Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 416 Stupid Choice

The moment Chu Fengmian easily killed the other three black-robed saints.

Han Yueli and Master Duohua were already in the air, fighting one after another.

Although the two of them are still in the realm of divine power, in terms of real strength, both of them are out-and-out life-and-death realm strength.

Each move is extremely sensational.

The surrounding space was shattered and turned into bursts of spatial turbulence.

"Little beauty, let's capture you without any effort! Although you have an innate divine body, you are far from my opponent! My power is much stronger, and there is no point in resisting anymore!"

Lord Duohua looked at Han Yueli and teased her again and again.

While he was speaking, he also moved his hand, and a folding fan appeared.

This folding fan is extremely powerful and is an earth-level spiritual weapon.

As soon as the folding fan comes out and opens, there is an image of a group of tigers roaring in the forest.

The tigers in it were painted as if they were real. With the injection of spiritual power from Master Duohua, tigers suddenly jumped out of the folding fan image.

The strength of each of these tigers was not inferior to that of the peak saint. They roared and pounced towards Han Yueli.

"This Lord Duohua is quite powerful."

Chu Fengmian was below, quietly watching the battle between Lord Duohua and Han Yueli.

He had no interest in taking action, because for Han Yueli, this battle was also a good training.

For a warrior, strength is not the foundation of strength, combat experience is equally important.

What Han Yueli is lacking now is not her strength. The Xuanhan power in her body has been completely drawn out by Chu Fengmian.

In terms of pure strength, her strength is even better than that of Master Duohua.

However, because the power of Xuanhan was suddenly drawn out, Han Yueli was unable to control it for a while because he got such a large amount of power in vain.

This battle with a strong man is enough for her to accumulate experience and control her power well.

That's why Chu Fengmian calmly watched the two of them fight. This was also a training exercise for Han Yueli, and he didn't come to help.


Faced with countless tigers suddenly appeared and rushed towards her.

Han Yueli's expression was calm, and the sword in his hand flashed continuously.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Every time the sword is struck, some small ice souls are brought out.

These tiny ice souls don't even look as big as a finger.

But when he came into contact with the tiger, he was suddenly catalyzed by spiritual power.

In an instant, all the countless tigers were frozen by the ice soul, turning into frozen tigers.

Then, with Han Yueli's sword edge, all of them were cut through.

After all, Han Yueli was also the genius of Hanxue Pavilion. Although she rarely fought after entering the realm of divine power, she was not a weak woman.

Now that she is familiar with it, her strength is not weak at all, and she does not fall behind when facing Lord Duohua.

"Oh? You do have some ability, but this is better. I will suppress you first! I will taste you first, and then I will take away the innate power from you!"

Lord Duohua sneered, and his spiritual power suddenly exploded.

Suddenly, with a folding fan in his hand, a burst of spiritual power suddenly blasted out, forcing Han Yueli back.

At the same time, he secretly communicated with spiritual powers and quietly ambushed countless spiritual powers.

As Han Yueli took action again, a strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he snorted coldly.

The moment Han Yueli stepped forward, countless spiritual powers suddenly appeared at her feet.

These strands of spiritual power suddenly turned into a spiritual cage, completely trapping her in it.

"Little beauty, you have good strength, but you only have so much strength. Don't worry, although I will take away your innate power, I will not kill you. I will keep you by my side and enjoy it well. your!"

Lord Duohua licked the corner of his mouth, as if he was extremely excited.

He has always been a lustful person, and Han Yueli not only has a mysterious body, but also has an appearance that makes him intoxicated.

Han Yueli was suppressed all of a sudden, and his expression was extremely excited.

"Don't worry, if you become the woman of my Lord Duohua, I promise to make you want to live and die!"

Lord Duohua waved his hand.


This spiritual cage began to shrink in an instant, completely trapping Han Yueli in it and suppressing it completely.

But almost at this moment.

A sword light appeared silently.

"Han Yue Li" in the spiritual power cage shattered with a "bang" and turned into a ball of black ice.

Among them, Han Yueli is a dummy, just transformed into one by Han Yueli's spiritual power.

The real her had already noticed the scheme of Lord Duowuhua and had prepared countermeasures early.

Suddenly taking action, this sword was extremely fast.

Immediately, Venerable Duohua's chest was torn open, and the wounds began to freeze, and the bleeding continued, making it impossible to stop the bleeding.

"Damn it!"

Lord Duohua was shocked. He had never expected that Han Yueli was not suppressed by him at all.

Now, suddenly a sword light pierced his chest, and his strength suddenly began to weaken, and countless saints' essence and blood flowed out.

"Thousands of Ice Peaks!"

After injuring the Flower Duo Zun with one move, Han Yueli didn't stop at all and immediately used his sword skills again.

The sky was full of ice crystals, each one as sharp as a sword, stabbing towards Lord Duohua.

There was an angry look on her face, and she wanted to kill the Master Duohua completely.


Lord Duohua snorted coldly, knowing that he was outmatched, so he moved away and immediately avoided.

His strength was already on par with Han Yueli's, but now that he was injured, he could no longer be Han Yueli's opponent.

Even if he wanted to escape now, he had no choice. After all, when both sides were of similar strength, it would be impossible to escape if one side was seriously injured.

Lord Duohua's eyes moved, and he suddenly saw Chu Fengmian below. A cold smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he rushed towards Chu Fengmian.

"Little beauty! If you dare to kill me! I will kill these two losers. Seeing that the relationship between you is unusual, if you want to let these two losers live today, just let me go!"

While Lord Duohua was grabbing Chu Fengmian, he turned his head and spoke to Han Yueli.

He just planned to catch Chu Fengmian and threaten Han Yueli.

But when his words came out.

The expressions of Han Yueli and Tuoba Ding became extremely strange. They did not show any worry, but showed a bit of a smile but not a smile.

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