Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 445: Heaven, Earth, Man, Three Lists

Are there any warriors who can compete with saints by using the wind control realm? have!

However, there are very few that can be truly found in the Northern Territory of Nuo Da. 0.000~10,000\\small! said

Those who can do this are the geniuses secretly cultivated by various major sects. They have been trained since childhood to be able to do this.

For someone like Chu Fengmian, who doesn't seem to be from any major sect at all, being able to achieve this step is already surprising.

But then, no one was optimistic about Chu Fengmian.

Lu Mo just took action, but he did it randomly and did not use his full strength.

Now that Lu Mo was angered and took action with all his strength, Chu Fengmian would have no chance to resist.


Lu Mo took a step forward, and the power in his body surged. All the power was concentrated in one of his palms.

This palm suddenly gathered countless spiritual energy and hit Chu Fengmian suddenly.

The power in this palm seemed to be like a big mountain, crushing Chu Fengmian completely and crushing him to death.

"Ah, this is the Lu family's unique skill, the mountains can overwhelm the gods!"

"This move is so powerful that it can reach the pinnacle of earth-level martial arts."

"With Lu Mo's strength, if he executes this move, even a saint at the fourth level of divine power will be suppressed. If he is any weaker, he will probably be shocked to death."

The expressions of the onlookers changed drastically and they all backed away, fearing that they would be affected.

Chu Fengmian raised his head and felt a boundless pressure.

It was like the endless mountains were suppressing him.

Chu Fengmian's eyes showed a bit of contempt and he sneered.

"Oh? You want to suppress me? If the sky wants to suppress me, the sky will be broken, let alone the power of the mountains! Break it for me!"

Chu Fengmian gathered his spiritual power and punched out.


There was a huge roar.

Under the surprised eyes of countless people present, the continuous power of the mountains was completely shattered by Chu Fengmian's punch.

This Lu family's unique skill, the overwhelming mountain, was shattered in Chu Fengmian's hands.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian punched out again, and this punch hit Lu Mo directly.

Even Lu Mo himself didn't expect that Chu Fengmian could withstand his move of overwhelming mountains.

Facing Chu Fengmian's sudden punch, his face was filled with panic, and he had no time to resist. The punch had already hit his chest.


Lu Mo's chest was hit with a punch mark, and he was knocked away. Countless blood spit out from his mouth and he fell to the ground.


The genius of the Lu family, the second son of the Lu family, Lu Mo, was defeated like this.

Failed miserably.

He wasn't even Chu Fengmian's enemy with one move.

This scene seemed to wake up in everyone's hearts like a thunderclap.

"How is that possible! Lu Mo actually lost."

"With just one move, Lu Mo was defeated. How strong does this person have to be?"

"Lu Mo is already quite famous among the people who took the screaming assessment this time. A person who might have entered the list has failed miserably now."

Countless onlookers looked at Chu Fengmian with dull expressions on their faces, completely stunned.

Originally, they thought that Chu Fengmian was just trying to show off his strength when facing Lu Mo.

Unexpectedly, Chu Fengmian could actually defeat Lu Mo with such ease. This level of strength was comparable to that of geniuses trained in large sects.

"Among the newcomers in this class, there is such a dark horse."

"Being able to defeat Lu Mo with one move, it seems that he will definitely be able to enter the list of people. He may even be in the top 100 of the list."

"Is the strength you are showing now enough to rank among the top 100 on the list?"

Hearing everyone's discussion, Chu Fengmian thought to himself.

This list of people is also a list in Beimang College, and the rankings of the outer disciples of Beimang College are selected.

Generally, warriors who pass the assessment will become the outer sect disciples of Beimang Academy. Only in a few special cases, they are directly valued by some elders and directly enter the inner sect.

This possibility is less than 1 in 10,000.

Therefore, most warriors will first become outer sect disciples of Beimang Academy and then advance to the inner sect step by step.

The best among the outer disciples can be ranked on the list. Every year, Beimang Academy holds a competition.

Determine the ranking based on strength.

The disciples who can be on the list of people are all the best among the outer disciples. They have a high status. They can dominate the outer sect and can obtain countless resources.

Outside, he would be considered a one-sided figure.

However, the Human Ranking is only the lowest ranking. Going up, there is the Earth Ranking and the Heaven Ranking.

The Dibang warriors are all inner disciples of Beimang Academy, while the Tianbang warriors are all seed disciples of Beimang Academy.

For example, the status of Tianbang warriors in Beimang College is not lower than that of some elders. They have great power. Although they are disciples, they have already reached the top and have great power.

Although Chu Fengmian's current strength is less than one-tenth of his true strength, it can only be ranked around the top 100 in the rankings.

The foundation of Beimang College is deeper than he imagined.

Even if Chu Fengmian uses all his strength, he can only compete with some people on the Earth Ranking. The warriors on the Heavenly Ranking are far from being something Chu Fengmian can compete with.

Nowadays, Chu Fengmian cannot be said to have no status in Beimang College, but he can only be regarded as a small figure. However, Chu Fengmian will conquer Beimang College sooner or later.

Chu Fengmian will destroy the seven major sects in the future, so what does Beimang Academy mean?

"Second Young Master!"

At the entrance of the black market, an old man suddenly appeared. When the old man saw Lu Mo lying on the ground, his expression suddenly changed.

"Everyone get out of here!"

The old man suddenly released his spiritual power and rushed towards Chu Fengmian, suppressing the countless onlookers around him.

"This is the butler of the Lu family, Lu Xin!"

"It is rumored that his realm is enough to reach the peak of the saint, but he has been oppressed and has not made a breakthrough."

"It's actually this murderous man who's here!"

"Let's leave quickly to avoid being affected."

Seeing Lu Xin coming, many onlookers around him hurriedly stepped aside to avoid being affected.

Everyone in the Lu family is extremely arrogant, and Lu Xin's arrogance is no worse than Lu Mo's.

They dare not offend such a vicious man.

"Uncle Xin!"

When Lu Mo saw Lu Xin coming, his face showed a bit of joy and he shouted hurriedly.

"Uncle Xin, this person injured me!"

Lu Mo yelled and pointed at Chu Fengmian.

Lu Xin's eyes followed Lu Mu's direction and looked at Chu Fengmian.

"Junior, are you the one who dares to hurt someone from our Lu family because you are so arrogant?"

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