Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 546 The strongest blow

"The Art of Conferring the Gods of Ten Thousand Demons!"

"Suppression! Suppression! Suppression!"

The Immortal Demon Lord looked at Chu Fengmian, and landed a palm in the air. The power contained in it was heavier than countless mountains, and it all pressed down on Chu Fengmian's body.

Chu Fengmian's head and limbs were pressed by this huge force, making him unable to move.

Under the power of the Immortal Demon Lord, he suddenly transformed into countless demons! Alone demon! Ancient Demon! Oil demon! Fighting demons...!

It was rumored that all the demons from ancient times had gathered together, and every demon head was baring its teeth and claws to completely suppress Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian's body was simply unable to move, and not even a trace of spiritual consciousness could be emitted.

The situation was extremely critical.

Once Chu Fengmian was suppressed, he would not be able to exert the power of the Human Emperor Jar.

"Damn it, this old devil wants to completely suppress me. As long as he suppresses my spiritual power, I won't be able to use all my opportunities!"

Chu Fengmian cursed in his heart, this immortal demon king was desperate and used all his strength to suppress Chu Fengmian forcefully.

He originally planned to use the power of the Human Emperor Jar to drive back the Immortal Demon Lord, and then escape into the deepest part of Yan Gulong Emperor's cave to gain the opportunity.

But now this immortal demon is more ferocious than Chu Fengmian imagined, and he is desperate to suppress Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian's realm is far different from that of the Immortal Demon Lord. He is able to compete with the Immortal Demon Lord because of Chu Fengmian's numerous adventures, bloodline, and spiritual weapons.

But now the Immortal Demon Lord wants to completely suppress Chu Fengmian's spiritual power. Once suppressed, all Chu Fengmian's bloodline and spiritual weapon power will be of no use.

At that time, Chu Fengmian was really at the mercy of others.

"No! I must not be suppressed! I want to defeat the seven major sects, how could I die in the hands of this old devil! War dragon bloodline! The way of killing, the power of creation! All explode!"

Chu Fengmian roared wildly, all the spiritual power in his body surged, and all the adventures and potentials were squeezed to the extreme.

Waves of spiritual power were in Chu Fengmian's body, competing with the power of the Immortal Demon Lord.

"Boy, you have many adventures, but it's a pity that you don't have the power to use the power of all these adventures! Without power, no matter how many adventures you have, it's in vain!"

The Immortal Demon Lord looked at Chu Fengmian with extremely jealous eyes.

Chu Fengmian has had too many adventures. Dragon bloodline, heaven-level spiritual weapons, and now even legendary things like Jidao Immortal Weapons have fallen into Chu Fengmian's hands.

"You will be suppressed by me! All your adventures will belong to me! Boy, there is no need to struggle fearlessly anymore! All demons unite! Suppress!"

The Immortal Demon Lord burst out countless spiritual powers from his palms again, suppressing them.

Immediately, all the demons among them also mobilized their supreme means to suppress Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian's bloodline and the power in his body were completely suppressed. Now Chu Fengmian is simply unable to use any strength.

His War Dragon bloodline was completely suppressed, and the power of the War Dragon Art was suppressed to the deepest part of Chu Fengmian's body. It was suppressed to death and could not be shaken.

Chu Fengmian's body no longer had any spiritual power. The power of his blood had been completely suppressed, leaving only his consciousness.


The Immortal Demon Lord roared and finally uttered one word.

This one word was about to completely suppress and destroy Chu Fengmian's consciousness.

Once his consciousness is destroyed, Chu Fengmian will completely fall.

"Original Sword of Origin! Divine Sword of Creation!"

At the moment when the Immortal Demon Lord suppressed with his supreme spiritual power, in Chu Fengmian's body, his final trump card was finally used.

The only thing in his body that has not been suppressed is his natal sword essence.

His natal sword essence was condensed from the most powerful force of creation in the world. No matter how powerful the Immortal Demon Lord was, he could not suppress creation.


A sword light suddenly flashed and appeared. This sword light did not resist the power of the immortal demon.

Instead, it turned directly into a ray of light and poured into the human emperor jar.

Suddenly, the power of the Human Emperor Jar began to move. Chu Fengmian wanted to use the power of his natal sword element to forcefully activate the Human Emperor Jar.

The only power that can compete with the Immortal Demon Lord now is the Human Emperor Jar.

"The way of the human emperor! Educate and educate all living beings!"

The power of the Human Emperor Jar finally reached its peak at this moment, and the spiritual power of the countless spiritual stones and strange objects burning in it were all stimulated.

The Human Emperor Jar now has another fragment, and its power is countless times more powerful than when Chu Fengmian first obtained it.

What's more, in order to activate the power of the Human Emperor Jar, Chu Fengmian burned all of his infinite wealth.

So many treasures, if converted into spiritual power, would even force a high-level figure in the life and death realm to death. Now they are all burned and turned into a blow in the human emperor jar.

At this moment, Chu Fengmian exerted the power of the Human Emperor Jar, which was the most powerful power he had ever exerted in his life.

The Human Emperor Jar flew up into the air, and countless vast spiritual powers suddenly erupted from it.

This spiritual power seemed to destroy everything around it.

"Damn it! The power of this Ji Dao Immortal Soldier has actually been activated!"

The Immortal Demon Lord's face was extremely pale. In an instant, he took back all his power and blocked it in front of him, turning it into countless barriers to resist the power of the Human Emperor Jar.

He also knew the power of the Human Emperor Jar. It was enough power to make him feel scared.

The power of the Jidao Immortal Weapon, even the broken Jidao Immortal Weapon, is terrifying to the extreme.


The power condensed on the Human Emperor Tank finally burst out.

It turned into a powerful spiritual power, sweeping through everything around it.

Endless explosions sounded one after another, and the next moment, the surrounding space turned into silence.

It seems to be enough to completely wipe out everything in the world.

The billowing and vigorous spiritual power washed away everything around it, as if everything was going to be completely destroyed.

In front of the powerful force, it is unable to compete with the current Human Emperor Jar.

"Let's go!"

Even Chu Fengmian's expression suddenly changed, and with a movement of his body, he fled directly towards Emperor Yan Gulong's cave.

With such power, even if Chu Fengmian, the owner of the Human Emperor Jar, was involved, he would definitely die.

His figure flashed continuously, pushing his speed to the extreme, breaking through countless restrictions, and in the explosion, he penetrated directly into the deepest part of Emperor Yan Gulong's cave.

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