Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 298 Buy! Buy! Buy!

The next few auction items are also some materials, elixirs, elixirs, spiritual weapons, etc.

Chu Fengmian selected a few of the needed materials and bought them one by one. Three of them were taken from Zhao Xiong's hands.

In Box No. 7, Zhao Xiong's face was so angry that he was about to explode, and his whole body was trembling.

If he hadn't bought one of these extremely important things today, he would have wanted to kill Chu Fengmian right now.

Going back and forth, Chu Fengmian took several pieces of materials for refining the Red Flame Sword, which now cost about 300 million Nine Cauldron Pills.

"The eleventh lot is the blood essence of the saint."

The half-tank of the saint's essence and blood was finally brought to the stage. This time, the third lot was the saint's essence and blood.

Half a jar of the saint's essence and blood was brought up, and a fragrance suddenly filled the auction venue.

This saint's essence and blood does not have any bloody smell, but only has an extremely comfortable fragrance.

The saint has transcended the category of human beings and has become a saint. His essence and blood only have a fragrance and no smell of blood.

"The essence and blood of this saint is not like the kind of garbage that has just stepped into the realm of divine power and has not yet stabilized its realm."

Chu Fengmian glanced at the saint's essence and blood and spoke out.

In fact, most of the fallen saints are saints who have just stepped into the realm of divine power. Such saints who have just stepped into the realm of divine power have unstable strength and unstable fields, so they are easy to be killed.

For example, several saints who were killed by Chu Fengmian all fell into this category.

It is extremely difficult to kill saints whose true strength reaches the third level of the divine power realm. They have truly controlled their own power.

Unless a terrifying and powerful man at the peak of the Saint takes action, it is impossible to kill them.

The power of this vat of saint's essence and blood is extremely pure. He is obviously not that kind of trash saint, but a saint who has completely controlled the power.

"Mr. Chu, this vat of saint's essence and blood should come from the essence and blood of a powerful duke in the Jiuxi Kingdom, the Grand Duke of Prison Prison.

"This Grand Duke of Prison Assassin is a figure of the third level of divine power. He has assassinated several peerless geniuses in the Qin Emperor's Kingdom and is one of the biggest enemies of the Qin Emperor's Kingdom."

"Recently, he was captured by the Generalissimo Zhao Wudi who went deep into the Jiuxi Kingdom and extracted all the blood and essence from it. That's why it was auctioned."

Qian Ya explained aloud that she naturally knew whose essence and blood this saint belonged to.

"This half-tank of the blood essence of the Saint who imprisoned the Grand Duke is probably very expensive."

"That's okay. Anyway, Mr. Chu has a lot of wealth. This blood essence and blood of the Prisoner is indeed of great use to me. I will definitely buy it today."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

The saint essence and blood of a third-level saint in the divine power realm is of great use to Chu Fengmian. Chu Fengmian cannot kill such a person.

So now Chu Fengmian must take pictures of the saint's essence and blood of the prison-killing Archduke to enhance his strength.

"It's the blood essence and blood of the Saint who assassinated the Archduke."

"The Grand Duke of Prison Prison is also a legendary figure, a super strong man in the Jiuxi Kingdom. If I get his saint blood, I'm afraid I can sprint to the realm of divine power very quickly."

A semi-saint was below and said excitedly.

For a semi-saint like him, getting the saint essence and blood of the Hell-piercing Duke is enough to help him break through and become a saint.

"This holy blood essence and blood of the Archduke of Prison is what I must have!"

Zhao Xiong was in box No. 7, looking at the half-tank of the saint's essence and blood that imprisoned the Grand Duke, and said with greedy eyes.

He is only one step away from becoming a saint. As long as he obtains the holy essence and blood of the Hell-piercing Duke, he will be able to step into the realm of divine power and become a saint.

The blood essence and blood of the Saint who assassinated the Archduke was one of the things he had to buy at this auction.

He had tolerated countless times before and not fought with Chu Fengmian, just for the blood of the saint who assassinated the Grand Duke.

"The origin of this saint's essence and blood is clear to everyone present. The starting price for the saint's essence and blood of the Grand Duke of Prison Prison is 10 million Jiuding Dan!"

The old man announced loudly.

The starting price is 10 million Jiuding Dan, which is much more expensive than the final price of many items in this auction.

But this price is still a low-end price. The blood essence and blood of the Saint who imprisoned the Archduke may eventually be worth ten times, or even dozens of times.

"Twenty million!"

"thirty million!"

"Forty million!"

Although the price is high, it is still far behind the value of the blood essence and blood of the Saint who imprisoned the Archduke.

All of a sudden the price started to rise crazily.

"One Hundred Million Nine Cauldron Pills!"

In the No. 7 box, an angry voice sounded wildly, and Zhao Xiong suddenly spoke, with the tone of his words.

He was determined to obtain the essence and blood of the saint who had imprisoned the Grand Duke.

"One hundred and fifty million!"

As soon as Zhao Xiong finished speaking, another voice sounded, suppressing his price.

But the person who spoke this time was not Chu Fengmian, but the person in the other box.

"There is someone in Box 1 today!"

"I didn't expect that even the royal family would be extremely interested in the blood of the Saint who imprisoned the Archduke."

Seeing someone actually speaking in box number one, everyone started talking again.

This box represents the royal family of Emperor Qin’s kingdom. Who is qualified to occupy box number 1 at this auction venue? Only the royal family of the Qin Emperor's kingdom.

Even Zhao Wudi, the strongest man in the Qin Emperor's kingdom, could only sit in the second box when he came to the auction venue. Even if the first box was unoccupied, he could not sit in it.

Because this number represents majesty and the authority of the royal family.

"She is actually from the royal family! It is said that Princess Tianyin has also entered the semi-saint realm, and is about to break through and become a saint. It seems that people from the royal family came this time with the intention of buying the blood essence of the saint of the Archduke. Come to help Princess Tianyin break through."

Zhao Xiong thought to himself, with a hint of cunning on his face.

"You want Princess Tianyin to break through so that those old guys from the royal family can take action against our Zhao family? Don't even think about it!"

"Two hundred million Nine Cauldron Pills!"

Zhao Xiong quoted another price, abruptly raising the price to 200 million.

"Oh? Are the people in this box actually the royal family of Emperor Qin's kingdom?"

Chu Fengmian observed this secretly without asking for a price. When he heard everyone's discussion, his consciousness moved and he immediately got into the box No. 1.

The layers of restrictions in this secret box were nothing in front of Chu Fengmian. With a movement of his consciousness, he got into Box No. 1.

Among them were two figures, one male and one female. The woman was sitting there, wearing a veil to cover her face. The technique practiced by this woman was extremely special, and it was actually enough to withstand Chu Fengmian's consciousness.

The third update today! !

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