Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 419: Seeking Skin from a Tiger

The Xu family is one of the families affiliated with Beimang College. It is the king and hegemon in the Douxuan Kingdom.

Every time there is an assessment, the Xu family will also get many assessment quotas. With these, it is enough to make the Xu family strong.

Chu Fengmian heard Tuoba Ding's words and asked.

"Is there anyone strong in this Xu family?"

"In the Xu family, there is an ancestor who is at the second level of life and death. His strength index reaches 30, and he is considered a well-known strong man."

Tuoba Ding reported it truthfully.

"Second level of life and death realm..."

Chu Fengmian's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

Then his expression changed, he looked at Xu Jin and said.

"Well, if the Xu family is willing to hand over the assessment quota to us, we will not ask for it in vain and can give you part of the wealth."

When Chu Fengmian spoke, he waved his hand, and a long river of elixir suddenly appeared in Chu Fengmian's palm, among which were endless Jiuding Dan, with as many as tens of billions of Jiuding Dan.


Xu Jin's expression showed that she still didn't take it seriously when she heard Chu Fengmian's words.

After all, in her opinion, Chu Fengmian's group was just people who came from some rundown small country, and how much wealth could they have.

But when she saw the tens of billions of Jiuding Pills, Xu Jin's expression suddenly changed, and her eyes were full of greed.

Ten billion Jiuding Dan is a huge fortune for her. Although she comes from the Xu family, the Xu family also has countless outstanding disciples.

Unless he is the head of their Xu family, no one can come up with so much wealth at once.

After Xu Jin's face changed color slightly, he soon regained his composure, with a smile on his face.

"You all saved me. After you follow me back to the family, the quota for the qualification assessment will naturally be given to you."

"Please, everyone, come with me."

After Xu Jin said something, he took Chu Fengmian and flew directly over.

The Douxuan Kingdom where the Xu family is located is near Beimang College, so the route is the same. Chu Fengmian and his party first came to the ancient city of Xuanzhou, and then used the teleportation circle to cross countless countries.

Finally, seven days later, we arrived in front of a huge city.

This city is the capital of Douxuan Kingdom, Douxuan City.

The Xu family behind Xu Jin is located here.

This city is larger than a martial arts kingdom. At a glance, there are countless ripples faintly undulating above the city.

Fluctuations of spiritual power came out from it. There were many restrictions and formations in Douxuan City to protect it.

Compared with the Quancheng Kingdom, they are almost the same.

Chu Fengmian and his party landed directly in the city.

When the two guards of Douxuan City saw Chu Fengmian and his group falling, they came over to greet them.

The two guards of Douxuan City both have the strength to control the wind, but their qualifications are average. They may not be able to step into the realm of divine power and become saints in their lifetime.

"Who is coming! Breaking into the city gate without permission! Stop!"

The two guards shouted loudly.

"You two losers, even this young lady can't recognize you?"

Xu Jin's expression turned cold and she said coldly.

"Get out of my way!"

"It's Miss Sumire."

"Miss Sumire is back."

When the two guards saw Xu Jin's appearance clearly, their expressions suddenly changed. Each of them turned pale and became extremely nervous.

"We were blind and did not recognize Miss Sumire, so we ask Miss Sumire to atone for her sins."

It seemed that the two guards were extremely afraid of Xu Jin, so they knelt down and prayed.

"Hmph, I'm bringing distinguished guests to your door today, so I won't argue with you anymore."

Xu Jin waved her sleeves and led Chu Fengmian and his party directly into Douxuan City, ignoring the two guards.

Entering Douxuan City, Chu Fengmian saw countless people at a glance.

In this Douxuan City, trade is not too prosperous, at least far less than that of the ancient city of Quancheng.

However, there were many warriors among them. At least Chu Fengmian could tell at a glance that a few of them were young warriors who could break into the realm of divine power and have the qualifications to become saints.

It's just that even if they have the qualifications to attack the realm of divine power, there are only a few warriors who can truly attack the realm of divine power and become saints.

The entire Douxuan City seemed to be full of people practicing dancing. Everyone was practicing martial arts and their fighting spirit was high.

"I want to see what kind of strong people there are in Douxuan City."

While Chu Fengmian remained calm, a burst of spiritual consciousness burst out. He had been a human in two lifetimes, and his spiritual consciousness was much stronger than that of ordinary warriors.

In an instant, Chu Fengmian scanned most of Douxuan City.

In this Douxuan City, there is only one strong person in the life and death realm, who should be the ancestor of the Xu family as Tuoba Ding said.

Even in the huge Douxuan City, there is only one strong person in the life and death realm. It seems that this life and death realm is not that easy to enter.

Although there are many powerful people in the life and death realm in Beimang Academy, they are only cultivated through the accumulation of tens of millions of years and the geniuses from the entire Northern Territory.

A real life-and-death realm warrior can stand out among millions of people. Millions of warriors may not be able to cultivate a strong life-and-death realm warrior.

"Master Chu, how do you feel about Douxuan City?"

While walking around the city, Xu Jin asked Chu Fengmian casually.

Although her words seemed like casual chatter, there was a hint of temptation hidden in them.

With Chu Fengmian's character, it was obvious at a glance that he deliberately pretended to be surprised, and spoke like a bumpkin who had just seen him in the market.

"It's so prosperous, countless times more prosperous than my hometown!"

"He is indeed a bumpkin from a remote place!"

Hearing Chu Fengmian's surprised words, Xu Jin sneered in her heart, but spoke with an extremely calm expression.

"Beimang City, where Beimang College is located, is truly prosperous. It is dozens or hundreds of times more prosperous than our Douxuan City. In the future, Mr. Chu will naturally meet you when he enters Beimang College."

"Oh? Is it dozens of times more prosperous than Douxuan City? Hundreds of times?"

Chu Fengmian said deliberately pretending to be surprised.


Xu Jin nodded and looked at Chu Fengmian with even more contempt.

Coming from such a remote country, Chu Fengmian and his team have such strength, and even have such a large amount of wealth. At first glance, they are nouveau riche who have obtained some unexpected treasure.

Naturally, she was extremely disdainful.

However, Xu Jin's expression always showed a faint smile without any change.

"Let's go quickly. I have already informed my father, who is already waiting at the house."

With that said, the group of people quickened their pace and headed towards the Xu Mansion where the Xu family was located.

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