Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 558: Five Hegemons of the Void

A sea of ​​mass burials.

This sea of ​​mass burials is extremely dangerous. There are countless void beasts in it, swarming in groups and attacking warriors.

But today, it is completely different. There is no trace of the void beast in the mass burial sea.

Instead, the escaping light of countless powerful men shuttled through it.

The countless void beasts among them seemed to have been killed by humans.

"This time, the Northern Territory has been completely shaken. I don't know how many powerful people have benefited from it."

Chu Fengmian and Bai Xuan, two figures, walked through this sea of ​​mass burials.

Chu Fengmian has now figured out the changes in the Mass Burial Sea.

This time, the D mansion that was opened in the mass burial was far more than the D mansion of Emperor Yan Gulong.

A total of six D houses were opened in a row.

Six ancient D mansions emerged from the sea of ​​mass burials at the same time, attracting countless geniuses from the Northern Territory, and even geniuses from the entire Nine Territories, to gather here.

That's why the current sea of ​​mass burials suddenly became so lively.

"The person who gets the most benefits is you, right? When you return to Beimang College, I'm afraid you don't need to be promoted to an inner disciple at all, you can directly be promoted to a seed disciple."

Bai Xuan looked at Chu Fengmian, smiled and said.

With Chu Fengmian's current strength, he was already a prominent figure in Beimang College.

Once you are promoted to a seed disciple, you have truly become a core member of Beimang Academy, which is enough to enter the Beimang secret realm, which has countless benefits.

Chu Fengmian does not have the resources of Beimang College now, so his strength is enough to reach this point. When Chu Fengmian enters the Beimang secret realm to practice, his strength will go even further and become even more terrifying.

"Bai Xuan, you have also received a lot of benefits in this D mansion. When you return, you will probably be promoted to a seed disciple."

Chu Fengmian looked at Bai Xuan and smiled.

Bai Xuan's strength has reached the limit of divine power in Yan Gulong Emperor D's house.

It can be regarded as having many benefits.

She is now even stronger than Luo Changhen, who was once number one on the Earth Ranking.

It can be regarded as a lot of benefits.

"Yes, it's thanks to you that I have gained so much."

Bai Xuan spoke, sighing in her tone.

She invited Chu Fengmian to explore Yan Gulong Emperor's D mansion. It can be said that both of them have gained a lot, which is a real win-win.

But Sikong Xuan, who really got the chance to meet Yan Gulong Emperor D's house, died because of his plot against Chu Fengmian.

"Let's go, Chu Fengmian, let's leave the mass burial sea first. This mass burial sea is now in chaos. There are countless warriors in it. They intercept and kill other warriors to collect benefits."

Bai Xuan looked around cautiously and said.


After hearing Bai Xuan's words, Chu Fengmian spread out his spiritual consciousness to explore the sea of ​​mass burials.

Sure enough, he saw several warriors intercepting and killing some warriors who had just left D's house.

These people did not enter the ancient D's house to look for treasures, but were outside, waiting, intercepting and killing other people, and obtaining the treasures.

Although the reward is not much, the risk is extremely low.

"It doesn't matter, they are just some villains. If one dares to come, I will kill one."

Chu Fengmian smiled and said.

"Let's go, let's leave the Mass Burial Sea first."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Chu Fengmian turned into a ray of light and flew directly outside. Bai Xuan did the same, and the escaping light followed beside her.

The sea of ​​mass burials is huge.

Although the two people's escape was extremely fast, it still took a while.

"We have received countless benefits from Yan Gulong Emperor D's house. Now it is not a wise choice to go back to Beimang College directly. How about we take advantage of this opportunity and go to the Void Sea to participate in the trade fair first?"

Bai Xuan and Chu Fengmian were talking while flying.

Bai Xuan said.

"We have obtained countless rare items, but some of them are actually not suitable for us. We can exchange them for strange items that are suitable for us from the trade fair."

Although rare objects are extremely valuable, not every rare object is useful.

For example, when Chu Fengmian practices the Dragon Fighting Art, the rare objects he needs are naturally related to the dragon clan. As for some other rare objects, they are not of much use to Chu Fengmian.

So generally speaking, when you get a rare item, it's best to exchange it for the one that suits you best.

Nowadays, so many ancient D mansions have been opened in the Burial Sea, and there will be countless rare items in them. This is the best opportunity to buy rare items.

Chu Fengmian now has a lot of wealth and needs to buy rare items to increase his strength.

Chu Fengmian thought for a moment and nodded.


Chu Fengmian now has a sea of ​​blood and huge wealth. Although his power has reached its limit, some rare items are still enough to increase Chu Fengmian's combat power.

For example, strengthening the body, improving bloodline, etc., although it does not change the strength, it is enough to increase Chu Fengmian's strength.

Before going through the catastrophe of life and death, the more accumulated, the better.

Just as Chu Fengmian and Bai Xuan were talking through the void, several rays of light suddenly appeared around them.

There were five people in total when these escaping lights appeared. The moment they appeared, they immediately gathered their spiritual power and sealed the surrounding space.

"You two, I think you shouldn't go to this trade fair. Why don't you just give me all the rare things you two have on you."

These five people are all middle-aged men, and each of them has reached the level of around the third level of life and death realm.

It is much stronger than many geniuses from big forces.

"These five people are the Five Hegemons of the Void! They are strong men in the Void Sea. They intercept and kill warriors every day in the Void Sea. The five of them join forces. Unless they are high-level in the life and death realm, few people can escape from their hands."

When Bai Xuan saw these five people, she also showed fear, obviously knowing the origins of these five people.

However, Bai Xuan didn't panic much. She knew Chu Fengmian's strength.

Although these five Void Hegemons are powerful, they are far from being Chu Fengmian's opponent.

One of the Five Void Hegemons laughed and said after hearing Bai Xuan's words.

"Oh? It seems that you still know the reputation of our five Void Hegemons. That's good. Obediently hand over the Void Ring and all the spiritual weapons on your body, so that you can save your lives."

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly.

"Five tyrants of the Void? It turned out to be five bastards who intercepted and killed warriors in the Void Sea? Since you met Mr. Chu today, Mr. Chu will kill you. It can be regarded as removing a harm to the Void Sea!"


When the Five Hegemons of the Void heard Chu Fengmian's words, Y Leng said.

"If you don't drink the toast, you'll be fined with wine, and if you don't hand over the empty ring honestly, then I'll take it myself!"

One of the five tyrants of the Void suddenly punched Chu Fengmian.

But his boxing style has not been revealed yet.

Chu Fengmian's hand had already moved, and he punched out a palm out of thin air.

The five tyrants of the Void were all blown away, vomiting blood one by one.

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