Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 555 Extremely powerful

Under everyone's gaze, Cang Lanni's palm fell hard and hit Chu Fengmian's body.

The power contained in this palm is pure martial arts to the extreme, without any fancy skills.


The moment a palm fell, the power of the surrounding heaven and earth was mobilized. A martial arts move was enough to communicate the will of God. The martial arts in this palm was already mysterious to the extreme.

The ever-changing martial arts is approaching its peak.

"Oh? It's enough to mobilize the world. This martial arts has finally reached its peak."

Chu Fengmian raised his head and watched the palm strike towards him. Chu Fengmian's face became extremely calm and he spoke slightly.

"It's a pity that you don't know how to live or die. In front of me, you dare to be so presumptuous with your martial arts skills? How ridiculous!"

Chu Fengmian roared and his body moved.

Chu Fengmian did not use swordsmanship at all, but countless spiritual powers were condensed in his palm, and he struck with the same palm.

This is to use the same palm technique to fight against Canglanni.

"Is this kid crazy? Using his strength to fight against the Canglan family members?"

One of the warriors who gathered around said involuntarily, looked at Chu Fengmian and shook his head, as if looking at a dead person.

The most powerful thing about the Canglan family is martial arts. There are countless ways to deal with the Canglan family, but Chu Fengmian chose the stupidest method.

To compete head-on with the Canglan family is to seek death. Even some high-level warriors in the life and death realm would not dare to compete head-on with Canglan Ni.

How could a warrior like Chu Fengmian, who had never even entered the realm of life and death, do it?


The two forces collided in the air, the explosion was deafening, and countless wanton spiritual powers swept through Chu Fengmian and Cang Lanni.

"This kid is definitely going to die."

A warrior said, but the next moment, there was a dragon roar in the air, suddenly resounding.

Chu Fengmian's palm turned into a huge ancient war dragon and roared.

This Canglanni palm, which contained the essence of martial arts, was actually smashed to pieces in front of this ancient war dragon.

This was not over yet. The ancient war dragon was like a wind and a cloud. After devouring countless martial arts power, it charged directly towards Canglan.

The situation was completely turned upside down at this moment.

"How can it be!"

"Cang Lanni's frontal slap actually resulted in a loss!"

"Impossible! Impossible! Cang Lanni is a high-level powerhouse in the life and death realm. This kid is just a guy at the peak of the divine power realm. How can he compete with Cang Lanni!"

A respected warrior looked at the scene in front of him and commented, his eyes almost falling off.

In their opinion, the outcome of this battle would be a battle without any suspense. Just after the fight, Canglanni actually fell into a headwind.

In a head-on confrontation, being pinned down and beaten by a divine power realm warrior was simply unbelievable and something that shocked the entire audience.

Even Cang Lanni himself couldn't imagine the result in front of him. His face was full of shock, and he took a few steps back before calming down.

"What a boy. It seems that you must have the blood of the dragon clan. You are extremely powerful. You are an ordinary person. No wonder you dare to act so arrogantly with me!"

"Yes, I want to tell you today that the power of blood is just a foreign object, and martial arts is the only truth!"

Cang Lanni's eyes were filled with deep murderous intent, and he was completely angered.

From his body, the power of martial arts that was countless times more powerful than before was fully displayed.

"Seventh Style of God of War!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

Canglan Nizu punched out seven times in a row, turning into seven blazing suns, containing endless terrifying martial arts power, and bombarded Chu Fengmian at the same time.

This Seventh Style of the God of War is a unique skill of the Canglan family!

Now Canglan used this move in reverse, not intending to give Chu Fengmian any chance, and wanted to completely bombard Chu Fengmian with this move.

This move was also used by Canglan Ba ​​in the past, but Canglan Ba ​​was compared to the Seven God of War moves that Canglan Ba ​​used in reverse.

The scorching sun condensed by Canglan Ba ​​is like a spark, while the scorching sun condensed by Canglan Ni is a real scorching sun.

This move can only be truly demonstrated by a strong person at a high level in the life and death realm.


Seven blazing suns appeared, and the entire space was trembling.

Countless warriors gathered around to retreat and dodge hurriedly.

Under this terrifying power, if anyone is accidentally affected, even a little bit of the aftermath will be enough to destroy them.

"Your name is Chu Fengmian. You are very good. There is no young man who dares to be as arrogant as you and dares to provoke our Canglan family. Even Beimang College behind you cannot protect you!"

"I will kill you today and let others see the price for daring to provoke our Canglan family!"

Cang Lanni shouted angrily, and a punch suddenly fell from the sky.

Following the landing were the seven blazing suns.

Seven scorching suns descended from the sky, erupting with power that was ten times that of Canglanni's palm just now!

"Want to kill me? You don't have the qualifications, Canglan Family? If you dare to provoke me, there will be no need for the Canglan Family to exist. One day, I will destroy the Canglan Family. As for you, Canglan Family Lan Ni, I will kill you first! Let you go and accompany your son!"

Chu Fengmian smiled continuously. Facing the sudden setting of the seven scorching suns, Chu Fengmian didn't have any nervousness on his face.

His body suddenly grew in size and turned into a huge ancient war dragon, soaring into the sky.

Facing the seven falling scorching suns, Chu Fengmian, who transformed into an ancient war dragon, suddenly waved his hand, and the huge claws of the war dragon fell from the sky.

"Break it for me!"


The seven blazing suns were smashed to pieces in front of the claws of the war dragon, without any suspense.

The seven scorching suns were all smashed to pieces, and the backlash of martial arts made Canglan retreat repeatedly, with disbelief in his eyes.

This was the secret technique of their Canglan family, a supreme killing move, yet Chu Fengmian was able to easily resolve it like this.

He wanted to fight back just now, but the next moment, the huge claws of the war dragon were already bombarding Cang Lanni's body.


Cang Lanni screamed in horror. He could already feel that the power of the Dragon Claw had completely surpassed him.

He already felt that his death was approaching.


"How dare you, evildoer!"

Among the crowd of three parties, two figures suddenly rushed over.

These two figures are both white-haired old men. Their strength has actually reached the high level of the life and death realm, which is very close to the strength of Canglanni.

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