Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 262: The power of fighting dragon

Most of the dragon shapes they condensed were based on the descriptions in ancient books, and they didn't even have the true power of dragons.

The ancient war dragon condensed by Chu Fengmian was condensed from his blood, and it was just like a real ancient war dragon.

Between the two, the Nine Flame Divine Dragon condensed by the flames is simply a reptile, not even a dragon. It is a reptile, an ant.

The two have not yet fought, but their power is enough to determine the winner.

"Swallow it!"

Chu Fengmian laughed loudly, and the ancient war dragon he condensed rushed towards the Nine Flames Divine Dragon, opened his mouth wide, and directly swallowed the Nine Flames Divine Dragon.

This Yan Mang's strongest move was actually easily resolved by Chu Fengmian.

"Yan Mang, do you think you are Chu's opponent if Chu doesn't use the Fertility Monument? To deal with you, there is no need for the Fertility Monument!"

Chu Fengmian looked at Yan Mang, sneered, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, and the sword in his hand immediately slashed towards Yan Mang.

This Yan Mang has attacked Chu Fengmian again and again, and will definitely kill him today.

On the edge of the sword, endless blood energy condensed out. It was the killing swordsmanship. It condensed again. The thousand-foot sword energy condensed instantly and slashed towards the flame.

"not good!"

Under this sword, Cheng Xiantian and Tang Shengjian could not help but retreat. They had experienced the power of this sword. If the two of them were affected, they would be seriously injured, let alone return. Help Yanmang block it.

Under such a situation, no one present could block Chu Fengmian's sword.

"Chu Fengmian, if you want to kill Yanmang, you must think carefully!"

A cold voice suddenly came from behind Chu Fengmian, causing Chu Fengmian's face to change color instantly.

As soon as he turned around, he saw a figure standing behind Han Yueli. A sword was already pressed against Han Yueli's throat, ready to pierce it at any time.


Chu Fengmian's face turned red all of a sudden, and his eyes were already full of murderous intent. This murderous intent was so terrifying that the entire sky seemed to be dyed red because of the murderous intent.

"you wanna die!"

This Immortal Fang actually used the Immortal Mysterious Gate to sneak up behind Han Yueli and subdued Han Yueli, intending to use Han Yueli to threaten Chu Fengmian.

What Chu Fengmian resented the most was being threatened by others, let alone threatening him with his woman. This had offended Chu Fengmian's most terrifying trait.

The overwhelming murderous intent appeared on Chu Fengmian's face.

"I don't know whether she will die or not, but if you don't obey, she will die."

Facing Chu Fengmian's anger, Fang Xiandao sneered and said indifferently.

"You release Yanmang first."

"Do you really think you can threaten me?"

Chu Fengmian looked at Fang Xiandao, his eyes filled with hatred. He must have cut Fang Xiandao into pieces.

"Unless you don't want her to live! Otherwise you have to obey me!"

Fang Xiandao looked at Chu Fengmian and sneered.

"You have no other choice now."

"What do you want to do? Release the flames, okay!"

Chu Fengmian glanced at Fang Xiandao, his eyes turned cold, and the sword energy he fired suddenly shattered and disappeared along with his mind.

Yan Mang, who had escaped the disaster, immediately hurried away and was able to take a breath.

"I let him go, so it's time for you to let him go too."

"Let her go? How can a little Yanmang replace her?"

When Fang Xiandao saw Yan Mang ducking away, his face showed a bit of coldness, and his eyes showed a bit of greed.

"Hand over the Monument of Fertility first."

"And hand over all the countless treasures you got from the Emperor of Harvest."

"Hand them all over. Will you let them go?"

Chu Fengmian looked at Fang Xiandao and said, his spiritual power had expanded to the extreme, and he was ready to take action at any time to kill Fang Xiandao.

"I said, you have no choice now!"

Fang Xiandao looked at Chu Fengmian, and the sword in his hand was even closer.

"Will you hand it over or not?"

"Fang Xiandao, it seems you really deserve to die! I have already given you a chance. If this is the case, then you should die!"

Suddenly Chu Fengmian roared angrily, and his spiritual power was stimulated to the extreme. The Monument of Fertility expanded crazily and rushed towards Fang Xiandao.

"What? Aren't you afraid that I will kill him?"

Even Fang Xiandao could not have imagined Chu Fengmian's sudden attack. In his opinion, he was already invincible with Han Yueli hostage. With Chu Fengmian's character, how could he give up Han Yueli.

Chu Fengmian valued feelings, which was Chu Fengmian's biggest weakness, but why Chu Fengmian suddenly took action now was something he couldn't figure out.

Doesn't he care about Han Yueli? Impossible, otherwise Chu Fengmian wouldn't take such a big risk to ruin things. Why is this?

Before Fang Xiandao could figure it out, the Monument of Fertility was already bombarded in front of him.

"Chu Fengmian, even if I die! I will be buried with him!"

Fang Xiandao felt cruel and directly swiped his sword towards Han Yueli, but a dragon roar suddenly erupted from Han Yueli's body.

On Han Yueli's body, a drop of golden blood suddenly appeared and turned into a dragon soul. The dragon soul roared and forced Fang Xiandao back.

"Do you think I won't be on guard? Fang Xiandao, just die!"

Chu Fengmian was furious, and the power of the Fertility Monument directly hit Fang Xiandao. Suddenly, a bronze door appeared in front of Fang Xiandao. It was the Immortal Xuan Gate. He summoned it to resist the attack of the Fertility Monument. .

"Is it the Immortal Mysterious Gate? A small earth-level spiritual weapon wants to compete with the Monument of Fertility? Break it into pieces!"

Chu Fengmian roared angrily, and the power of the Great Palm of Fengsheng clamped on the Fengsheng Monument, and smashed it towards the Immortal Mysterious Gate. Suddenly, the Immortal Xuan Gate shattered, completely shattered.

The Formation Sect's weapon of the Three Immortals Island was now smashed to pieces by Chu Fengmian. The remaining power also drove Fang Xiandao ten miles away, spitting out countless blood from his mouth.

"Come here!"

Chu Fengmian waved his hand and grabbed Fang Xiandao directly. He grabbed Fang Xiandao with one hand and brought him back to Chu Fengmian.

"Extracting marrow, refining bones, and practicing demonic skills!"

A burst of spiritual power suddenly emerged from Chu Fengmian's hand and penetrated into Fang Xiandao's body.

This spiritual power in Fang Xiandao's body immediately pulled out countless bone marrow in his body. These bone marrow were ignited and began to burn crazily in Fang Xiandao's body. .


Screams came out from Fang Xiandao's mouth. This marrow extraction and bone refining magic skill is one of the most vicious magic skills in the Nine Demon City. It can forcibly refine a person's body into a spiritual weapon, but it still remains Human consciousness will be tortured forever, this is how the Nine Demon City treats traitors.

The third update today.

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