Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 405 The blending of bloodlines

"Awakening the bloodline?"

Han Yueli murmured to herself when she heard Chu Fengmian's words.

"I do feel that there is a sleeping power in my body, but I don't know how to awaken this power."

"After I stepped into the realm of divine power and became a saint, this power only awakened a little, but it was less than one tenth. Most of the power was still sleeping."

"Yes, most of your bloodline power is sleeping. If it is awakened, your qualifications will not be much different from mine, and may even be higher than mine."

Chu Fengmian nodded.

Han Yueli's bloodline power is already sleeping. She is the divine body of heaven and earth, inheriting the Xuanhan body from the innate source.

If she is completely awakened, her aptitude will reach a terrifying level, and it is possible to surpass Chu Fengmian.

"How can I wake up?"

Han Yueli asked. She believed that since Chu Fengmian had spoken now, he naturally had a solution.

"Bloodline fusion, how about my bloodline and your bloodline? In this way, I am confident that I can inspire the power in your bloodline."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

"My bloodline is not an ordinary bloodline, but the bloodline of an ancient war dragon. Although it is not innate, my strength is now small. Interacting with the power of the Xuanhan body in your body can fully stimulate your strength. come out."

Innate divine bodies can exchange bloodlines with each other to strive for strength.

This is also the reason why some powerful people, although they are innate divine bodies, are constantly looking for other geniuses with innate divine bodies.

But for them, what they have to do is not to interact with each other, but to plunder and plunder the power in the innate divine body.

Taking it directly is far stronger than the power gained from interacting with each other.

But Chu Fengmian couldn't do such a thing. With Chu Fengmian's character, he would never seize other people's innate power for the sake of power. Unless he was Chu Fengmian's enemy, Chu Fengmian would not do anything. Take action without hesitation.

Although innate power is powerful, it is easy to be robbed. The former prince's marriage contract also wanted to seize Han Yueli's innate power.

"Okay, my bloodline is indeed still sleeping. If the power of my bloodline can be completely awakened, I can go one step further and share your worries."

After hearing what Chu Fengmian said, Han Yueli spoke decisively.

This was done without any hesitation or consideration.

"Aren't you afraid that I will take your bloodline?"

Chu Fengmian said with some surprise when he saw Han Yueli's cheerful answer.

This kind of innate divine body can easily have its bloodline taken away by others. If Chu Fengmian does something, he can easily obtain Han Yueli's bloodline.

"If you wanted to do this, you would have done it a long time ago, and you wouldn't have saved me in the first place."

Han Yueli blushed and smiled.

"Let's get started, I can't wait."


Chu Fengmian nodded, and suddenly his mind moved. On his fingertips, a few drops of war dragon essence and blood condensed and penetrated into Han Yueli's body.

"Don't resist, I will inspire the mysterious cold power of the blood in your body."

Chu Fengmian said softly.

All his thoughts were integrated into those few drops of war dragon essence and blood, and suddenly penetrated into Han Yueli's body.

The fighting dragon essence and blood entered the body, and suddenly the deepest bloodline in Han Yueli's body burst out with mysterious cold power.

The endless cold air would literally freeze people to death.

Han Yueli closed her eyes tightly. Her clothes were shattered by countless cold air. Under this cold air, even the clothes of the spirit weapon could not withstand.

The two of them became naked in an instant, but they didn't even know it.

On Chu Fengmian's body, all the essence and blood of the ancient war dragon were mobilized to withstand the endless cold air. Fortunately, Chu Fengmian was prepared, and his body was already protected by the power of creation.

At the same time, the battle dragon essence and blood that Chu Fengmian injected into Han Yueli's body had begun to communicate, completely awakening the power in Han Yueli's body.


Waves of spiritual power burst out and swept through the entire secret room.

Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli were sitting there, stimulating the power in Han Yueli's body every moment.

One day, two days, three days.

A full seven days had passed, and the cold energy emerging from Han Yueli's body had reached its extreme.

Although her appearance has not changed, Han Yueli now looks like an ice and snow goddess.

His temperament has changed drastically.

Her realm is still at the seventh level of divine power, but her power is several times, more than ten times stronger than before.

"This is the power after awakening?"

After a long time, Han Yueli opened her eyes, her eyes full of shock.

She already felt that her power was dozens of times stronger than before. Such earth-shaking changes had occurred in seven days.

This is the moment when the innate divine body is completely stimulated.

"I feel that my strength is enough to compete with the real peak saint."

"Peak saint? With your current level, you can kill even some warriors who are half-step to the life and death realm."

Chu Fengmian's eyes slowly opened and he said with a smile.

It is indeed not that easy to stimulate the power of the innate divine body. Fortunately, Chu Fengmian understood this mysterious cold body, so it progressed so smoothly.

"All this is thanks to you."

Han Yueli looked at Chu Fengmian with a complicated expression on her face. Chu Fengmian's appearance saved her, first he helped her end her engagement with the prince, and now it was because of Chu Fengmian that she awakened the power in her blood.

It can be said that her current achievements are inseparable from Chu Fengmian.

"I said you are my woman, this little thing doesn't matter."

Chu Fengmian smiled and said.

"What's more, I also got a lot of benefits from it. The blending of blood also improved my strength."

Although Chu Fengmian's strength improvement is not as obvious as Han Yueli's, he has also gained part of Xuanhan's power, which can be regarded as half of Xuanhan's body.

Coupled with the power of the ancient war dragon bloodline, Chu Fengmian's current qualifications are no worse than those of some innate bodies.

This is also of great benefit to him.

"Let's go."

Chu Fengmian stood up, only to find that there was nothing on him. His face froze slightly, and his spiritual power condensed and turned into a long gown.

Only then did Han Yueli notice, her face turned red, and she formed a long gown before leaving the secret room with Chu Fengmian.

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