Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 475 Demon Slave

While Chu Fengmian was thinking, Chu Fengmian and his party, led by Lei Jue, arrived at the deepest part of Cave D.

The demonic intention in Cave D is all transmitted from it.

Suddenly, everyone stopped.


"This is an altar? What are these things?"

Beside Chu Fengmian, countless surprising sounds suddenly sounded, interrupting Chu Fengmian's thoughts.

Chu Fengmian looked forward, and at a glance, he saw a huge bloody altar located in the deepest part of Cave D.

This bloody altar is spitting out countless demonic intentions at every moment, transforming into a demon head, with countless demon heads flying from it.

All the demonic intent in Cave D comes from this altar.

But around the altar, there were countless people standing around, seemingly guarding the altar.

However, there was no life on these people's bodies. Instead, their eyes were cold, and their whole bodies exuded this evil spirit, as if they were deeply implanted by it.

All of these people were ugly and extremely ferocious, making it impossible to recognize their true appearance, and they all looked like dead people.

"Demon slave?"

Chu Fengmian was slightly surprised and blurted out.

These people are no longer human beings, but half-dead creatures, demon slaves.

This demon slave is composed of some powerful demons who capture some strong men, trap them all, and then use the supreme demonic influence to finally transform them into a demon slave who only knows killing.

After all, this kind of demon slave method is much more sinful if it is controlled by restrictions. Although restrictions control, people are still human.

However, the method of this demon slave is enough to directly transform a person into a demon slave who is neither human nor ghost, losing consciousness and being manipulated by others.

This Demon Slave method originally belonged to the Nine Demons City. Tens of thousands of years ago, when the Nine Demons City was not among the seven major sects, the Nine Demons City was arresting the strong men and geniuses in the Nine Domains. , all refined into demon slaves and driven by them.

At that time, the Nine Demon City even formed the infamous Demon Slave Legion, which captured many powerful people and geniuses from the Nine Regions.

Until later, after the Nine Demon City joined the seven major sects, it was because the method of the Demon Slave was too cruel and harmful to the heaven and earth, so it was not used.

Unexpectedly, this demon sect, secretly, is using the magic of demon slaves to create demon slaves.

"This altar is the place where demon slaves are refined. Now Beimang College's mission should be to destroy this altar, but why do these demon slaves keep moving?"

Chu Fengmian suddenly frowned and noticed something was wrong.

These demon slaves should have noticed the traces of Chu Fengmian and his party when Chu Fengmian and his party entered Cave D.

However, none of the demon slaves came out to stop them along the way. It seemed that someone had deliberately ordered them to prevent these demon slaves from taking the initiative.

"There is someone behind these demon slaves. Who is it?"

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Chu Fengmian's mind, and his expression suddenly changed.

"not good!"

"Quickly retreat!"

"Boy, have you figured it out now? It's too late!"

Suddenly, a sneer suddenly sounded out. This sound came from Lei Jue in front of Chu Fengmian.

Lei Jue sneered and waved his hand, and the surrounding space was suddenly blocked.

The passages leading outside House D are also completely blocked.

"What's going on? Senior Brother Lei?"

Mang Tong looked at Lei Jue and his expression suddenly changed.

He still didn't know what exactly happened, but looking at the situation in front of him, there was definitely a huge change.

The other two people also looked extremely panicked.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, Lei Jue, you did a good job. This time you brought a lot of good stuff."

Two bloody arms suddenly appeared, and then, a man in black robe suddenly appeared from the surrounding space.

The moment the man in black robe appeared, the surrounding space seemed to be oppressed, and a pressure suddenly enveloped him.

"The Realm of Life and Death!"

Feeling the terrifying spiritual power of the man in black robes, the three people standing next to Chu Fengmian all turned extremely pale.

What appears now is actually a powerful man in the realm of life and death.

"Angu Demon Lord, I haven't seen you for a long time."

When Lei Jue saw the man in black robe appearing, his face was not nervous at all, but looked extremely familiar.

"How's it going? The qualifications of these people are pretty good, and they must be capable of being used to become demon slaves."

"Those three people are extremely ordinary and can only be transformed into the most ordinary demon slaves. However, this one is a bit special. He actually has the blood of the True Dragon clan and can be transformed into a demon slave king."

The Angu Demon Lord looked at Chu Fengmian and his group from a high position, as if he was selecting goods.

The goods were Chu Fengmian and his party, the buyer was Angu Demon Lord, and the final seller was Lei Jue.

"Lei Jue! You actually colluded with the people from the Earth Demon Sect. Do you want to join the same sect in the wreckage?"

"Damn it, we were all deceived by this Lei Jue!"

"Let's go! Run away! Run away and tell the academy about him!"

Now, what exactly happened can be seen at a glance.

This Lei Jue actually hooked up with the Earth Demon Sect. On the surface, he brought Chu Fengmian here to complete the character, but in fact, he wanted to sell Chu Fengmian and his party to the Dark Ancient Demon Lord and refine them into demons. slave!

Everyone used their newly recovered spiritual power and suddenly fled out of Cave D, trying to escape.

Everyone knows that staying here now will lead to death!

"Want to escape? Can you escape?"

Lei Jue snorted coldly, moved his body, and suddenly punched out.

In this punch, the power completely exploded out without any reservation, as if it was going to completely suppress Chu Fengmian and this group of people.

The power of the punch immediately overwhelmed the three of them, and they spit out countless blood from their mouths.

Their strength was far from being able to compete with Lei Jue, and now it was even more so because their spiritual power had been exhausted before.

Nowadays, they don't even have the ability to resist Lei Jue's power, and they were almost suppressed directly with one punch.

"You trash, you might as well be turned into demon slaves. I can also get a benefit. Why do you think I would choose you? But even if you have this little use value, now is the time for you to show your value!"

Lei Jue's eyes were extremely cold and he shouted coldly.

"Suppress them all!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With the power of this punch, the wind within it was about to completely suppress Chu Fengmian and his party.

This force is getting stronger and stronger, almost irresistible.

"Damn it! Let's fight him! Even if we die, we can't become this kind of demon slave who is neither human nor ghost!"

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