Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 527: Disciples of the Ancient Sect

Not only Bai Xuan, but also Luo Changhen, Cang Lanba and others all looked surprised.

Huanggu Sect, one of the seven major sects!

It is a real behemoth in the entire nine regions. Beimang College dominates the sky in the northern region, but in front of the seven major sects, it is nothing at all.

Generally speaking, the disciples of the Huanggu Sect are active in the most prosperous Zhongzhou.

No one would have thought that Emperor Yan Gulong’s D residence would actually attract all the disciples of the Huanggu Sect.

More and more disciples from various forces have arrived at Emperor Yan Gulong's D residence.

Now many of the disciples are not only from the Northern Region, but also many powerful men from the other nine regions have come.

The five or six disciples of the Ancient Ancient Sect came to this secret room, looked around, and talked to each other.

"Heaven-level spiritual weapon!"

"This Yan Gulong Emperor's D mansion really has a big harvest!"

"Hmph, these natives of the Northern Territory actually took the lead and collected so many treasures!"

The eyes that looked at the countless warriors around them were full of disdain, and the words in their mouths were all about the natives.

In his words, he did not put any of the Northern Territory warriors present in his eyes at all.

Chu Fengmian knew very well that the disciples of these seven major sects had always been extremely arrogant and would never take anyone who was not a disciple of the seven major sects in their eyes.

The Ancient Ancient Sect is located in the most prosperous Central Region among the Nine Regions. Like the Northern Region, there are no such forces as the seven major sects. In the eyes of these Ancient Ancient Sect disciples, it is a barren land.

Especially the strength of the Central Region is indeed at the peak of the Nine Regions.

These disciples of the Ancient Ancient Sect are actually ordinary inner disciples of the Ancient Ancient Sect. They can compete with these peerless geniuses from the Northern Territory, and even come close to overpowering them.

"All of the disciples of the Huanggu Sect have come all the way here for the treasures in Yan Gulong Emperor D's house."

Luo Changhen suddenly walked out and said.

"We can't break the restriction in front of us. How about we join forces and break this restriction together?"

Seeing the strength of these disciples of the Huanggu Sect, Luo Changhen suddenly said that he wanted to win them over, and first broke the restrictions on the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword.

"Join forces? Are you useless natives worthy of talking to us about joining forces?"

A disciple of the Huanggu Sect burst out laughing when he heard Luo Changhen's words.

"Get out of here! All the treasures in Yan Gulong Emperor D's house now belong to our Huanggu Sect! You must hand over all the treasures you got!"


A disciple of the Huanggu Sect also suddenly spoke.

"The treasures in Yan Gulong Emperor D's house are not yours to own. Hand them over now!"

"Hand it all over, and we can let you live and let you leave!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone present was in an uproar, especially Luo Changhen's face, which became extremely dark.

He tried to win over them, but he didn't expect that these disciples of the Huanggu Sect would not give him any face at all.

"What you disciples of the Huanggu Sect say is too much. After all, Emperor Yan Gulong's D Mansion appeared in our northern region. We are the masters and you are the guests. If you want to leave, you should leave too."

Mo Changhen said unceremoniously.

If he practices the way of eternal hatred, he will no longer be afraid of these disciples of the Ancient Sect.

The words of these disciples of the Huanggu Sect were so arrogant that they wanted everyone present to hand over all their treasures and leave with just one sentence.

Where in the world could such a domineering thing come from?

"The people of the seven major sects are still as arrogant and domineering as before."

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly, and a bit of murderous intent emerged in his heart.

Once upon a time, the Master of Sword Dao was besieged and killed because the seven major sects were forcing the Master of Sword Dao to have a lifelong understanding of the Master of Sword Dao. If the Master of Sword Dao refused to obey, he was framed and killed by people from the seven major sects.

These young disciples of the Huanggu Sect are all as arrogant as the old antiques from the seven major sects.

The Huanggu Sect once surrounded and killed the master of swordsmanship. The death of the master of swordsmanship was inseparable from any of their seven major sects.

The murderous intention in Chu Fengmian's heart grew stronger, but he did not take action. In the face of this hatred, Chu Fengmian still had to obtain the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword first.

Before that, Chu Fengmian had to hold back.

"Why, the little indigenous ants in the Northern Territory also want to compete with our Huanggu Sect?"

A disciple of the Huanggu Sect said disdainfully after listening to Luo Changhen's words.

"Emperor Yan Gulong's D Mansion, no matter where it is, as long as it is valued by our Huanggu Sect, it belongs to our Huanggu Sect!"

"You all must hand over all the treasures you possess quickly so that you can leave safely. Otherwise, all of you will die today!"


The moment the Huanggu Sect disciple opened his mouth, he gathered his spiritual power and suddenly turned into a barrier.

Everyone present was sealed inside.


"These disciples of the Huanggu Sect are so arrogant that they just rob! How are they any different from bandits?"

Among the people present, countless voices of dissatisfaction sounded.

The faces of the disciples of the Huanggu Sect showed some anger when they heard these words.

One of the Huanggu Sect disciples suddenly stepped in, glanced around, and suddenly made a move. The warrior who had just opened his mouth was directly caught in his hands.

"Calling us bandits? Dare you insult our Huanggu Sect! Die!"

The disciple of the Huanggu Sect moved his hand, and the warrior was directly in his hand, and his figure began to twist.

"No! I'm from the Yang family! Our Yang family is a martial arts family! You can't kill me!"

The warrior roared loudly.

"Hmph, what about the Yang family, a martial arts family in a remote place? They are like ants in front of our Huanggu Sect. Die!"

The disciple of the Huanggu Sect said disdainfully, and with a squeeze of his big hand, the warrior was crushed to death in his hands.

Countless blood energy was floating in the air. This scene made everyone present look cold.

This method is too cruel.

The warriors present were all disciples of some major forces in the Northern Territory.

But these disciples of the Huanggu Sect completely ignored him and crushed him to death without making any sense.

This kind of tyranny made everyone present, especially Luo Changhen's face, turn extremely gloomy.

Luo Changhen said coldly.

"You may have gone too far."

A disciple of the Ancient Ancient Sect said disdainfully.

"Passed? Anyone who dares to disobey our Huanggu Sect's orders will only die!"

The Huanggu sect disciple looked at Luo Changhen and said.

"And you, Luo Changhen, I have heard of you. You practice the way of everlasting hatred, and you are indeed somewhat famous in the Northern Territory. However, with your little way of everlasting hatred, you are no longer famous in our Huanggu Sect. In front of the ancient road, it’s just a sideshow!”

"The only chance you have to survive today is to hand over all the treasures and leave the D residence of Emperor Yan Gulong!"

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