Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 487: Cultivation on the Holy Mountain

"Ten thousand merit points? No problem."

Bai Xuan was slightly surprised, then smiled and said.

"When you go to the Void Sea and find a treasure, it's enough to be worth ten thousand merit points. Don't worry about this little thing."

With that said, Bai Xuan took out her identity card and assigned Chu Fengmian 10,000 merit points.

Although the amount of 10,000 merit points is not small, it can still be obtained by warriors like Bai Xuan who are in the top ten of the local rankings.

"Okay, thank you very much, Senior Sister Bai Xuan."

Chu Fengmian took the merit points and said.


Bai Xuan nodded.

"In the next few days, you should prepare first. I will contact other people. After a few days, I will ask him to contact you through the jade talisman."

After saying that, Bai Xuan flew away directly.

"I don't know how trustworthy Bai Xuan's words are, but I have never been to the Void Sea. It would be good to go and see it this time."

Chu Fengmian said to himself.

Of course, he was not stupid enough to believe everything Bai Xuan said, but Chu Fengmian felt that most of what he said was true.

There are also countless adventures in the Void Sea. Many powerful people will choose to duel in the void. Many of the spiritual weapons and wealth of the loser will be swept into the Void Sea by the turbulent currents of the void.

This time, even if Emperor Yan Gulong's D mansion is fake, a trip to the Void Sea will definitely yield a lot of gains.

"Before that, I can go to the Holy Mountain first. I will be more confident about breaking through the divine power realm before heading to the Void Sea. Once I truly step into the divine power realm, it shouldn't be a problem to defeat Bai Xuan."

Chu Fengmian thought to himself.

Bai Xuan's strength and Chu Fengmian's spiritual sense detection are now at least at the level of the second level of life and death.

This is what she is hiding. Bai Xuan's true strength must reach at least the third level of life and death.

Compared with the current Chu Fengmian, although Chu Fengmian was not inferior to her, he could not defeat her.

But if Chu Fengmian can truly break through the realm of divine power, Chu Fengmian will be confident that he can defeat Bai Xuan.

At the same time, even if there were any accidents when heading to the Void Sea, Chu Fengmian would be able to resolve them calmly.


With a movement of Chu Fengmian's body, he immediately started flying towards the core of countless mountain ranges, the largest holy mountain.

The holy spring that supports Beimang Academy's cultivation is located under the holy mountain. Therefore, when practicing on the holy mountain, the spiritual energy is the most intense, dozens of times higher than that of first-class mountains.

As for the seventh-level mountains compared to the sixth-level mountains, they are probably thousands of times richer.

However, the cost of cultivating from the Holy Mountain is also extremely high. The first time you go to practice, you need 10,000 merit points, and after that, you need 50,000 merit points each time to enter it to practice.

Each training session must not exceed seven days, so most people only accumulate merit points and enter to practice when they are about to break through.

Chu Fengmian walked through the air and walked into the holy mountain with great swagger.

"Oh? An outer disciple actually went to the Holy Mountain?"

"Even if it is the first time to enter the Holy Mountain, it only requires 10,000 merit points, which is not something that an outer disciple can get."

One after another, people looked at Chu Fengmian entering the Holy Mountain and sneered.

Without enough merit points, Chu Fengmian would be thrown out directly.

"This holy mountain is a forbidden area. You are not allowed to approach it unless there is nothing wrong. Leave quickly."

When Chu Fengmian stepped into the holy mountain, he saw an elder guarding the holy mountain. He looked at Chu Fengmian's cultivation with a bit of disdain in his eyes.

"It seems that you are a new member of this class. It is normal to not understand the rules. You are not allowed to approach this holy mountain at will. You should leave quickly."

Chu Fengmian looked at the elder and said directly.

"I'm here to enter the Holy Mountain to practice."

After saying that, Chu Fengmian took out the identity card and handed it directly to the elder guarding the holy mountain.

"What? Are you here to practice?"

The elders of the Holy Mountain were a little surprised when they heard Chu Fengmian's words. Among the disciples who came to the Holy Mountain to practice, there were very few inner disciples. Only seed disciples, or even core disciples, could often come to the Holy Mountain to practice.

Some inner disciples may have to save up for several years to get a chance to practice in the Holy Mountain.

No outer disciple has ever come to the Holy Mountain to practice.

It's not that outer disciples are ineligible. All disciples of Beimang Academy can exchange for the qualification to practice in the Holy Mountain as long as they pay enough merit points.

The same goes for outer disciples.

It's just that ordinary outer disciples will get dozens of merit points after completing a task. It is simply a fantasy to accumulate ten thousand points.

Elder Shoushan couldn't help but remind him.

"The redemption of this holy mountain training, even if it is your first time to redeem, still requires 10,000 merit points, did you know?"

Chu Fengmian nodded.


Elder Shoushan half-believingly took over Chu Fengmian's identity card and injected it with spiritual power. Numbers appeared on it.

"You actually have 10,000 merit points? Where did you come from?"

Looking at the numbers that appeared above, Elder Shouyama asked in surprise.

"I should be able to redeem this qualification for cultivation on the Holy Mountain."

Chu Fengmian looked at the elder guarding the mountain and said.

"For the first time to enter the Holy Mountain to practice, you need 10,000 merit points, right?"

Chu Fengmian heard this about cultivation in the Holy Mountain from Tuobading, but Tuobading himself had never entered the Holy Mountain to practice.

So now Chu Fengmian doesn't know whether this is right or not.

"Yes, of course."

Elder Shoushan calmed down his surprise slightly, picked up a sign, and handed it to Chu Fengmian.

"Cultivation in this holy mountain will last for seven days from now on. You must leave after seven days, otherwise someone will enter the holy mountain and catch you."

"Don't forget the time because of your greed for cultivation. Once you exceed the time, you will be triggered by the sect."

"You can choose among the countless D houses among them. However, you are not allowed to disturb the D houses where there are people practicing. Just pick some D houses where there are no people."

Elder Shoushan reminded him and opened the restriction. Chu Fengmian took the sign and walked in directly.

As soon as he entered the holy mountain, Chu Fengmian felt that the spiritual energy in it was incredibly rich.

The spiritual energy that Chu Fengmian inhaled at random was equivalent to the medicinal power of dozens of Jiuding pills. With a wave of his hand, it was enough to condense countless crystal clear pills in Chu Fengmian's hands.

The effect of each of these elixirs is greater than that of the Jiuding Dan. In seven days, if Chu Fengmian alone could condense the elixirs from here, he could also condense hundreds of millions or billions of elixirs.

However, this opportunity to practice was not easy. Of course, Chu Fengmian would not waste such time. He moved and walked directly towards the Holy Mountain.

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