Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 499 Star Sky Peak

The Void Sea is not in Beimang College.

But in an extremely mysterious space in the vast Northern Territory, ordinary people who want to enter the Void Sea may not be able to find the way there.

Fortunately, in Beimang College, there was a map recording the Void Sea, and with Bai Xuan's guidance, the two of them flew in the Northern Territory. After flying continuously for a full day, they arrived at a place. In the peaceful wilderness.

In this plain wasteland, the two of them broke through the space and came to a completely different void.

Who would have thought that behind this seemingly peaceful wasteland is actually one of the most mysterious places in the Northern Territory, the Void Sea.

Different from entering the void in ordinary times, the size of the space in the void is created based on the spiritual power of the warrior.

But the sea of ​​​​emptiness in front of us, at a glance, has no end in sight. It is so huge that it is basically a space created by nature.

The space turbulence in it is much more powerful. It does not have the strength of ordinary peak saints. In this void sea, even the space turbulence cannot resist it.

Only those whose strength reaches the level of ordinary peak saints can explore in this void sea.

"In this void sea, it is extremely dangerous. There are countless turbulent voids. We must use spiritual power to resist it from a distance. We should find a place to rest first."

Arriving at the Void Sea, Bai Xuan's expression became much more solemn. After looking around, she took Chu Fengmian and flew in one direction.

Although there are countless adventures in the Void Sea, the dangers there are far greater than those in the Northern Territory. If you are not careful, even those who are strong in the life and death realm will perish in it.

Chu Fengmian followed Bai Xuan and flew together. Facing the void sea, Chu Fengmian was still new here, so it was better to follow Bai Xuan.

The two of them flew carefully in the void sea for a while. In front of Chu Fengmian, a huge rock suddenly appeared.

There are actually many inns built on this rock. At a glance, there are at least a thousand warriors on them.

"here it is?"

Chu Fengmian said in surprise.

He never imagined that in this extremely dangerous void sea, there would be an inn, a place to rest like this.

In it, countless warriors rested, ate and drank, and there were even some shops for warriors to do business, making it seem like a prosperous small town.

"This is one of the countless gathering places in the Void Sea, Xingtian Peak. This meteorite is a specialty of the Void Sea. It is enough to resist the void turbulence in the Void Sea."

"Some warriors used this meteorite to build inns, teahouses, and even started businesses in it."

Bai Xuan looked at Chu Fengmian's surprised expression and explained with a smile.

Anyone who has never been to the Void Sea will not believe that there is a shelter where you can rest in such a dangerous place. Bai Xuan was also surprised when she came for the first time.

"The more dangerous the Void Sea is, the more it needs such a shelter. Here, we can recuperate and ensure safety. Let's go there first."

Bai Xuan said, then fell directly towards the Star Peak, with Chu Fengmian following closely behind.

"He who comes is stopped!"

Just after landing on the Star Peak, two warriors suddenly flew over. The strength of these two warriors was much stronger than that of ordinary peak saints, at least enough to compete with the Tuoba Cauldron.

In this void sea, no matter how weak the existence is, they all have the strength of the peak saint.

Seeing the sudden appearance of these two warriors, Bai Xuan smiled casually. Apparently she was used to it. She moved her palm and handed over a strange object the size of a golden fist.

This strange object is called Jinsha Stone. Among many strange objects, although it can only be regarded as middle-to-lower, it can still be sold for millions of Jiuding Dan if it is placed outside.

Unexpectedly, in this void sea, the simplest transaction requires rare items.

"The weakest warriors in this Void Sea are all peak saints, and there are many strong ones who have reached the life and death realm. Even some high-level figures in the life and death realm will appear in the void sea."

"For such a strong person, ordinary Jiuding Dan and so on naturally have no meaning."

"So the simplest transaction among them requires rare items."

"If you are able to reach the level of a peak saint, even if you don't have a few rare items that you don't use, you can also exchange them for what you need."

Bai Xuan explained, and Chu Fengmian nodded when he heard it.

It was also the first time for him to come to this void sea. He didn't know the countless rules in it, but Bai Xuan's explanation made him understand a lot.

Indeed, pills like Jiuding Pill are no longer of any help to Chu Fengmian. Chu Fengmian is planning to exchange these Jiuding Pills for other rare items that are useful to Chu Fengmian.

"It turns out to be Miss Bai Xuan from Beimang College."

The two warriors seemed to recognize Bai Xuan and said hello.

"This is a rule of Xingtian Peak. The two of us are also following orders. Please don't take offense to Miss Bai Xuan."

"Of course, I understand the rules of Xingtian Peak. There are two pieces of gold sand here, so it's the expense of the two of us."

Bai Xuan took out two pieces of gold sand and stone, handed them over, and whispered to Chu Fengmian at the same time.

"Junior Brother Chu has just joined Beimang College, and I will pay for it this time."


The two warriors glanced at the unfamiliar face of Chu Fengmian and took a look at Chu Fengmian's realm, with a trace of disdain flashing in their eyes.

If you are at the fourth level of the divine power realm, you are looking for death if you come to enter this void sea. However, Bai Xuan is leading him. As long as he pays for the rare items, it doesn't matter even if he is an ordinary person with no cultivation.

Just dying in the void sea has nothing to do with their Xingtian Peak.

"Senior Sister Bai Xuan has helped me many times. I don't need to trouble Senior Sister Bai Xuan this time."

Chu Fengmian suddenly stretched out his hand, took out a piece of black metal, grabbed it before Bai Xuan, and handed it to the two warriors.

"This is black black gold. Its value is already more than two pieces of gold sand and stone. Let's consider it the cost of the two of us."

"Black Black Gold?"

Looking at the piece of black metal handed over by Chu Fengmian, the faces of the two warriors showed a little surprise.

The value of black black gold is much higher than that of gold sand stone, and compared with gold sand stone, black black gold has another great advantage, that is, it is versatile.

Although many rare items are of extremely high value, not everyone needs them. Even if they are valuable, it is difficult to find a suitable buyer.

But this black black gold can be added when refining countless spiritual weapons, so there is no need to worry about sales.

In terms of value, it is definitely much higher than gold sand stone.

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