Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 438 Doomed

"Xu Wuqi, you don't have to yell here."

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly when he heard the head of the Xu family spoke.

"You have nothing to do with plotting against Chu."

"Chu Fengmian! You!"

Hearing Chu Fengmian call him by his name, the head of the Xu family couldn't help but get angry. He was the head of the Xu family.

In this Douxuan Kingdom, many powerful people in the life and death realm wanted to give him face. Now that he was called by his first name by a junior, his face couldn't help but show a bit of anger.

But besides the anger, there was also a bit of surprise in Xian Wuqi's heart.

From what Chu Fengmian said, it seemed that they already knew their plan to plot against Chu Fengmian.

"Why, do you think I don't know about your plan to plot against Chu?"

Seeing the surprise in Xu Wuqi's eyes, Chu Fengmian sneered.

As soon as he moved his finger, a drop of demon blood suddenly appeared on his fingertips.

Seeing this drop of demon blood, Xian Wuqi and Xu Jin couldn't help but look at each other.

Both of them had a bit of murderous intent in their eyes.

It seemed that Chu Fengmian was indeed aware of their plan.

"Boy, now that you know, I won't talk nonsense to you today."

Looking at Chu Fengmian, Xu Wuqi stopped explaining and snorted coldly.

"We never wanted to give you the qualification quota for Beimang College's assessment."

"If you are wiser and obediently hand over the Sumeru Space and the countless wealth, we can still spare you today."

"Yes, Chu Fengmian, so what if you find out today? Handing over your wealth obediently is the only way you can survive."

Xu Jin looked at Chu Fengmian, his face no longer had the previous smile, but instead turned into a sneer.

He looked at Chu Fengmian with both eyes, full of greed.

"This is the Xu family. Even if you knew it, do you think you could leave alive?"

Xu Jin snorted coldly, and suddenly a burst of spiritual power shot out.

Suddenly, countless restrictions suddenly appeared in this palace.

These restrictions appeared, suddenly trapping Chu Fengmian and the three of them.

This restriction has been prepared in advance.

As soon as the restriction came out, it completely enveloped Chu Fengmian and the others.

As long as Xu Jin's mind moves slightly now, this restriction will be enough to activate and completely kill Chu Fengmian and the others.

Xu Jin looked at Chu Fengmian and laughed.

"Chu Fengmian, now I will give you a chance. Kneel down obediently, choose to surrender to me, and become my dog. How about I let you live?"

Chu Fengmian looked at Xu Jin and spoke slowly.

"Xu Jin, I could save your life, but now you're treating me like this?"

"Innocent little guy, in the world of martial arts, there is no such thing as kindness. So what if you saved me? That's just your stupidity."

Xu Jin looked at Chu Fengmian, shook his head, and sneered with disdain in his eyes.

"When you are in your next life, you should see clearly and stop being so stupid."

The moment Xu Jin opened his mouth, he was already secretly activating his spiritual power.

Suddenly, the surrounding restrictions were triggered.

Infinite spiritual power suddenly pressed towards Chu Fengmian. This force seemed to suppress Chu Fengmian directly.

I don’t know how long this restriction has been in place. It was placed by the ancestor of the Xu family himself.

Even warriors at the first level of the life and death realm can suppress them directly.

"Boy, remember not to be so stupid in your next life!"

Xu Jin glanced at Chu Fengmian with a sneer.

"Really? It seems you really think you can defeat me completely?"

Chu Fengmian laughed suddenly and glanced at Xu Wuqi and Xu Jin. His eyes seemed to be looking at two dead people.

"Do you think I dare to come without any preparation? Originally, I wanted to give your Xu family a chance, but now, your Xu family's demise is already doomed!"

"Killing swordsmanship! The ancient god of death!"

Chu Fengmian's mind suddenly moved, and his killing sword skills suddenly became violent.

On Chu Fengmian's body, the shadow of the ancient killing god suddenly appeared.

His murderous intent burst out unabashedly, and his eyes turned red, like an ancient god of murder suddenly arriving.

Endless killing intent emerged from Chu Fengmian's body.

The aura on Chu Fengmian's body was different from just now, as if an ancient killing god had suddenly arrived.

"You, you, you! How is that possible!"

Xu Wuqi and Xu Jin were both shocked when they saw the sudden change in Chu Fengmian.

They thought that Chu Fengmian would be defeated this time, but they didn't expect that there was such a change hidden in Chu Fengmian's body.

"You actually hide your strength!"

"Such strength! It turns out that you were hiding your strength from the beginning and wanted to plot against our Xu family!"

Xu Wuqi looked at Chu Fengmian and said coldly.

"The wolfish ambition! It has finally emerged! You hide your strength and come to our Xu family, you must have evil intentions!"

"But you are a wind-controlling boy, so what if your strength is weird? I don't believe you can really compete with us!"

"We have already arranged the restrictions. A boy in the wind control realm can't even think about changing the world!"

The ancestor of the Xu family roared angrily, and with a thought, a force of power blessed the restriction.

When this restriction was activated, it immediately turned into three golden swords. These three golden swords were all genuine earth-level spiritual weapons.

Among these countless restrictions, the Xu family has integrated three earth-level spiritual weapons into them.

Once activated, these three golden swords shot out at the same time, directly stabbing Chu Fengmian.

"Boy, even if you hide your strength, you still can't be our opponent!"

The ancestor of the Xu family roared angrily, and the moment he activated the restriction, he also released all his strength.

The boundless blood energy condensed on his body and turned into a blood energy spear.

"Blood energy spear! Blood-breaking secret!"

This spear contains endless blood, and there are countless resentful spirits roaring in it. I don't know how many warriors were killed before it was condensed.

Xu Jin also took action, and a bloody whip appeared in her hand.

Immediately, he whipped Chu Fengmian.

These countless martial arts skills were blasted towards Chu Fengmian at the same time, leaving no room to spare and trying to kill Chu Fengmian directly.

"The fighting dragon dances in the sky!"

There was a bit of a sneer in Chu Fengmian's eyes, and his body suddenly transformed into the appearance of an ancient war dragon.

A huge claw of the war dragon was condensed in an instant and struck with one palm.

Thanks to Xiao Feng Ze for the reward.

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