Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 427: Nouveau riche

Today, Chu Fengmian spent 20 billion Jiuding Dan to purchase a large amount of saint's essence and blood.

Now that Wang Ao was defeated, a full 20 billion Jiuding Pills were burned, and then another 20 billion Jiuding Pills were taken out.

Chu Fengmian's wealth alone now shows that he has sixty billion Nine Cauldron Pills, and it seems that Chu Fengmian's wealth is far more than that.

Xu Jin tentatively spoke.

"Master Chu needs a large amount of saint blood now?"

Chu Fengmian nodded.

"Yes, in order to improve my strength, I want to enter the realm of divine power and become a saint as soon as possible so that I can join Beimang Academy. I need a lot of saint blood to refine it."

In Beimang Academy, if you want to become an inner disciple, you need to be at least in the realm of divine power.

Otherwise, you can only become an outer disciple.

Outer disciples actually have to bear heavy tasks and cannot devote themselves to cultivation.

Only the inner disciples can be regarded as true disciples of Beimang Academy and can practice with peace of mind.

Chu Fengmian's realm is the peak of the Wind Control Realm. This is Chu Fengmian's true realm. No matter how you explore, this is the result.

Now Chu Fengmian's words were so perfect that Xu Jin believed them.

"In our Xu family, we actually still have a batch of saints' essence and blood. I wonder if Mr. Chu would be interested? But the quantity of this batch of saints' essence and blood is huge..."

Xu Jin pondered for a moment and then said.

"If Mr. Chu needs it, I can sell you part of it on behalf of the Xu family."

"Part of it? Don't worry, Miss Xu Jin, no matter how much saint essence and blood your Xu family has, I can buy it, 50 billion? 60 billion?"

Chu Fengmian laughed repeatedly.

Chu Fengmian's behavior really seemed like that of a nouveau riche with tons of money.

Chu Fengmian waved his hand and quietly took out countless Jiuding Pills. This time, there were nearly a hundred billion.

Seeing the hundreds of billions of Jiuding Dan displayed by Chu Fengmian, Xu Jin's eyes went crazy with greed, as if she wanted to snatch all Chu Fengmian's wealth right now.

Xu Jin has never seen anyone who can produce hundreds of billions of Jiuding Pills in one go. Even for a family as big as the Xu family, if they want to produce hundreds of billions of Jiuding Pills in one go, they still need to break their muscles and bones.

Xu Jin quickly calmed down. At this time, she didn't want to show any abnormality.

Anyway, the essence and blood of countless saints contain demon blood. The more Chu Fengmian refines it, the more he will be controlled by them.

Invisibly, they were able to control Chu Fengmian, and everything about Chu Fengmian belonged to them.

Thinking of this, Xu Jin couldn't help but sneer in his eyes.

So what if there is a lot of wealth? Chu Fengmian's wealth will belong to their Xu family sooner or later.

Xu Jin laughed.

"Our Xu family has a total of 150 billion worth of saint essence and blood. I wonder how much Mr. Chu needs?"

"It's only 150 billion. Miss Xu Jin, don't worry. Chu can still get this little wealth."

Chu Fengmian said disapprovingly. It seemed that this huge wealth of 150 billion was nothing to Chu Fengmian.

With a wave of his hand, an extremely deep river of elixirs appeared, in which there were a total of 150 billion Jiuding Pills densely packed.

"Chu wants this batch of saint's essence and blood."

With that said, Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and the 150 billion Nine Cauldron Pills flew towards Xu Jin.

As soon as Chu Fengmian finished speaking, Xu Jin's face froze slightly. She seemed to have never expected that Chu Fengmian was so happy.

Taking out 150 billion Jiuding Dan is as easy as drinking water.

This is 150 billion! Such wealth! Let some powerful people in the life and death realm not be able to take it out.

If the Xu family wants to mobilize 150 billion Jiuding pills, it will take a lot of effort, and it is very likely that they will not be able to come up with so many pills. After all, this is a huge wealth.

The wealth Chu Fengmian displayed now was comparable to that of a huge family.

Xu Jin originally guessed that Chu Fengmian just had some small adventures, but now it seems that the adventures Chu Fengmian got are simply amazing, otherwise how could he have such wealth.

Xu Jin was restrained by Chu Fengmian, and it took a long time for her to react. She hurriedly caught the 150 billion Nine Cauldron Pills and carefully put them into the Sky Ring.

After all, even she was extremely nervous when she saw so much wealth for the first time.

"I will order this batch of saint essence and blood to be delivered to Mr. Chu's residence."

Xu Jin said.

"There's no rush. Anyway, Chu can still trust Miss Xu Jin's sincerity."

Chu Fengmian smiled and suddenly said something different.

"By the way, Miss Xu Jin, I don't know about the qualification quota for the three of us at Beimang College? How is it?"

Hearing Chu Fengmian's words, Xu Jin's eyes sneered again and again. Chu Fengmian's life was about to be lost, and he was still thinking about the assessment of Beimang College.

However, the expression on her face was extremely calm, and she said with a bit of embarrassment.

"The qualification quota for Beimang College's assessment has actually been determined. Many disciples of the Xu family are unwilling to hand over their quota. It is extremely difficult for me to handle it."

"It might be easier if we give them some compensation."

Xu Jin's expression seemed to be extremely difficult and helpless.

"Compensation? It's easy to say that the Beimang College examination qualification places are valuable. I naturally know this. I am willing to pay 30 billion Jiuding Dan in exchange for three of the places."

Chu Fengmian said with a smile, his tone was extremely relaxed, as if matters about wealth were nothing to Chu Fengmian.

With a wave of his hand, another thirty billion Nine Cauldron Pills appeared and flew towards Xu Jin.

This is truly treating money like dirt.

Many people around him looked at Chu Fengmian as if they were looking at a fat sheep. Everyone wanted to get such a huge wealth.

But now this fat sheep was slaughtered by the Xu family. They could only look at it and couldn't help but sigh that they couldn't meet a fat sheep like Chu Fengmian.

"Okay, with these Jiuding Pills, there should be many Xu family disciples willing to give up their quota this time."

Xu Jin took the thirty billion Nine Cauldron Pills, her face instantly became much more relaxed, and she said in surprise.

"Master Chu, please wait a few more days. In a few days, the quota will definitely be sent to you."


Chu Fengmian nodded.

The dinner that followed was extremely peaceful. After the dinner, Chu Fengmian and his party returned to the palace.

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