Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 296 You fight for me to grab it

One hundred million!

This dragon's birth grass was just the first item to be auctioned today, and it fetched a sky-high price of 100 million.

"Who is this person in Box 13? He was so generous and suppressed everyone in the Zhao family."

Countless people present now have a spectator mentality.

They didn't dare to offend the Zhao family, but now that someone was offended, they all wanted to see it.

The Zhao family was powerful and had oppressed countless people in the Qin Emperor's kingdom. Seeing the Zhao family's collapse, everyone present looked at it as a joke.

"Butler, this person really doesn't know how to live or die. He dares to compete with you for this Dragon's Birth Grass. How about we go find those old guys in Jiuding Ancient City and kill this person!"

Countless Zhao family disciples became angry and said to please Zhao Xiong.

"The rules in Jiuding Ancient City are very troublesome. We don't have a very good reason to find those old guys. They are just comparing elixirs, and our Zhao family will not be afraid!"

Zhao Xiong roared angrily.

"One hundred and fifty million Nine Cauldron Pills. If the price is higher than this, just buy it!"

The price of a Dragon's Birth Grass is the same price as Dingtian. One hundred and fifty million Jiuding Dan has already reached the extreme price.

Zhao Xiong's voice almost contained endless killing intent, as if he was going to kill Chu Fengmian as long as Chu Fengmian was bidding.

"Really? Then you're welcome to Chu! 160 million!"

Chu Fengmian laughed and said, not caring about the murderous threat at all, and immediately quoted another price.

This time the quotation was made extremely calm, and Zhao Xiong never made a sound again.

"Damn it! Damn it! This person is here specifically to go against our Zhao family! I must kill him!"

In Box No. 7, Zhao Xiong roared angrily.

This price already exceeded the value of the Dragon's Birthday Grass. To pay such a price was obviously to go against the Zhao family, which made him unable to bear the anger in his heart.

"Very good, this kid is already a dead man. Anyone who dares to go against the Zhao family like this, no matter who he is, even if he is a saint, will die today!"

Zhao Xiong roared angrily, and his spiritual power exploded crazily, as if he might take action at any time, like a lion with explosive hair.

"Forbearance! In today's auction, there are things that the Grand Marshal wants. If you can't start making trouble now, let's let that kid live for the time being. When the auction is over, we can settle the accounts with him."

Zhao Xiong snorted coldly and stopped bidding.

"Master Chu, please be careful. This Zhao Xiong is no better than Zhao Chun. He is a powerful semi-saint. There are few opponents among saints."

Seeing Chu Fengmian snatching the Dragon's Birthday Grass from Zhao Xiong's hand, Qianya could only sigh.

When it comes to wealth, it is obviously impossible for Zhao Xiong to compare with Chu Fengmian at this time. After all, he spent 160 million Jiuding Dan to buy a Dragon's Birthday Plant.

I'm afraid only Chu Fengmian could do such a crazy behavior.

For Chu Fengmian, what he needs most now is to improve his strength. Therefore, regardless of the value of the Dragon Grass, Chu Fengmian must get it. Improving his strength is the most important priority.

As for wealth, Chu Fengmian can accumulate it again anytime.

"It doesn't matter, a mere half-saint, Chu doesn't take it seriously yet."

Chu Fengmian said calmly, with a tone of indifference to Zhao Xiong. In Chu Fengmian's view, the half-saint was just a bigger ant and there was no need to care.

This Dragon's Birthday Grass was bought by Chu Fengmian for 160 million Jiuding Dan.

Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and a long river of pills suddenly appeared and flew toward the stands. It was none other than 160 million Jiuding pills.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian's palm moved, and the dragon's birth grass was also caught in Chu Fengmian's hand and disappeared out of thin air.

This method also amazed countless people present. They didn't see what Chu Fengmian's strength was, but this method was indeed extremely mysterious.

At least Chu Fengmian is by no means an easy person to deal with.

"Now that the Dragon's Birthday Grass has been obtained, let's refine it first. My current strength is still far from the bottleneck. The Qin Emperor's country is full of crises. I must first improve my strength as much as possible. Kingly way.”

When Chu Fengmian got the Dragon's Blood Grass, his mind moved, and the Millennium Dragon's Blood Grass also appeared in Chu Fengmian's hand.

A ball of flame immediately refined the two elixirs, turning them into the essence of the medicinal liquid, which penetrated into Chu Fengmian's body.

The power of the two elixirs was immediately refined by Chu Fengmian and turned into extremely refined spiritual power, filling Chu Fengmian's body.

With a thought, Chu Fengmian secretly activated the Dragon War Technique. The shadow of the ancient war dragon continued to burrow into Chu Fengmian's body, swallowing the spiritual power of the two elixirs.

As long as this dragon battle does not reach the bottleneck, it can devour spiritual power endlessly to gather strength.

For Chu Fengmian's current state, it no longer makes much sense to just swallow ordinary spiritual power. Chu Fengmian even needs to swallow hundreds of millions or billions of Jiuding Dan to improve his state a little.

The only things that can really improve Chu Fengmian's strength now are truly high-level elixirs and rare objects.

Especially rare objects like the Millennium Dragon Blood Grass and Dragon Birth Grass that have the power of a true dragon. The power of a true dragon also contains some of the power of ancient war dragons.

Chu Fengmian could extract the power of the ancient war dragon at once and condense it into the shadow of the ancient war dragon in the war dragon art.

In Chu Fengmian's body, the shadow of the ancient war dragon became larger and larger, and it was constantly reorganized. Drops of the ancient war dragon's essence and blood began to awaken crazily.

"Ten drops, twenty drops, thirty drops... a hundred drops!"

On the shadow of the ancient war dragon, a hundred drops of the blood essence of the ancient war dragon were condensed continuously. The power of these two elixirs was indeed terrifying to the extreme.

Forcibly, the ancient war dragon essence and blood in Chu Fengmian's body was condensed and doubled, reaching 200 drops.

Chu Fengmian's body and blood also underwent rapid transformation, and his realm suddenly broke through to the third level of the Wind Control Realm.

"Okay, my current strength has greatly improved, and I am even at least twice as powerful as I was just now!"

Chu Fengmian was overjoyed. The medicinal power of the thousand-year-old dragon's blood grass and dragon's birth grass was indeed more powerful than imagined, causing Chu Fengmian's realm to rise again.

This time, Chu Fengmian was able to escape unscathed when facing saints at the seventh and eighth levels of divine power.

After a while, Chu Fengmian's aura began to converge. It was much calmer than it seemed just now, but it was a little more profound.

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