Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 535 Another one comes to die

Even Wang Zhi of the Ancient Ancient Sect couldn't stop Chu Fengmian's dragon claws.

The strength of Luo Changhen was not even as good as that of Wang Zhi, so how could he resist it.

The Everlasting Hatred Sword condensed by Luo Everlasting Hatred's Way of Everlasting Hatred instantly blocked the claws of the fighting dragon.

It was like a mayfly shaking a tree, destroying it on the spot.

"Damn it! Why is this kid's strength so terrifying!"

Luo Changhen's face was sweating anxiously. He tested it and felt it.

The power of Chu Fengmian's Dragon Claw is simply unshakable no matter what, it is extremely powerful.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't compete with Chu Fengmian.

Now, for the first time, regret appeared in Luo Changhen's heart. He regretted why he was jealous of Chu Fengmian and attacked Chu Fengmian secretly.

Now that he couldn't make a sneak attack, he got himself burned instead.

"Take action quickly! Deal with this kid. This kid is already a demon. He is killing his fellow disciples. If we don't kill him today, we will all die here today!"

Luo Changhen suddenly roared and said.

In his words, the eyes of countless warriors present flickered.

The qualifications shown by Chu Fengmian are indeed too terrifying. With such qualifications, sooner or later, Chu Fengmian will step on anyone's head.

At the fourth level of the Divine Power Realm, he possessed such terrifying strength that even Luo Changhen, a seed disciple of Beimang College, was beaten by Chu Fengmian and was unable to fight back.

They couldn't even imagine how many adventures Chu Fengmian had, but just the dragon martial arts skills were an extremely amazing adventure.

The War Demon Lord on the side was the first to rush forward.

He and Guigu Shengzi were good friends. Now that Guigu Shengzi died in the hands of Chu Fengmian, his first step was to kill Chu Fengmian and avenge Guigu Shengzi.

At the same time, another point was that Chu Fengmian's qualifications did make him feel afraid. If Chu Fengmian was allowed to develop, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Yes, everyone can get rid of such a demon! Brother Luo, let me help you!"

The War Demon Lord looked at the people around him and shouted loudly.

"All Earth Demon Sect disciples take action and kill him!"


From the crowd, more than a dozen warriors immediately appeared. They were all disciples of the Earth Demon Sect.

The eyes of these Earth Demon Sect disciples are all full of greed.

If Chu Fengmian is killed, any one of them can reach the sky in one step.




Countless Demon Sect disciples took action at the same time, and suddenly the secret room was filled with demonic intent.

These countless demonic intentions surrounded the War Demon Lord, and suddenly, the War Dragon Lord turned into a huge demon god.

This demon god has three heads and six arms, and there are various weapons on the six arms, although these weapons are all condensed with demonic will.

But its edge is no worse than many earth-level spiritual weapons.

"The Demon God of Hundred Wars! This is the phantom of the Demon God of Hundred Wars! Your martial arts is actually enough to summon the Demon God of Hundred Wars!"

Luo Changhen glanced at the War Demon Venerable and said in shock.

"Okay, with your help from Brother Zhanmo, this kid will definitely die today."

"Boy, suffer death! The hatred is endless and the hatred is endless!"

Surrounded by Luo Changhen, the endless hatred was so overwhelming that one could almost feel lost in it.

Luo Changhen's eyes turned red. His way of everlasting hatred was always sober at ordinary times.

But the most powerful method of the Path of Everlasting Hatred is to blind oneself with hatred, allowing Luo Changhen to burst out with terrifying power.

The current Chu Fengmian was an unrelenting enemy in Luo Changhen's heart. The hatred for killing his father, the hatred for taking away his wife, all kinds of hatred could not compare with the hatred in Luo Changhen's heart now.

In Luo Changhen's heart, he already wanted to kill Chu Fengmian a thousand or ten thousand times, but he could not wash away his hatred.

"I want you to die! The sky hates you! I hate the sky with a knife!"

The Everlasting Sorrow Sword once again condensed from Luo Changhen's hand. This time, the Everlasting Sorrow Sword was countless times more terrifying than before.

This is the true way to fall into eternal regret.

The sword flashed, and it seemed that even the sky was about to be killed.

The Hundred Wars Demon God transformed by the War Demon Lord has also been completely condensed. With terrifying power, six arms bombarded Chu Fengmian at the same time.

With so much power bombarding it, in terms of power, it is no different from the ancient power displayed by the ancient avenue.

It's just that Chu Fengmian's face was as calm as ever, without any fear in the face of such a terrifying force.

"It's just a few more ants that are here to die. Chu had no intention of letting go of the people from the Earth Demon Sect!"

Chu Fengmian roared loudly.

"The way of killing! The ancient god of death!"

Behind Chu Fengmian, the ancient killing god suddenly condensed out, and endless blood surrounded his sword edge.

The blood energy surged so much that it was ten thousand feet long and wide, and even wanted to completely fill the secret room.


As the sword edge in Chu Fengmian's hand fell, the blood energy turned into blood stains and fell on the spot.

All those powers and countless martial arts were shattered on the spot and swallowed up in front of the blood marks.

All this power was meaningless in front of Chu Fengmian.

"Luo Changhen, I will kill you first! After I deal with these little devils!"

Chu Fengmian shouted coldly. Among all the people present, his biggest enemy was Luo Changhen.

With a movement of Chu Fengmian's hand, the space around Luo Changhen was crushed, and his body was directly grasped in his hand.

All the paths of Changhen around Luo Changhen were shattered by this grasp.

Luo Changhen was directly held in Chu Fengmian's hands. At the moment of life and death crisis, Luo Changhen woke up instantly.

"Brother Canglan! Brother Kuxu! Why don't you two take action? If you don't, this person will really be impossible to deal with!"

Luo Changhen shouted.

It is impossible for anyone to deal with Chu Fengmian on his own.

He, the War Demon Lord, and more than a dozen Earth Demon Sect disciples were no match for Chu Fengmian.

Now he can only recruit others to deal with Chu Fengmian together.

Cang Lan Ba ​​and Ku Xu Tian had extremely solemn expressions on their faces. Chu Fengmian's strength far exceeded their imagination.

The moment he saw Luo Changhen fall into Chu Fengmian's hands, a figure suddenly moved.

This figure is none other than Kuruitian.

On Kukutian's body, streams of gray mist suddenly shot out.

In this gray mist, it makes people feel that everything in it is about to decay.

"Another one comes to die."

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