Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 270: Ancestor of Hanxue Pavilion

"Yes, I killed Han Xuanbing, but she deserves to die. By killing the Pavilion Master who forced his disciples like this, Chu will also be doing a great harm to your Hanxue Pavilion."

Chu Fengmian spoke proudly, he just killed people and he never had to hide anything. The people Chu Fengmian killed were all people who deserved to die.

Facing Saint Han Ning's attack, Chu Fengmian snorted coldly, pulled out the red flame sword in his hand, and slashed at him with a burst of sword energy.

"Chu has no intention of taking action, but since Saint Han Ning wants to fight a few moves, Chu will not be afraid!"

This sword energy immediately struck at Saint Han Ning. The strength of the two faced each other, and Saint Han Ning was forced to take a few steps back.

Facing Chu Fengmian, she thought she would be able to win easily. She used less than one-third of her strength, but was forced back by Chu Fengmian.

"Sage Hanning, you must be aware of Chu's strength. If you really plan to fight me today, this Hanxue Pavilion will be destroyed."

After a successful move, Chu Fengmian calmly withdrew his sword and spoke calmly.

He did not come to Hanxue Pavilion to cause trouble. This sword was also intended to let Saint Han Ning know his strength.

Without strength, everything is empty talk, but with strength, even Saint Han Ning would not dare to take action against Chu Fengmian rashly.

After all, if he wants to defeat Chu Fengmian now, Saint Han Ning must use all his strength. Under the threat of life and death, Saint Han Ning does not dare to really use all his strength.

"Sure enough, your strength is extremely weird. With your wind control realm, you can compete with a saint. Unless you see it with your own eyes, I'm afraid even an old man wouldn't believe it."

Saint Han Ning also withdrew his spiritual power and stood on the opposite side, looking at Chu Fengmian with his eyes.

"Tell me, why did you come to my Hanxue Pavilion?"

"Elder Han Qing, as long as Elder Han Qing is released, Chu will naturally leave."

Chu Fengmian spoke calmly.

Concerning Hanxue Pavilion, Chu Fengmian has always been a man of integrity.

Hanxue Pavilion will not provoke Chu Fengmian, and Chu Fengmian will not provoke Hanxue Pavilion.

Now that Chu Fengmian came to Hanxue Pavilion, it was only because Han Yueli's master, Elder Hanqing, was trapped in Hanxue Pavilion and was in danger that Chu Fengmian came.

As long as he rescues Elder Han Qing, Chu Fengmian will leave on the spot.

"Elder Hanqing is the elder of Hanxue Pavilion. How does Hanxue Pavilion treat her? It has nothing to do with you, an outsider."

Saint Han Ning sneered again and again, glanced at Han Yueli and said.

"What's more, you said that you are Han Yueli's husband. Han Yueli is a disciple of my Hanxue Pavilion. Her wedding must be decided by my Hanxue Pavilion. Now you want to come and ask someone to come. How arrogant! "

As soon as Chu Fengmian arrived at Hanxue Pavilion, he broke the mountain-protecting formation of Hanxue Pavilion, captured Hanxue Pavilion's Deputy Pavilion Master Mo, and now forced back the Han Ning Saint.

To deal with such a junior, Saint Han Ning wanted to kill Chu Fengmian's majesty.

But Chu Fengmian is not the kind of person who lets others take advantage of him.

"According to Saint Han Ning's wishes, are you not planning to let him go?"

Chu Fengmian frowned and his face became much colder. He came here to give face to the Han Ning Saint, so he came to discuss it with her.

Otherwise, with Chu Fengmian's strength, he could just rush in and take Elder Han Qing away, and Saint Han Ning would not be able to stop him.

Unless Saint Han Ning wants to trigger the catastrophe of life and death and takes action with all his strength, it is impossible to stop Chu Fengmian.

Since the Han Ning Saint is not going to give Chu Fengmian any good looks, Chu Fengmian will not give her any more good looks.

What ancestor of Hanxue Pavilion? From Chu Fengmian's point of view, there were only Han Yueli and her master, Elder Hanqing, in Hanxue Pavilion, and Chu Fengmian still cared about them.

As for other people, in Chu Fengmian's eyes, they were no different from strangers or even dogs.

"Let him go? Why let him go? Boy, you are still too arrogant! We at Hanxue Pavilion will not give in if others force us to do so."

Saint Han Ning sneered, glanced at Chu Fengmian, and said coldly.

"No matter who comes today, don't expect Hanxue Pavilion to release anyone!"

"Furthermore, the matters between you and Han Yueli will not count without the consent of our Hanxue Pavilion."

"Han Yueli is a disciple of Hanxue Pavilion. As for who Han Yueli's husband is? It will naturally be decided by our Hanxue Pavilion."

Saint Han Ning said unceremoniously that Chu Fengmian's concession made her more and more powerful. Now in their territory of Hanxue Pavilion, she didn't believe that Chu Fengmian would dare to cause any trouble. .

"Ancestor, are you really not going to let my master go?"

Han Yueli finally couldn't help but said, she never thought that Saint Han Ning could be so tough.

From what I heard, not only Elder Hanqing may not be able to leave today, but she will also be left behind.

"Han Yueli, if you are still a disciple of Hanxue Pavilion, come here now and sever the relationship with me! Even if Lingtian dies, I will arrange a new engagement for you in the future."

"As a disciple of Hanxue Pavilion, everything you do should serve the sect, including yourself!"

Saint Han Ning said unceremoniously, and even grabbed Han Yueli with a palm, trying to snatch Han Yueli away from Chu Fengmian.

"Really? It seems that you really think that Mr. Chu is a soft persimmon, and you can pinch him if you want!"

When Chu Fengmian saw Saint Han Ning behave like this, it suddenly aroused the anger in Chu Fengmian's heart, and he dared to snatch Han Yueli away in front of him.

Now there is no need to talk about anything.

Chu Fengmian roared angrily, and the red flame sword in his hand was condensed with endless killing intent. He suddenly killed with one sword of killing swordsmanship, and the Qianzhang blood-red sword energy immediately knocked back the palm of Han Ning Saint.

"A bunch of old guys really think they are a person. Saint Han Ning, if you don't hand over Elder Han Qing today, then there will be no need for your Hanxue Pavilion to exist!"

Chu Fengmian's mind moved, and he suddenly shouted coldly into the distance.


Suddenly there was a ray of light, and it was the ancient dragon turtle flying towards him. Originally, Chu Fengmian had no intention of forcing it, but he just didn't let the ancient dragon turtle follow him.

Just to be on the safe side, I asked the ancient dragon turtle to wait outside. It seemed that today, today was not going to be a good conversation.

The only option was to snatch him by force. No matter what happened today, Chu Fengmian would take Elder Hanqing away to avoid all worries.

"Another saint?"

The sudden appearance of the ancient dragon turtle was obviously unexpected by Saint Han Ning.

"Old guy, if you don't show appreciation today, then I'm going to go on a killing spree!"

Chu Fengmian spoke, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"If Elder Han Qing is not released, Chu will kill all the Hanxue Pavilion disciples and make your Hanxue Pavilion disappear!"

I saw someone asked a question about listing, so I’ll tell you about it here.

This book will be on the shelves. It’s still free now, so it’s still delayed. It should be on the shelves in a while. I don’t know exactly when.

Shao Yu earns a living by writing books. It is impossible that it has not been put on the shelves. If it is not put on the shelves now, it is actually writing in vain.

In fact, I know that after it was announced that it would be on the shelves, many people would definitely not want to watch it, but there was no way. Shao Yu didn't want to lie to people. If he said it would be on the shelves, he wouldn't say it would always be free.

It's time for everyone to support it if they can. After all, it's not expensive at all. It only costs a few cents a day.

First of all, thank you all for your continued support.

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