Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 440 Devour them all

The power of this long river of blood is the result of the self-destruction of all eleven blood gods.

Although it is not as powerful as the eleven powerful people in the life and death realm who can self-destruct at the same time, the power of this river of blood is still frighteningly powerful.

After all, the Xu family is one of the big families in the Douxuan Kingdom, and now it has finally revealed its true potential.

After sacrificing countless disciples of the Xu family, this long river of blood and energy was condensed.

"Bang! Bang!"

Chu Fengmian's body was swept into this river of blood and energy.

The endless blood energy impacted Chu Fengmian's body, making a crashing sound, like hitting metal.

Behind Chu Fengmian, the ancient killing god shrouded Chu Fengmian's body, resisting the erosion of endless blood energy.

"Boy, let's see how long you can resist!"

Xu Wuqi looked at Chu Fengmian, snorted coldly, and with a thought, he once again activated the power of the river of blood to wash away Chu Fengmian.

Being in this long river of blood, Chu Fengmian was suffering from the erosion of blood almost all the time. The power of each erosion was enough to make the peak saint fall.

The ancient killing god behind him hissed under the countless washes, and his body was completely locked in the river of blood, unable to move.

Chu Fengmian was also a little surprised that this void was able to explode with such power.

It seems that if Chu Fengmian had not lured the Xu family ancestor away and introduced him into the depths of the void, and if the Xu family ancestor had cooperated with this long river of blood, maybe Chu Fengmian really would not be his opponent.

It is even possible to fall into this river of blood, and even escape will be extremely difficult.

"Such a large family that has been inherited for thousands of years has some tricks after all, which should not be underestimated."

Chu Fengmian muttered silently in his heart, feeling the power of the river of blood, a sneer suddenly appeared on his lips.

Although the power of this river of blood is powerful, it is not without its weaknesses.

The river of blood should have been completed by the simultaneous condensation of the power of twelve blood gods, but now, it only contains the power of these eleven blood gods.

One of the blood gods had already been recovered by Chu Fengmian, although the power of one of the blood gods was replaced by Xu Wuqi.

But the God of Nothingness is not a blood god after all, and cannot be completely sacrificed. He can only sacrifice part of his power.

This also gave Chu Fengmian a chance.

"This little river of blood wants to trap me?"

Chu Fengmian roared loudly.

"Killing swordsmanship!"

In his hand, the red flame sword suddenly appeared, and suddenly it was slashed out.

This sword was slashed out immediately, and it immediately slashed towards the river of blood.

The blade of the sword accurately struck the deepest part of the river of blood. Suddenly, the river of blood was scattered.

This sword energy directly hit the missing part of the long river of blood energy, causing the blood energy in it to flow backwards and split apart all of a sudden.

Countless blood energy was re-divided into eleven independent blood gods.

"Ah! Oh no!"

Xu Wuqi shouted, his face turned extremely pale when he saw this scene.

One of these blood gods had just been killed by Chu Fengmian, so there was a loophole and a weakness in the river of blood.

Now Chu Fengmian's sword happened to hit this weak spot, causing the river of blood to break up and turn into eleven blood gods.

"The blood evil Buddha-destroying formation! Gather together again!"

He hurriedly activated his power, just to unify the power of the eleven blood gods into one again.

If these eleven blood gods were separated, they would all be defeated by Chu Fengmian one by one. Only by uniting can they be able to compete with Chu Fengmian.


Chu Fengmian snorted coldly.

How could Chu Fengmian give this Xu Wuqi a second chance now?

With a wave of his hand, the War Dragon's Claw suddenly appeared, and with one claw falling, the three blood gods among them were immediately smashed to pieces.

It turned into extremely pure blood and integrated into Chu Fengmian's body.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian's body also moved.

The red flame sword in his hand slashed out twice in succession. The two blood gods in front of him were not beheaded completely, but were devoured and refined by him.

Five of the twelve blood gods were killed in an instant. In addition to the one Chu Fengmian killed before, six were already dead.

Half the quantity is missing.

Although the remaining six blood gods have been united, they can no longer achieve anything great.

"Your ancestors of the Xu family have already died in my hands, and now it's your turn!"

Chu Fengmian looked at the six blood gods, laughed loudly, and rushed over.

Chu Fengmian had to retreat somewhat from the combined power of these twelve blood gods, but if there were only six left.

Chu Fengmian wouldn't care at all.

He suddenly struck out and slashed with the sword in his hand once again.

"Swordsmanship of abundance!"

Chu Fengmian moved the sword in his hand and struck directly.

The six blood gods, aware of the danger, also took action together, using the ancient "Blood Sacrifice to Common People" move.

However, the power of the six blood gods was no longer half of what it was in their heyday. Although they all attacked together, they were all forced back by Chu Fengmian's sword.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two of the slightly weaker blood gods were destroyed directly because of this power.

Two more blood gods died in the hands of Chu Fengmian.

"Little beast! I will fight with you! Four blood gods! All of them will be sacrificed, burned, and self-destructed!"

Xu Wuqi looked at Chu Fengmian with a look of madness on his face.

With a roar, he directly grabbed the four blood gods and bumped towards Chu Fengmian at the same time.

The spiritual power of Wuqi's body and the four blood gods became chaotic at the same time, and all the power within them exploded.


Chu Fengmian snorted coldly when he saw Xu Wuqi's behavior.

It's strange that the head of Xu family has been forced to self-destruct.

The power of the four blood gods was integrated into his body at the same time, making his body expand so much that it looked like a ball.

The moment he got close to Chu Fengmian, the ball suddenly exploded.


The endless power swept directly towards Chu Fengmian.

"If a strong person in the life and death realm self-destructs, I will still be afraid, but a small peak saint who has not survived the catastrophe of life and death, even if he self-destructs, it is impossible to hurt me!"

"Destroy it!"

In Chu Fengmian's heart, he communicated with the sword embryo, and a force of creation appeared in the palm of his hand.

Creation, bloodline of war dragon, ancient killing god.

Three forces were condensed in Chu Fengmian's palm at the same time.

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