Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 293 Captain Zhao

This Captain Zhao has the power to turn his body into a millstone. Under the power, even half-saints would retreat.

But in Chu Fengmian's hands, it was broken directly by Chu Fengmian, and his neck was pinched in Chu Fengmian's hands.

How terrifying is Chu Fengmian's power? Half Saint? Even a saint?

Qianya was on the side, her eyes full of horror.

She naturally knew that Chu Fengmian's strength was not as simple as it seemed, but he was able to defeat Colonel Zhao in one move. This strength was a bit scary.

"What are you going to do? Let me go quickly!"

Captain Zhao was caught in Chu Fengmian's hand, but his expression did not change at all, and even became more arrogant.

"If you dare to go against our Zhao family, you are looking for death!"

"Now let me go quickly! Kneel down! Beg my forgiveness! If you become a slave, I can still let you live!"

Although someone was pinching his life, Lieutenant Zhao was still extremely arrogant. He didn't believe that anyone dared to take action against the Zhao family.

In the entire Jiuding Ancient City, no one dares to challenge the majesty of the Zhao family!

"Are all the Zhao family fools?"

Chu Fengmian looked at Captain Zhao and sneered, did he really think Chu Fengmian was afraid of their Zhao family?

The second son of the Zhao family, Zhao Duanqiao, died in the hands of Chu Fengmian. For such a small captain of the Zhao family, would Chu Fengmian still care about his identity?

"Kneel down! Kneel down at the entrance of this auction house for seven days and seven nights! Let everyone see the consequences of those who dare to oppose me!"

Chu Fengmian shouted coldly, and with a push of his hand, Lieutenant Zhao was directly pushed to the ground, and he knelt on his knees. His knees were sunk deep into the ground and could not be pulled out.


Captain Zhao roared angrily.

Asking him to kneel here is simply more humiliating than killing him. As a disciple of the Zhao family, when would anyone dare to ask him to kneel down?

Even the royal family of Emperor Qin’s kingdom can’t!

A great shame and humiliation. This is a great shame and humiliation. It is more humiliating than what Captain Zhao has ever suffered.

"My Zhao family bloodline is extremely noble. I would rather die in battle than suffer such humiliation!"

Lieutenant Zhao roared angrily, his self-esteem felt insulted.

On Captain Zhao's body, a huge power suddenly erupted, and all his secrets burst out. Under the huge power, he actually wanted to break through Chu Fengmian's control and stand up.

"What a joke? What kind of bloodline from the Zhao family? It's extremely noble, but it has no meaning in front of me. Kneel down! If I ask you to kneel down, you have to kneel down!"

Chu Fengmian sneered again and again, and the strength in his hand increased even more. Colonel Zhao fell to his knees with a bang.

No matter how Captain Zhao struggled, it was meaningless in Chu Fengmian's hands and he was suppressed to death.

Kneeling on the ground forever.

"Come on, let's go to the auction."

Chu Fengmian looked at Qianya next to him and said calmly.

For Chu Fengmian, taking care of Lieutenant Zhao was just a matter of waving his hand.

Chu Fengmian took Qianya and walked into the auction in a swaggering manner.

As soon as Chu Fengmian left, many people discovered Captain Zhao kneeling on the ground.

"Look, isn't the man kneeling on the ground Captain Zhao?"

The movement on Chu Fengmian's side also attracted the attention of many people.

This auction house is located in the core of Jiuding Ancient City and has a large flow of people. Chu Fengmian's commotion was immediately noticed by many people.

At first, everyone thought it was just a fight between a few warriors, so they didn't pay attention. Although the rules of Jiuding Ancient City were strict, small fights still happened from time to time unless something happened.

But when they saw the man kneeling on the ground, the expressions of everyone present changed.

Captain Zhao, a member of the Zhao family!

"Yes, it's Captain Zhao! Why did he kneel on the ground?"

"Who is that person in front of him? Could it be him who knocked Captain Zhao down to the ground?"

"It's impossible. With Captain Zhao's strength, even a half-saint can't do anything about him. How come he was defeated today and fell to his knees on the ground?"

"I don't know who did it. Seeing that he is with Qianya, he must have entered the auction."

"Let's leave quickly, otherwise the Zhao family will come later and we will be affected if we watch."

Many people said this one after another and left one by one.

Watching the excitement of the Zhao family is not that simple. When it comes to Colonel Zhao, strong men from the Zhao family will definitely come. At some point, those who are watching the excitement will also be affected.

Despite this, Captain Zhao kneeling on the ground was still seen by many people. Hearing these people's pointing, Captain Zhao felt crazy in his heart.

Lieutenant Zhao's face was full of blood, and he was red with anger. Such a huge humiliation would make him unable to hold his head high in the Jiuding Ancient City in the future.

"Boy! I must kill you!"

Colonel Zhao roared with anger in his heart.

Chu Fengmian would naturally not take Colonel Zhao's roar to heart. Even Colonel Zhao, in Chu Fengmian's opinion, was just an ant.

If a person steps on an ant to death, will he still care about it?

Now that he comes to the auction, he has to buy many things to improve his strength.

The Qin Emperor's country is not as good as the martial arts country, and Chu Fengmian's current strength may not necessarily be able to run sideways in the Qin Emperor's country.

Improving strength is the most critical thing.

This auction house is extremely huge and is divided into countless secret rooms. When Chu Fengmian came to Qianya, he came to box No. 13.

Being able to get box number 13, it seems that Twilight Pavilion behind Qianya also has a very high status in the Jiuding Ancient City.

After arriving in the box, Qianya suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Chu, you should let Captain Zhao go, otherwise, we will be in big trouble."

She never imagined that Chu Fengmian's character could be so domineering. Looking at Chu Fengmian in Twilight Pavilion, Chu Fengmian's character should be extremely dull.

However, he never expected that he would defeat Captain Zhao with such a vigorous and resolute method, and even make him kneel on the ground, where he would stay on his knees for seven days and seven nights. This was even more humiliating than killing him.

Making Captain Zhao kneel down in front of the auction house was a slap in the face not only to Captain Zhao, but to the entire Zhao family.

When the Zhao family is angry, Twilight Pavilion cannot resist it, so now Qianya can only come to persuade Chu Fengmian.

"Oh? What is the origin of Captain Zhao?"

Chu Fengmian said in a neutral tone.

Chu Fengmian has heard about the Zhao family, but has not yet understood it in detail. Now he also wants to hear Qianya's explanation of the Zhao family.

Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in every battle. Chu Fengmian is not afraid of the Zhao family, but it is best to understand the Zhao family well.

He had killed Zhao Duanqiao, and he and the Zhao family had already been sworn enemies, so naturally he had to get to know each other.

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