Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 232 Destroyed the torture hall

"You still dare to scream. Chu is not going to kill you, but he just wants to show others the consequences of offending Chu. Since you keep yelling, there is no need to keep your tongue."

Chu Fengmian's sword flashed, and Xing Tianlao's tongue was cut off by Chu Fengmian. He could only whine and could not utter a single word.

Seeing Xing Tianlao speechless, Chu Fengmian nodded with satisfaction.

"Let's go, let others see it!"

Chu Fengmian grabbed the Xingtian Prison, broke the door with one palm, broke out, and flew outside.

"what happened?"

"No, someone wants to rush out."

"Hurry up and open the restriction, don't let that person rush out!"

Countless Xingtang disciples suddenly heard the commotion and opened the restrictions one after another. Many people even stood in front of Chu Fengmian. When they saw the Xingtian Prison held by Chu Fengmian, they all shouted loudly. stand up.

"Let go of the hall master!"

"Get out of here, anyone who dares to stop me will die!"

Chu Fengmian roared angrily, and the power of the ancient war dragon essence and blood in his body was stimulated to the extreme. With a dragon roar, it exploded with full power, hitting the punishment hall disciples who were blocking Chu Fengmian.

Each one of them was directly under this dragon roar, and their bodies couldn't bear it, and they exploded one by one.

Chu Fengmian didn't want to deal with these little guys, but they were looking for death, and Chu Fengmian didn't mind giving them a ride.

"With these restrictions, you still want to stop Chu?"

Chu Fengmian glanced disdainfully at the restrictions on the torture hall, and suddenly slashed towards the sky with the red flame sword in his hand.

I saw that under this sword energy, all the restrictions were broken.

The restrictions set up by countless powerful men in the past generations of the execution hall were like a pile of dirt in front of Chu Fengmian, and they were all broken easily.

Chu Fengmian carried the Xingtian Prison like a dead dog and flew directly into the sky. Looking at the countless palaces in the Xingtang Hall, Chu Fengmian sneered.

"Since we want to destroy the execution hall, let's destroy it completely!"

Suddenly, Chu Fengmian's sword edge came down again. This sword light was a hundred feet long, and it immediately slashed towards the execution hall below.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Countless palaces all collapsed, leaving only a pile of ruins. The entire torture hall was completely destroyed by Chu Fengmian's sword.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Could someone be attacking Wusheng Academy?"

The entire mountain peak trembled due to this sword blow, and countless halls around it popped up one by one.

"It's the execution hall!"

"What happened in the execution hall!"

Countless elders and hall masters from Wusheng Academy flew over one by one. Looking at the execution hall that was now a mass of ruins on the ground, they all looked in disbelief and were speechless.

The execution hall was destroyed.

The Punishment Hall is the oldest hall in Wusheng Academy. Although it is not as good as the three major halls in name, it is definitely the most powerful hall in Wusheng Academy based on its background.

There are a hundred palaces, just like a huge palace, magnificent and magnificent.

But today's torture hall still has no signs of prosperity, and there are only broken eaves and broken walls and ruins.

"Who is it? He actually destroyed the execution hall!"

"Look, heaven!"

A hall leader suddenly saw two figures in the sky.

"Xingtian Prison!"

"Everyone in Xingtian Prison was caught!"

The scene in the sky surprised countless people.

Xing Tianlao, the leader of the Xing Hall, his strength is enough to rank in the top three among the countless hall leaders of Wusheng Academy, and there are few opponents among the saints.

Today, he was actually defeated and held in his hands, without even the ability to struggle.

There are certainly people who can kill Xing Tianlao, but those who can capture him alive and make him unable to resist are probably only saints.

However, when they saw who the figure was holding Xing Tian Lao, their eyes looked as if they had seen a ghost.

"Chu Fengmian!"

"Could it be that the person who destroyed the execution hall was Chu Fengmian?"

They all knew Chu Fengmian's appearance. As the newest genius of Wusheng Academy, he broke the record of reaching Lingtian and was accepted as a disciple by the Saint Xuanbei.

Naturally, they were no strangers to Chu Fengmian, but now looking at Chu Fengmian carrying the Xingtian Prison, they all felt as if they had seen a ghost.

It had only been more than a month since Chu Fengmian came to Wusheng Academy, and he was accepted as a disciple by the Xuanbei Sage.

Even now, Chu Fengmian's realm seems to be only at the peak of the Divine Sea Realm. How can a warrior at the peak of the Divine Sea Realm destroy the execution hall? Defeat Xingtian Prison.

Is it Chu Fengmian who is crazy or they are crazy? It is simply impossible.

"Chu Fengmian, what on earth is going on?"

"Don't worry about it. Let's save the Master of the Punishment Hall first. The dignified Master of the Punishment Hall of Wusheng Academy is caught in someone's hands. What a shame!"

A middle-aged man looked at the sky and suddenly took action.

This middle-aged man is the leader of Xingtang Hall, Xing Tianji. He has a relationship with Xingtian Lao. Now that he saw Xing Tianlao being caught, he naturally wanted to take action to save Xing Tianlao.

"Whoever dares to take action will die!"

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly.

"How dare a junior to be so arrogant! Don't think that with your master's support, you can do whatever you want! Maybe I will be a little wary of your master, but you, a little guy, are not qualified to threaten this hall master!"

Xing Tianji snorted coldly.

He thought that the destruction of the execution hall must have been done by Master Chu Fengmian, the Saint Xuanbei. After all, such a huge hall as the execution hall could only be destroyed by the intervention of the Saint Xuanbei.

Only the senior officials of Wusheng Academy knew about the departure of Saint Xuanbei. This star secret was obviously not among them.

"The Divine Machine of Tianxuan! The stars gather together!"

Suddenly, countless stars in the sky seemed to fall one after another, and endless spiritual power emerged, clamping on Xing Tianji's body.

"It is said that the Star Machine can mobilize the power of the stars in the sky to bless the body. I thought it was a rumor, but now it is true!"

"This kid Chu Fengmian is still too arrogant. He really thinks that with Saint Xuanbei behind him, he can be arrogant. He should learn a lesson today."

Other hall masters discussed one after another that if a hall master at the peak of the Wind Control Realm took action against a disciple at the peak of the Divine Sea Realm, the result would be obvious.

This Xing Tian Ji practices an extremely weird way of astrology, using the stars in the sky to increase its power. However, in Chu Fengmian's view, this way of astrology is pretentious.

This expert in the way of astrology is Tianshu Hall, one of the seven major sects. Chu Fengmian didn't know how many of Tianshu Hall's techniques he had seen.

In Chu Fengmian's opinion, this Xingtianji's method of astrology was even more ridiculous.

Four chapters are presented today.

Although the update is a little late, there will definitely be no shortage of updates, so don’t worry.

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