Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 458: Outer Disciple

The disciple recruitment meeting is now over.

The warrior who was not selected by the elders lost the opportunity to reach the sky in one step, which made many warriors feel a little depressed.

"You people have not been favored by the elders, so there is no need to be discouraged. As long as you practice peacefully in the academy, you will have the opportunity to be promoted to inner disciples in the future, and it is even possible to be promoted to seed disciples."

Elder Su Ling looked at the remaining people and said with a smile.

"Now one of the seed disciples, Ouyang Chen, even if he is promoted step by step from an outer disciple to become a seed disciple, or even breaks into the Heaven Ranking, you will not have no chance."

Elder Su Ling's words made many warriors below show a bit of fighting spirit in their eyes.

"Yes, I have also heard the story of Senior Brother Ouyang. From an outer disciple, he was promoted step by step. He even defeated many elder disciples and became a seed disciple."

"Yes, we can do it, and we can also compete with those elders and disciples."

Several warriors spoke one after another, regaining their confidence one by one.

However, when Chu Fengmian heard this story, he could only shake his head.

Ouyang Chen's story is indeed good in Beimang College, but his rise may not be possible for just one person among 100,000 people.

After all, these disciples who become elders are themselves extremely qualified people. With more resources, I am afraid that their awareness will become bigger and bigger.

Elder Su Ling's words only helped everyone regain their confidence.

"Okay, now you go to live in the outer gate first. House D has been prepared for you. In a few days, the sect's tasks will be distributed. Then you will actually work for the sect."

Elder Su Ling spoke and left.

The remaining Beimang Academy disciples took the remaining people to a mountain range.

The nearby mountains are the area belonging to the outer sect disciples, and there are many D houses in the area.

The outer disciples of Beimang College still account for the majority, but the area they occupy is not much.

For example, for an inner disciple, the area occupied by one person is hundreds of times larger than that of an outer disciple, and the area occupied by a seed disciple is ten thousand times larger than that of an outer disciple.

In Beimang College, all status and resources are determined by strength.

The larger the area occupied, the more spiritual energy can be absorbed and the cultivation will be faster.

"These are all unowned D houses. You can allocate them by yourself. One person is only allowed to occupy one D house. You should rest for a few days and familiarize yourself with the rules of Beimang College. After ten days, you will go to the square. Waiting for assignment."

The outer disciples of Beimang Academy cannot be like the inner disciples who only need to practice every day. If they still need to shoulder tasks, they have fixed tasks every year.

You must complete these tasks before you can get time to practice. Although you can get certain benefits by completing the tasks, it is far worse than practicing hard all the time.

Without entering the inner gate, you can't even practice peacefully.

The Beimang Academy disciples left directly after speaking, leaving Chu Fengmian and his group standing in the mountains, looking at the countless D houses around them.

"Hmph, we have worked so hard to join Beimang Academy, but we still need to obey orders and complete certain tasks. We are just like slaves."

Seeing the disciple leaving, many people complained.

They are all disciples of a big family. Now that they have come to Beimang Academy, they are being controlled by others and are extremely dissatisfied.

"Stop talking so much nonsense, we should concentrate on training and be promoted to inner disciples as soon as possible, so that we can get rid of this heavy task."

"These D-houses come in different sizes. It's better to go and choose a good D-house."

After a warrior finished speaking, he left directly to choose House D.

Although these D mansions are all located in a mountain range, each of them is different in size and height.

Some D houses occupy mountain peaks and have extremely high terrain, so their aura is much richer.

Some D houses are located in low-lying corners with thin spiritual energy. There is a big gap between each D house.

"This should be the best D house in this mountain range."

Chu Fengmian glanced around with his spiritual sense, and he had a panoramic view of all the surrounding D houses. Chu Fengmian moved and directly came to a D house halfway up the mountain.

Although this D mansion does not occupy the highest point, it is also high in terrain and extremely huge. It is four or five times larger than the ordinary D mansion. It is the best D mansion in this mountain range.

Cultivating in this D Mansion is four to five times faster than in an ordinary D Mansion.

"I've just started, so this is all I can do."

Feeling the aura around him, Chu Fengmian muttered to himself.

Such a D mansion is indeed far from satisfying Chu Fengmian. Chu Fengmian knows that this mountain range is already far away from the spiritual spring.

The several mountains near Lingquan are areas for seed disciples and even core disciples.

It was far beyond Chu Fengmian's reach.

Now he can only move around in this mountain range, and he can only find the best D house in this mountain range.

After Chu Fengmian finished speaking, he immediately started to arrange various things in D's house. He had to practice from them. Naturally, he needed to arrange some formations, restrictions, etc.

"Oh? Someone actually occupies this D mansion?"

Just as Chu Fengmian was making arrangements, a voice suddenly came from outside D's house.

It sounds like they are two people, coming together, and the purpose is also the current D residence of Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian's House D is the best in the entire mountain range, so naturally there are many people who want to pay attention to House D.

"He's actually just a boy from the Wind Control Realm."

One of the middle-aged men looked at Chu Fengmian and snorted disdainfully.

"Such a loser dares to occupy the best D house. He is really desperate."

"Boy, get out of here!"

He suddenly shouted angrily and punched out, directly breaking the restriction that Chu Fengmian had just placed halfway.


Hearing this movement, Chu Fengmian turned around and saw two middle-aged men.

Chu Fengmian has some impressions of these two people. The person who just spoke, named Niu Feng, is considered a strong one among the newcomers. His strength is close to the ninth level of the divine power realm, but his qualifications are not high and he is not valued by the elders. .

The other person is Ma Yun, whose strength is very close to Niu Feng.

The strength of these two people was originally at the pinnacle of this new generation, but now they actually joined forces.

I'm afraid that among this new generation, no one can beat him.

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