Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 414: Lord Seizing Flower

The Lord of the Earth Demon Sect that Han Yueli was talking about was the Lord of the Earth Demon Sect who had previously used the technique of water mirror to calculate that his power index was ten.

The current Han Yueli is only at the seventh level of the divine power realm.

But she has a mysterious cold body, and her strength far exceeds that of warriors of the same realm.

At least the woman in blue that Chu Fengmian and his party encountered was easily defeated by the current Han Yueli.

Killing ordinary peak saints is not a problem.

"You haven't completely controlled your Xuanhan power yet. I can only draw out your power, but I can't teach you how to control it. If you can completely control your current power, it won't be a problem to defeat the Lord of the Demon Sect."

Chu Fengmian looked at Han Yueli and said with a smile.

It is actually not difficult to have an innate divine body and fight across a large realm. Currently, Han Yueli's qualifications have not yet been fully developed.

If she waits until she gets resources in Beimang Academy and practices for a period of time, her strength will progress even more astonishingly.


While the two were still talking, suddenly, a loud noise sounded suddenly in this space passage.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian frowned. He noticed that the space around him was directly broken by someone.

With a few breaths, he entered the space passage directly from the outside.

At a glance, one could see several figures in black robes, slowly walking into them, looking around as if they were looking for something.

"They are from the Earth Demon Sect!"

Tuoba Ding said suddenly when he saw the black-robed figure.

"The leader among them, known as the Master Duohua, is a famous genius in the Earth Demon Sect. He has extremely high qualifications. With the seventh level of the divine power realm, his power index has reached eleven, and he has entered the power level of the life and death realm. "

"This Master Sui Hua is extremely ruthless and notorious for his methods. He has plundered many female saints from major sects, captured them, raped them, and practiced magic skills. It's better for us to leave quickly and not fight with them."

It can be said that Lord Duohua is a notorious strong man in Beimang College. He does all kinds of evil and especially likes women.

Many disciples in Beimang Academy were captured by him and died in his hands, even though they had arrest warrants.

But this Lord Duohua has a very high status in the Earth Demon Sect, not to mention that he himself is extremely powerful.

Definitely the most difficult person to deal with, I didn’t expect to meet him now.

"I want to leave now, but it's too late. These people are coming for us."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

The moment he saw the disciples of the Earth Demon Sect, these disciples of the Earth Demon Sect were all aware of the presence of Chu Fengmian and his group.

Their eyes shone with light, and they looked extremely excited.

"There is indeed someone!"

"There are people who are not afraid of death again, coming to cross the void!"

"Two saints and one peak warrior of the wind control realm. This peak warrior of the wind control realm doesn't matter, just kill him."

"These two saints are quite powerful. They appear to be from arrogant forces. We killed them and devoured their essence and blood. Our strength can still be improved!"

"There is also a female statue, which is just for the Lord Duohua. This girl is really pretty. I have never seen such a beauty."

The Earth Demon Sect disciples looked over and looked at Chu Fengmian, all of them looking extremely excited.

Their eyes were full of blood, looking at Chu Fengmian as if they were looking at treasures.

They practice magic skills by sucking the essence and blood of warriors. The essence and blood of saints are a great tonic for them.

"Go! Kill them!"

"Kill those two men directly! Take their blood and essence! As for the woman, capture her, suppress her, and then send her to Lord Duohua!"

A total of eight black-robed saints from the Earth Demon Sect took action one after another.

Martial skills one after another were directed towards this direction.

However, the strength of this group of people, the two strongest ones, are only at the ninth level of the divine power realm, and their power index is less than one, which completely makes Chu Fengmian uninterested.

"Go ahead and kill these people."

Chu Fengmian said to Tuoba Ding.


Tuoba Ding looked at the eight black-robed saints, sneered, strode forward, and took action directly.

He was indeed extremely afraid of the Lord Duohua behind these people and could not fight against him, but these black-robed saints were just minions in the Earth Demon Sect.

After all, he is also an inner disciple of Beimang Academy, with a strength index of two, so it is easy to deal with these people.

"The Secret of Five Wheels!"

Tuoba Ding's spiritual power exploded, and he used my five-round secret technique, which he is best at, immediately.

The five secret techniques immediately bombarded five of the black-robed saints, killing the five black-robed saints directly.

With one move, the five black-robed saints were directly killed.

Among them, the two saints who were at the ninth level of divine power were the same and could not escape the fate of being killed by Tuoba Cauldron.

Although Tuoba Ding was just an ant in front of Chu Fengmian, he was an unparalleled genius in countless countries.

In Beimang Academy, if he can be promoted to an inner disciple, his strength is definitely not weak.

Watching Tuoba Ding kill five black-robed saints so easily.

This made the remaining three people stunned, and then hurriedly backed away, not daring to step forward.

One of them hurriedly ran back and shouted to the Master Duohua.

"Your Majesty, this group of people is very strong, we are no match."

"Why, two saints at the seventh level of the divine power realm, plus an ant at the wind control realm, you are no match?"

A voice suddenly came over.

The voice was extremely clear, and it sounded like the voice of a young man, but when people heard it, it made people shudder, as if it contained a strange chill.

"I want to see who he is who dares to kill our disciples of the Earth Demon Sect. How brave he is!"

The figure of Lord Duohua suddenly appeared.

However, he was not dressed in black clothes, but in blood-red clothes.

But if you look closely, you can see that the blood-red clothes look exactly the same as the black clothes.

However, the blood in it was solidified into blood red.

I don’t know how many people were killed and how much blood was soaked in to make him look like this.

"Oh? It is indeed the seventh level of divine power, but the strength is pretty good. This should be an inner disciple of Beimang College. I think this secret skill comes from Beimang College."

Lord Duohua glanced at Tuoba Ding and saw the origin of Tuoba Ding at a glance.

"And the other..."

Lord Duohua's eyes suddenly looked at Han Yueli, and suddenly his face revealed a look of ecstasy.

Four updates today.

Let's break out tomorrow, forget that today is not a holiday... we don't have that long.

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