Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 433: Dan Cheng

The transformation in Chu Fengmian happened in an instant.

From an ancient killing god, he transformed into an ordinary Chu Fengmian.

However, the power in Chu Fengmian's body did not decrease. Instead, it seemed to be even more refined than before.

There is a feeling of returning to nature.

"The worst thing about this killing swordsmanship is that you will lose yourself and fall into endless killing. But for me, it is far from affecting me."

Chu Fengmian said confidently.

He has been a man of two lifetimes and has an extremely strong will. Many people will go crazy after practicing this killing swordsmanship to great perfection.

His body was possessed by the ancient god of death, and he became a madman who only knew how to kill.

But Chu Fengmian now has these two other powers in his body, the power of fighting dragons and the power of creation.

These three forces restricted each other, and Chu Fengmian was able to sweep away the murderous intention.

He only inherits the power of the ancient killing god, but not the killing intent.

Even so, Chu Fengmian was actually unable to exert the power of this killing swordsmanship to perfection, and could only exert it to 80% of it.

According to legend, the ancient god of death experienced countless sufferings in the world. He was so called crazy and wanted to kill everything in the world.

His monstrous murderous intention is not something Chu Fengmian can understand, so now Chu Fengmian cannot completely inherit his killing swordsmanship.

But Chu Fengmian was, after all, a master of swordsmanship, possessing dragon bloodline and the power of creation in his body.

Forced activation is enough to use nearly 80% of the power of this killing swordsmanship, which is enough.

If Chu Fengmian forced himself to understand the killing intent of the ancient killing god, he would probably be affected by the killing intent, get lost in it, and become a madman who only knows killing.

"This killing swordsmanship is extremely dangerous, so be careful."

Han Yueli stood aside and said with concern.

The moment Chu Fengmian burst out with murderous intent, she thought that Chu Fengmian was really possessed by the ancient god of death and was lost in it.

After all, Han Yueli had already felt the power of this killing swordsmanship from Chu Fengmian's body.

Even if she reaches great success in cultivation, she will probably be lost in the killing swordsmanship.

The power of the ancient killing god was beyond what they could contend with.

"It doesn't matter. Although this killing swordsmanship is enough to summon the shadow of the ancient god of death, after all, the ancient god of death has fallen long ago, and this shadow is just the condensation of his power."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

"As long as I suppress the murderous intention in it, this power will be enough for me to use."

"The killing swordsmanship has been condensed to perfection, so it should be almost done over there."

The moment Chu Fengmian spoke, his figure disappeared from the room.

I saw Chu Fengmian hiding his figure, and suddenly passed through the Xu family. The countless restrictions of the Xu family were ignored in front of Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian rushed towards the hidden country, and in a flash, he came directly to the hidden country.

"This Tianyuan Shen Dan! It is finally ready to be refined!"

In the hidden kingdom, there are two people in total, namely Xu Jin and the ancestor of the Xu family.

Now, in this alchemy furnace, streams of essence of medicinal power are already permeating the air.

Just smelling this faint medicinal fragrance is enough to make people feel physically and mentally relaxed.

"Not bad! I have refined the Tianyuan Divine Pill! I am strong enough to take a further step!"

The ancestor of the Xu family looked at the Tianyuan Divine Pill with excitement on his face.

His realm has been stuck at this level for a long time, but now he can finally break through.

Xu Jin stood aside and said respectfully.

"Congratulations, ancestor."

The ancestor of the Xu family glanced at Xu Jin and said.

"Xu Jin, you did a good job in this matter. You got such a great Jiuding Dan from the hands of those three people. Without this wealth, I am afraid that this Tian Yuan Shen Dan may not be able to be refined."

"The position of the next head of the Xu family belongs to you."

"Thank you, ancestor."

Xu Jin thanked her hurriedly.

"It is an honor to be able to contribute to the family."

"Well, you have done a great job by bringing those three people this time. You don't have to refuse. Since these three people have so much wealth, they must have obtained a huge treasure."

The ancestor of the Xu family flashed his eyes and said suddenly.

"After I refine this Tianyuan Shendan, I will kill all three of them and refine their souls to see how many adventures they have!"

The words of the ancestor of the Xu family were filled with murderous intent.

The common man was innocent of the crime of harboring a jade, but he had so much wealth that the ancestor of the Xu family was filled with murderous intent.

When he broke through the realm, the first thing he did was to kill all Chu Fengmian and the three of them, taking away all the opportunities from Chu Fengmian.

"The Tianyuan Divine Pill is about to be completed!"

The ancestor of the Xu family, such a powerful person in the life and death realm, has a face as excited as a child.

This Tian Yuan Shen Dan condensed his endless efforts and inherited all his wishes.

If he failed this time, he would never be able to refine it again in his lifetime.

The shaking of the alchemy furnace is getting louder and louder.

The power that burst out from it was even greater than the movement of two powerful men fighting each other.

The ancestor of the Xu family continuously controls the power and stabilizes the alchemy furnace.

In the end, the power of the alchemy furnace gradually began to relax.

In this alchemy furnace, countless medicinal powers are emitted.

The power of these medicines actually condensed into dragon shapes, and the power of the medicine turned into dragons.

"What a Tian Yuan Shen Dan! It's actually powerful enough to transform into a dragon! This is a strange phenomenon from heaven and earth! This Tian Yuan Shen Dan is about to be made!"

The ancestor of the Xu family laughed profusely when he saw this scene.

The power of the medicine transforms the dragon into a strange phenomenon, which not only means that the Tianyuan Shendan is about to be refined, but also represents the mystery of the Tianyuan Shendan.

This is a scene that will only appear when the top Tianji elixir is condensed.

In the alchemy furnace, the last bit of Jiuding Dan gradually began to burn out, and the rising medicinal power gradually subsided.

Then, a burst of golden light suddenly burst out.

When this golden light appeared, the alchemy furnace suddenly stopped, and boundless spiritual power burst out from it.

"Elixir is complete!"

The ancestor of the Xu family laughed loudly when he saw the scene of the elixir being completed.

In the alchemy furnace, a pill the size of a dragon's eye suddenly flew out.

This longan-sized elixir is covered with countless lines, and these lines are medicine lines.

Each medicine pattern represents a force.

This Tian Yuan Shen Dan has thousands of medicinal patterns, and it is simply the king of pills.

"Come here quickly!"

The ancestor of the Xu family, when he saw the Yuan Shen Dan appearing that day, he hurriedly stretched out his hand and grabbed the Yuan Shen Dan that day.

But almost in an instant, this Tian Yuan Shen Dan seemed to have become conscious, directly breaking the spiritual power of the ancestor of the Xu family, and suddenly rushed out.

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