Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 531 Seven major sects? So what!

The more ancient dragon essence and blood condensed in Chu Fengmian's body, the more powerful the dragon martial arts he displayed became.

Wait until Chu Fengmian condenses all the 129,600 drops of the ancient dragon's essence and blood.

The dragon martial arts skills Chu Fengmian displayed would be indistinguishable from those used by real ancient fighting dragons.

The huge claws of the war dragon fell from the sky. The faces of the three people from the Huanggu Sect changed drastically, and they frantically mobilized countless forces to resist the bombardment of the claws of the war dragon.


As soon as the claw fell, the three of them tried their best, and their blood surged in shock.

How powerful is the ancient war dragon? Even mountains can be shattered with one claw.

Although the current Chu Fengmian cannot do this, he has already achieved some success in the Dragon Fighting Art, and is far from being a force that these three people can compete with.

"How could this happen? These three people wanted to save Rongbei, but they were knocked away by this person?"

"With one against three, we actually still have the upper hand! These three people are not ordinary people, but they are disciples of the Huanggu Sect. Is it true that my eyes are not dazzled?"

A respected Northern Territory warrior could not believe the scene he saw with his eyes.

First, Wang Zhi was killed by Chu Fengmian's palm, and then Rong Bei was also defeated by Chu Fengmian's sword.

Now even the three people from the Huanggu Sect who joined forces were shot away by Chu Fengmian's Dragon War Claw.

Many of them even thought that they were dreaming. Could all of this really be done by a warrior at the fourth level of divine power?

Even if a warrior at the fourth level of the life and death realm comes here, he can't do all this.

"With the strength of the three of us, we were all shot away. How could this person be so powerful?"

One of the Huanggu Sect disciples was slapped and flew away. He was shocked and his face was full of shock.

They were all disciples of the Ancient Ancient Sect. When they came to the Northern Territory, they didn't take anyone in the Northern Territory seriously.

In their view, even those famous geniuses in the Northern Territory are just ordinary people, even trash and ants.

If we look at the previous failures of Wang Zhi and Rong Bei, there is still the possibility of coincidence.

But now that the three of them joined forces, they were all shot away by Chu Fengmian. This was no longer a coincidence.

A disciple of the Huanggu Sect shouted loudly.

"No matter what, we must save Rongbei. Wang Zhi is dead and Rongbei is dying. We will all be punished by the sect!"

Every disciple of the Huanggu Sect is an elite. The death of Wang Zhi, who has a special bloodline, is already a big deal. If Rong Bei dies again, it will be a big deal.

The three of them looked at each other and nodded at the same time. At the same time, a surge of momentum suddenly burst out.

"Ancient Avenue!"

Under this majestic momentum, a huge avenue condenses out. In front of this avenue, it seems that everything in the world will be suppressed.

"Boy, let me give you a chance now. Let Rong Bei go. We can spare your life, but we will just suppress you and bring you to the sect to judge you!"

A disciple of the Ancient Ancient Sect stood on the Ancient Ancient Avenue, looking at Chu Fengmian from a high position and said.

"This is your last chance. Stop being stubborn. Even if you are stronger and dare to be enemies with our seven major sects, you will only die."

"Who are you? Who are the seven major sects! There is only one way to die? Today Chu wants to see who is going to die!"

The killing intent in Chu Fengmian's eyes became even stronger.

Dare to threaten Chu Fengmian with the seven major sects, which simply touched Chu Fengmian's heart.

He hates the seven major sects deeply, and now these three people come to use the seven major sects to suppress Chu Fengmian, simply to touch the evil in Chu Fengmian's heart.

"You all die! No one of you can survive today!"

Chu Fengmian let out a long roar, his mind moved, and the power of the sword became even stronger, directly sweeping through the countless forces and compressing the last bit of space in Rongbei.

"Ah! I am a member of the seven major sects! I am a disciple of the Ancient Ancient Sect. Whoever dares to kill me, the Ancient Ancient Sect will definitely kill you forever!"

Rong Bei looked at Chu Fengmian and roared loudly.

But his threats can only make him die faster.


Chu Fengmian sneered.

The sword edge in Chu Fengmian's hand fell bit by bit, and Rongbei's last bit of hiding space disappeared.

His body was shattered piece by piece, and all that was left in the secret room were the screams, which he kept recalling.


"Really kill him!"

Rong Bei's screams also echoed in the countless people present. They all looked at Chu Fengmian as if they were looking at a real madman.

Killing two disciples of the Ancient Ancient Sect in public, the only person who can do this is a lunatic.

Even if you are a lunatic, when you hear about the seven major sects and the Ancient Ancient Sect, you will hesitate and dare not take action.

Even the devil of the Earth Demon Sect could only quietly flatter and treat them as honored guests when they heard the names of the seven major sects.

Behemoths like the seven major sects have taken root in the nine regions. For tens of thousands of years, they have such huge power that no one can shake them.

Any force, any strong person, even many strong people who work alone, must give face to the seven major sects.

But now, under the threat of the three people from the Huanggu Sect, Chu Fengmian still did not hesitate and killed Rong Bei directly.

This move means that the seven major sects and the Huanggu Sect have never been taken into consideration.

Arrogant and arrogant can no longer describe the current Chu Fengmian.

There are only two words that can describe Chu Fengmian, that is crazy, as crazy as a madman.

"Damn it!"

The anger on the faces of the three people from Huanggumen was about to burst out when they heard Rongbei's screams.

"Little beast, you have done a good job. You dare to kill our disciples of the Huanggu Sect, despise the majesty of our Huanggu Sect, and do not take our Huanggu Sect in your eyes."

"Little beast, just wait for the endless pursuit by our Huanggu Sect! No, our seven major sects share the same hatred! What you want to wait for is the endless pursuit by our seven major sects!"

A disciple of the Huanggu Sect looked at Chu Fengmian and shouted angrily.

"So what if you are a disciple of Beimang College? Beimang College can't protect you! No matter if you escape to the end of the world, or even to anywhere, you will die!"

"let's go!"

With that said, the Huanggu Sect disciple turned around and walked away, ready to leave.

"Wait a minute, did Mr. Chu ask you to leave?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded.

With a wave of Chu Fengmian's hand, countless barriers completely blocked the secret room.

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