't matter if you let him get more treasures. The more treasures he gets, the more I can get them all if I kill him in the future!"

"Check! Check this person's identity, his origins, and his huge wealth!"

"Go and find out the origin of this person! I want to see who dares to compete with us!"

In the other Tianzi boxes, voices sounded one after another, all of them plotting Chu Fengmian's identity.

"Chu Fengmian, now that you are in the limelight, your beauty will be destroyed by Lin Feng. It will definitely cause these people to attack in groups. You must be careful."

Bai Xuan was on the side, looking at Chu Fengmian's methods with fright.

Today's Chu Fengmian can be said to not take anyone in the audience seriously. If he does this, he will probably offend countless powerful people.

"No problem, let's attack in groups? Chu wants to see who dares to come. Whoever dares to provoke me will die."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

Although these words were calm, it was enough to hear Chu Fengmian's endless confidence. All this situation was under Chu Fengmian's control.

"I have taken pictures of countless treasures now. When I am completely refined, anyone who dares to trouble me will die!"

Chu Fengmian said.

"I need to observe the mystery of this Dragon Emperor Dragon Claw first."

Chu Fengmian muttered to himself, and as soon as his mind moved, the Dragon King Dragon Claw appeared in front of him.

The Dragon King's dragon claw, which was dozens of meters long, was reduced to the size of an ordinary person's hand. The spiritual power in it was forcibly condensed by Chu Fengmian, and it was now reduced to such an extent.

Although it has shrunk, the power within it appears to be even more mysterious.

"Aoheng Dragon Emperor is said to be the best among the ancient dragon clan, but from what we can see now, the rumors are indeed true."

Chu Fengmian looked at the Dragon Emperor's claws and thought to himself.

Tens of thousands of years are enough to make countless wonders in the sky lose their spiritual power, but the dragon emperor's claws still contain extremely terrifying power.

The spiritual power contained in it alone is no less than some heaven-level elixirs.

Definitely a rare treasure.

"Essence and blood, come out!"

Chu Fengmian glanced at it, and with a movement of his hand, a stream of blood essence was drawn out directly from the Dragon Emperor's claws.

There are about three thousand drops of essence and blood, each drop is golden yellow, and each drop contains terrifying spiritual power.

If these three thousand drops of dragon blood were swallowed by some ordinary warriors, it would probably be enough for that warrior to directly possess the blood of the dragon clan or the blood of the Dragon King.

But for Chu Fengmian, the power of his bloodline, the bloodline of the Ancient War Dragon, was still higher than the bloodline of the Dragon Emperor. The Ancient War Dragon was enough to be on an equal footing with the Dragon Emperor.

But these three thousand drops of dragon blood were an absolute tonic for Chu Fengmian, enough to be integrated into his dragon fighting shadow.


Chu Fengmian let out a long roar, and immediately the three thousand drops of dragon blood penetrated into Chu Fengmian's body.

Chu Fengmian's current strength has reached its limit and cannot go any further. These three thousand drops of dragon blood lurked from the deepest part of Chu Fengmian's body.

But it doesn't mean that these three thousand drops of dragon blood are useless. On the contrary, these three thousand drops of dragon blood left in Chu Fengmian's body are a trump card.

Whether Chu Fengmian is in danger or going through a life-or-death disaster, he can reveal these three thousand drops of dragon blood at a sudden moment as his biggest trump card.

Of course, the most precious thing among the Dragon Emperor's claws is the claw itself.

Chu Fengmian kept the Dragon Emperor's Claw and put it into the Sky Ring. When he found the perfect moment, he started the holy sacrifice and sacrificed the Nirvana Dragon Egg and the Dragon Emperor's Claw at the same time. Completely helped Chu Fengmian condense his body.

"Lot 38."

In the venue, on the stand, Master Lingzun spoke again, and a total of nine spiritual weapons were neatly placed on the stage.

"Is this the Nine Treasures of the Demon?"

These nine spiritual weapons were all of the highest quality at the earth level, but the moment they were lifted up, the entire stand was suddenly filled with countless demonic intentions.

This demonic intention seemed to fill the entire venue.

Some weaker warriors can only use their strength to resist the evil intention.

"The patterns on this! It's so ancient. It should be the real Nine Treasures of the Heavenly Demon Sect from tens of thousands of years ago."

"Good thing. Although this set of the Nine Heavenly Demon Treasures is only of the highest quality at the earth level, when combined, it is even more powerful than many heaven-level spiritual weapons!"

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