Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 436 Fierce Battle in the Void

Now in front of the ancestor of the Xu family.

Chu Fengmian activated his spiritual power to refine and devour all the demon blood.

The ancestor of the Xu family watched Chu Fengmian forcibly refining the demonic blood, roaring in his heart, unable to imagine that this scene would actually occur.

With this demonic blood, he has never failed when fighting an enemy.

Even powerful warriors will be controlled if they are planted with demonic blood.

For example, Chu Fengmian was not affected by the demonic blood at all, and he completely refined and swallowed the demonic blood. It was simply unbelievable.

"This kind of method is unheard of! This person is no longer a human being!"

The ancestor of the Xu family was almost scared to death.

All his methods were meaningless in front of Chu Fengmian.

Especially refining demon blood, is this something a human can do?

Even the geniuses of Beimang College may not be able to do this.

"Use my blood as a sacrifice! Escape thousands of miles!"

The ancestor of the Xu family did not hesitate at all and spit out countless blood from his mouth.

This blood wrapped around the ancestor of the Xu family, and suddenly turned into a bloody light, trying to escape.

In his heart, he no longer had any thoughts of fighting Chu Fengmian. He made a decisive decision and wanted to escape.

But it's not that easy to escape.

This ancestor of the Xu family is, after all, a powerful person in the realm of life and death.

Now that Chu Fengmian can defeat him, a lot of it depends on Chu Fengmian's refinement of the killing sword technique and his restraint on him.

If the ancestor of the Xu family escapes, he is looking for a few powerful people in the life and death realm to besiege Chu Fengmian.

After all, Chu Fengmian has not truly stepped into the realm of divine power, and it is still very troublesome to become a saint.

Since he was going to take action today, Chu Fengmian would not give the ancestor of the Xu family any chance.

"Killing Sword Technique! Blood Prison Cage!"

Chu Fengmian pulled out the red flame sword, and endless blood condensed on the sword's edge.

These streaks of blood flew away one after another along with the sword's edge, and suddenly turned into a cage.

This cage is a hundred miles wide, and the Xu family ancestor's escape light has not left yet.

It's like being completely trapped in this cage.

Being blocked by this blood prison cage, the ancestor of the Xu family immediately turned crazy.

There was no way to escape, and no one wanted to escape in his heart.

After all, he is a powerful person in the realm of life and death, and his mind is inherently firm and extraordinary. Once he no longer wants to escape, his whole face will be full of anger.

"Little beast! Do you really want to fight me to the death? You have to be merciful! Today we are fighting to the death, and you won't get any benefits!"

The ancestor of the Xu family calmed down, looked at Chu Fengmian, and spoke slowly.

"How about we become enemies?"

"Don't you want the quota for BeiMang College's qualification assessment? Let's forget about today's matter. How about I give you three quotas for BeiMang College's qualification assessment?"


Hearing the words of the ancestor of the Xu family, Chu Fengmian's face was filled with a sneer.

The mocking look in his eyes was even more unceremonious.

There was no grievance or enmity between Chu Fengmian and the Xu family. The Xu family did not want to benefit Chu Fengmian from the beginning. Instead, they calculated the endless wealth of Chu Fengmian.

He even wanted to use the demon blood to completely control Chu Fengmian.

It is simply ridiculous to want to resolve all these grievances with just one sentence now.

"Old guy, you've been plotting against me for so long, and now you want to resolve the grudge with just one sentence? That's such a good thing."

A strange smile appeared on Chu Fengmian's lips.

"But since you still have some strength, how about I give you a chance? How about letting you live?"

"what chance?"

Originally, the ancestor of the Xu family could not see his anger, but when he heard Chu Fengmian's next words, his expression changed.

I couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Chu Fengmian really didn't dare to fight him to the death.

If a powerful person in the life and death realm really plans life and death, and wants to destroy him to the death, it will be an extremely terrifying thing.

He suffered a big loss today and did not want to have any conflict with Chu Fengmian.

However, when he recovers his strength and looks for a few powerful people in the life and death realm, he can kill Chu Fengmian again.

After all, Chu Fengmian had such adventures and endless wealth.

There are many people who want to kill Chu Fengmian.

Everyone wants this kind of adventure.

"You surrender to me as my slave."

Chu Fengmian looked at the ancestor of the Xu family and sneered repeatedly.

"I can spare your life, and even let you continue to be your ancestor of the Xu family, and even help you to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation."


When the ancestor of the Xu family heard the first sentence, his face turned red with anger.

After hearing all this, the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

In the eyes of the ancestor of the Xu family, Chu Fengmian was just a lucky young man who got a chance encounter.

He doesn't even have the status of an equal. His current attempt to negotiate peace with Chu Fengmian is just an act of cowardice.

When he regains his strength, he will find someone to kill Chu Fengmian.

A strong person like him in the life and death realm is a strong person at the pinnacle. It is simply a supreme shame for him to surrender, especially to a junior.

He wouldn't agree to it anyway.

"Junior! Arrogant!"

The ancestor of the Xu family shouted angrily.

The meaning behind these words simply made him feel endless shame.

"You, a junior, dare to speak arrogantly?"

"You are talking arrogantly? It's Chu who is giving you a chance now. Since you don't want to, then just go and die!"

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly, showing no mercy.

It is indeed quite convenient for a strong person in the life and death realm to be a slave and has many benefits.

But a dead strong man in the life and death realm is equally useful to Chu Fengmian.

Since the ancestor of the Xu family does not choose life, then he has only one way to die.

"You are simply arrogant and arrogant!"

The ancestor of the Xu family said angrily.

"Do you really think that my Xu family has no means? Go to hell!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ancestor of the Xu family suddenly took action.

His body suddenly expanded and turned into a huge body that was a thousand feet tall.

The strength of the ancestor of the Xu family also became infinitely powerful because of the expansion of his body.

With a sudden punch, he punched Chu Fengmian.

With this punch, the space will be shattered.

Since Chu Fengmian could control his blood energy, the ancestor of the Xu family changed his attention and condensed all the blood energy into his body and turned it into his strength.

Use absolute power to crush Chu Fengmian to death.

The endless hurricane, because of this power, oppressed Chu Fengmian's body, making it impossible for Chu Fengmian to escape.

Chu Fengmian stood there and sneered in his heart when he saw the punch coming.

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