Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 449 Raising Gu

The elder Su Ling in front of him was much more powerful than anyone Chu Fengmian had ever seen in his life.

Although Chu Fengmian had seen powerful men such as Lord Duohua and the ancestor of the Xu family who had reached the realm of life and death.

But it is far from being able to compete with Elder Su Ling. With just a wave of his hand, Elder Su Ling is enough to kill a powerful person in the life and death realm like the ancestor of the Xu family.

In the realm of life and death, there is a huge gap in each realm, which is not so easy to overcome.

Beimang College would ask Elder Su Ling to preside over this session's assessment, and it was not because he wanted to show off his strength.

Hosting the assessment is not an easy task. Almost every one of the millions of warriors present is a genius with extremely high qualifications and is extremely arrogant.

Among the people, there are inevitably strong men like Yan Gu whose strength is close to the realm of life and death.

If these assessment disciples cause conflicts and riots, there is no way they can suppress these people without sufficient strength.

This elder Su Ling has reached the fifth level of the life and death realm, and his strength is even more amazing. Only such a person can suppress the arrogant geniuses here.

"You are here to take the Beimang Academy assessment this time. You should also know the rules. Hand over the Beimang token first, and someone will come to check. Only those who have the Beimang token can participate in the assessment."

Elder Su Ling said coldly.

As he spoke, thousands of warriors appeared one after another.

These warriors, all dressed in blue, were all disciples of Beimang Academy. One by one, they began to carefully check the Beimang Token.

"You, without a token, are not qualified to participate in this assessment, get out!"

In front, there was a sudden movement. A warrior, who seemed to have no Beimang Token, was thrown out in front of everyone by one of the Beimang Academy disciples.

No explanation at all.

Beimang Academy has always acted in such a domineering manner.

When Chu Fengmian arrived, Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli handed over the prepared Beimang Token. The Beimang Academy disciple took one look at it and returned it to Chu Fengmian.

However, on the token that was returned, there were suddenly two more numbers on the back.

Han Yueli's was one hundred and three, and Chu Fengmian's was nine hundred and sixty-one.

"All assessment disciples, in order, go inside one by one, in groups of one hundred, to take part in the assessment!"

Elder Su Ling shouted loudly from above.

Suddenly, the Beimang tokens in the hands of some warriors below began to flash, and the number on them was one.

A total of one hundred people walked out together and walked towards the interior of the palace.

First group, second group, third group.

The number above is the group.

The warrior left very quickly. One group left, and the other group was also called out.

"Next group."

As Elder Su Ling spoke again.

The token in Han Yueli's hand lit up.

"It's my turn."

Han Yueli looked back at Chu Fengmian, then walked out and left.

Although the examination at Beimang College was extremely difficult, for Chu Fengmian, he was not worried about Han Yueli's problems.

After all, among the newcomers in this generation, Chu Fengmian saw very few people who could compete with Han Yueli.

In her group, it would be easy for her to succeed in the assessment.

There were fewer and fewer warriors in the palace, and they gradually left. Finally, the token in Chu Fengmian's hand also lit up.

Chu Fengmian walked out of the crowd and walked into the palace with the others.

Inside the palace, following the guidance of the people, they came to a huge arena.

Melee in the ring.

The assessment of Beimang College is extremely simple, it is a melee in the arena.

Whoever can defeat everyone among a hundred people can directly join Beimang Academy.

Here, everything has no meaning. The only thing you can rely on is strength.

"There is only one rule. You stand in the ring. Only one winner can join Beimang Academy. The rest will be eliminated."

"You can choose to admit defeat. As long as you shout and admit defeat, there will be a force that can take you away. But if you don't shout and fight to the death, you will not have to rely on others to die."

A disciple from Beimang Academy was explaining the rules at the side.

Many people in Chu Fengmian's group came to take the assessment of Beimang College for the first time. When they heard such cruel rules, they all looked slightly nervous.

But soon, everyone's expressions calmed down.

Those who dare to join Beimang Academy are all well-known geniuses. Although the rules are cruel, no one is afraid of them.

"Humph, you're a bunch of losers. I advise you to admit defeat and give up now, otherwise you won't even have the chance to admit defeat when you get to the stage."

A warrior spoke in a cold voice, his words full of arrogance.

This was a young man. His eyes swept across Chu Fengmian's group of people with disdain.

He also seems to be an extremely arrogant person.

"Tu Xiong, it's him, it's over."

Some warriors seemed to recognize the young man's identity, and their faces turned pale.

However, more people seemed to be unclear about the man's identity and asked him one after another.

"Who is this person? He seems to be extremely powerful."

"This man is Tu Xiong. Although he is not a disciple from a big family, it is said that he has had many adventures and is extremely powerful."

"He had participated in the last session, but he was unlucky at that time. In the group, he met a super strong man who was close to the realm of life and death. He struggled for a long time before losing. His strength was enough to kill the peak saint. "

"What, someone who can compete with a strong person in the realm of life and death?"

After hearing that man's words, many people present turned pale.

It is absolutely unfortunate to be grouped with such a fierce person.

Many of the people present were only at the first or second level of the divine power realm. How could they possibly contend with such a fierce person.

Tu Xiong, after hearing everyone's discussion, snorted coldly.

"Hmph, you are a bunch of trash. If you don't want to die, get out of here, so as not to waste my time."

Several of the warriors who knew Tu Xiong's strength looked extremely unwilling when they heard this, but they could only raise their hands and choose to admit defeat and leave.

When you get on stage, your life or death really depends on it. In a fierce battle, it's not certain whether you can shout and admit defeat.

I couldn't stop shouting, but I could only die.

"I surrender."

"I also admit defeat."

There were about eight people who just gave up and left.

They were all warriors who had participated in the previous session. They knew they were outmatched and left directly.

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