Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 454: Yan Gu

After eliciting the power of Xuanhan from her body, Han Yueli's temperament became more noble, making people unable to help but be fascinated by it.

Chu Fengmian glanced over and saw many people looking at Han Yueli with admiring eyes.

Anyone who dares to approach Han Yueli at this time will probably become the target of public criticism.

However, Chu Fengmian didn't care and walked directly towards Han Yueli.

As expected, Han Yueli could not fail this assessment, and he could pass it easily.

Seeing Chu Fengmian coming over, Han Yueli finally showed a smile on her face.

"It took a little long."

Seeing Chu Fengmian coming over, Han Yueli's frosty face finally showed a bit of a smile.

Today's Han Yueli can only show this attitude in front of Chu Fengmian.

"It took a little while."

Chu Fengmian smiled and sat next to Han Yueli.

He naturally knew that this kind of assessment would not be difficult for people like Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli.

If the two of them were willing, they could kill everyone in the ring in an instant. They delayed it for some time so that they would not be so dazzling.

The conversation between the two attracted the attention of many people in the palace.

Especially when many people saw Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli chatting happily, they looked at Chu Fengmian and wanted to kill Chu Fengmian directly.

"Brother Yan, it seems that it is not easy for you to pursue this woman. It seems that this woman already has your heart."

On the other side of the palace, several warriors, led by Yan Gu, the young master of the Yan family whom Chu Fengmian had met in the main hall, were sitting together.

A small force has been vaguely formed.

Many warriors are attached to Yan Gu and work hard to please him.

In Beimang Academy, there are also countless small forces. Among the factions, everyone is a new disciple, and they will stick together to make a big tree to enjoy the shade.

Among this new generation, the most dazzling one is Yan Gu, and many people naturally take him as the leader.

However, among this group of people, a young man sitting next to Yan Gu was vaguely someone who could be on an equal footing with Yan Gu, and he was not trying to flatter him.

"Brother Makino, don't worry. The woman I, Yan Gu, have fallen in love with has not yet been able to escape my grasp."

Yan Gu glanced at Han Yueli, his eyes filled with admiration, and made up his mind to get Han Yueli.

"Brother Yan takes action, and I naturally believe that only Brother Yan is worthy of such a woman."

The young man next to him smiled and said.

"But this woman's strength is not weak, and she is not easy to get."

His status is equal to that of Yan Gu, and he is also an influential figure among this new generation.

Muye Zhan, who comes from the Muye family, one of the largest families in the Northern Territory, has a strength that is only inferior to that of Yan Gu, and is already close to life and death.

"Hmph, so what?"

After hearing Mu Yezhan's words, Yan Gu snorted coldly.

"When I enter Beimang College and get the resources of Beimang College, I will rise to the top and become an invincible person. At that time, I don't believe that any woman can refuse my pursuit."

"Only I deserve such a woman!"

Yan Gu looked at Han Yueli with eyes full of admiration. From the first moment he saw her, he made up his mind to get Han Yueli.

Yan Gu glanced at Han Yueli, then glanced at Chu Fengmian with disdain in his eyes.

"What's more, the person next to her is just a waste in the wind control realm. Although she got lucky and joined Beimang Academy, in the end, she is just a mere outer disciple."

"When we enter Beimang College, the status of both parties changes drastically. Without me taking action, the relationship will naturally be severed."

"Yes, any woman can be valued by Senior Brother Yan, it is her blessing."

"Yes, with Senior Brother Yan's future achievements, no woman can be found."

"Don't look at the fact that she is an iceberg goddess now. As long as Senior Brother Yan hooks up with you, she will be sent to you."

A circle of warriors sitting next to Yan Gu all echoed the words, making Yan Gu's expression show a bit of pride.

Although the conversations of this group of people were quiet, it was impossible to hide them from Chu Fengmian's ears.

Hearing these comments, Chu Fengmian's lips couldn't help but reveal a bit of a sneer.

Yan Gu, who dared to attract the attention of Chu Fengmian's woman, had already been included in Chu Fengmian's death list.

When Beimang College finds an opportunity, Chu Fengmian will definitely kill him.

The palace was filled with people in a short while, and at a glance, there were tens of thousands of people.

Although the number is extremely large, compared to the millions of people in the hall just now, the number of people who can successfully pass the test is only one percent.

The remaining people either died or failed.

After waiting for two or three hours, the assessment was over and everyone was present.

These people left behind are not weak in strength, at least they all have strength above the fifth level of the divine power realm.

A wind-controlling warrior like Chu Fengmian stood out from the crowd in this palace and was extremely eye-catching.

Many people looked at Chu Fengmian with eyes full of disdain and contempt.

After all, for such a wind-controlling warrior to pass the assessment, he must have had great luck. He might even have come through the back door through connections. Naturally, they were extremely disdainful.

"You have all passed the examination, and you are all outer disciples of our Beimang Academy."

From outside, a group of warriors suddenly walked in. These people were all disciples of Beimang Academy.

The leader among them is the host of this assessment, Elder Su Ling.

Everyone present stood up in a hurry. Even though those who passed the examination are all extremely proud geniuses, no one dared to be disrespectful in front of Elder Su Ling.

"Here are your clothes, as well as your identity tags, and a Beimang Canon, which records the rules of our Beimang College. When you go back, you must read them carefully to avoid violating the rules of Beimang College."

Elder Su Ling said coldly, and the surrounding Beimang Academy disciples began to distribute clothes, identity cards, etc.

Chu Fengmian took the clothes and refined them with a drop of blood. The clothes were automatically put on Chu Fengmian's body.

This piece of clothing is also a top-grade Xuan-level spiritual weapon. Although its grade is not high, it can still withstand some weak damage.

What's more, if Beimang College distributes tens of thousands of items at once, it will consume a huge amount of wealth. Only Beimang College has such financial resources and deep pockets.

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