Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 218: Shocked to death with one palm

"Chu Fengmian, your strength..."

Han Yueli, who was standing aside, had a dull expression.

She knew in her heart that Chu Fengmian's strength was definitely above these five people now, but she could not have imagined it.

A figure like Mr. Yan Nan was suppressed so easily by Chu Fengmian. This level of strength is probably enough to compete with Ling Tian.

It took less than a month for Chu Fengmian to come to Wusheng Academy.

At that time, Chu Fengmian could only compete with some in the Divine Sea Realm. A random Wind Controlling Realm warrior would be enough to defeat Chu Fengmian.

In one month, Chu Fengmian had grown to such a terrifying level.

What level is this kind of power? It is probably almost invincible under a saint.

"The last one, you are the only one left."

Chu Fengmian's eyes glanced at Feng Poxuan. Among the five people, Mo Ruoxue was defeated by Chu Fengmian and fell to the ground.

Chu Yu, Cheng Tiantian, and Young Master Yan Nan have all been killed by Chu Fengmian.

The only person left now is Feng Poxuan.

Seeing Chu Fengmian's gaze shift, Feng Poxuan couldn't help but show a bit of fear on his face, and his body was trembling involuntarily.

Within three moves, Master Yannan was killed.

Young Master Yannan was the young master of the Zhuyan Sect. The peerless genius that the Zhuyan Sect had devoted all its efforts to cultivate was actually killed so easily.

Feng Poxuan's strength is at most on par with Young Master Yan Nan. Since Chu Fengmian can kill Young Master Yan Nan so easily, he can naturally kill him easily.

"Brother Chu, I was wrong this time. As long as Brother Chu spares me this time, I am willing to hand over the Saint-breaking Pill."

Feng Poxuan's figure trembled, and he said with some trembling in his words.

"Oh? It seems that you are smarter than Mr. Yan Nan."

Seeing Feng Poxuan lower his head and admit his mistake, Chu Fengmian showed a playful smile in his eyes.

"Chu Fengmian, you can't trust him. This Feng Poxuan has always been scheming. Once you trust him, I'm afraid it will cause a big disaster."

Han Yueli stood aside and said hurriedly.

"Brother Chu, if you don't believe it, how about I hand over the Holy-breaking Pill to you now?"

Hearing Han Yueli's words, Feng Poxuan spoke first.

"More than just breaking the Holy Pill, how about I would rather make a contract with you and serve you as your master for the rest of my life?"

“Serve the Lord?”

Hearing Feng Poxuan's words, Chu Fengmian raised his eyebrows.

He originally thought that Feng Poxuan's words were deceitful, but since Feng Poxuan actually said such words as signing a contract and serving the master, Chu Fengmian's eyes flashed with surprise.


Han Yueli on the side didn't seem to expect that Feng Poxuan would actually say such words, sign a contract and serve the master, which meant that Feng Poxuan would rather be a slave in order to survive.

This was beyond anyone's expectations.

"you sure?"

Chu Fengmian glanced at Feng Poxuan and laughed loudly.

"If you really recognize Mr. Chu as your master, it is not impossible for Mr. Chu to spare your life today."

"As long as Brother Chu is willing to spare me this time, I would rather recognize you as my master and sign a contract now, how about it?"

As Feng Poxuan said something, a sudden surge of spiritual power gathered in front of him, and a contract suddenly appeared.

Eternal contract.

This contract was enough to allow Feng Poxuan to recognize Chu Fengmian as his master.

Once signed, Feng Poxuan's life will belong to Chu Fengmian, and Chu Fengmian can kill him with a single thought.

"Okay, since you are willing to surrender, Chu will spare your life today, but you still have to sign the contract!"

Chu Fengmian glanced at the contract and noticed that there was nothing unusual in it, but a drop of blood dripped onto it, and the two names on the contract suddenly shone.


The contract was signed, split into two, and penetrated into the bodies of the two people. Chu Fengmian felt that Feng Poxuan in front of him was already suppressed by the contract. As long as Chu Fengmian's mind One move was enough to kill him.

"However, although this contract has been signed, this restriction will still be placed on you!"

Chu Fengmian glanced at Feng Poxuan, then suddenly sneered and struck Feng Poxuan with a burst of spiritual power.

"The Seal of Death and Incarnation!"

Chu Fengmian muttered silently in his mind, and this spiritual power turned into a restriction and penetrated into Feng Poxuan's body.

Feng Poxuan subconsciously wanted to use his spiritual power to resist, but under the power of this contract, he was unable to move at all. He watched helplessly as this restriction penetrated into his body.

Feng Poxuan's face showed a bit of unwillingness, as if his conspiracy had been seen through.

"Kneel down."

Chu Fengmian suddenly spoke.

This sentence caused Feng Poxuan's expression to change suddenly.

"Sir, this..."

He wanted to say something, but he felt the power of the law, which was already suppressing him. Once he signed this eternal contract, he would be supervised by the law.

Feng Poxuan couldn't resist Chu Fengmian's order at all.

Although his expression was extremely fearful and his eyes flickered a little, he finally knelt down on the ground obediently.


Seeing this scene, Chu Fengmian laughed. At the same time, his eyes looked at the jade bottle in Feng Poxuan's hand again, showing a bit of greed.

"Since you said so, you should submit the Sacred Pill yourself."

Chu Fengmian glanced at Feng Poxuan, laughed and said.


Feng Poxuan lowered his head and said respectfully, then held Po Sheng Dan in his hand and presented it to him.

"Sir, please take it."


Chu Fengmian smiled and stretched out his hand to get the Holy Pill.

Almost at the same time that Chu Fengmian stretched out his hand, a smile suddenly appeared on Feng Poxuan's face.

In Feng Poxuan's palm, a powerful hurricane suddenly emerged.

"Wind and residual clouds!"

Endless hurricanes blasted away at Chu Fengmian's chest at the same time.

It seemed that even Chu Fengmian was not aware of this sudden change and was suddenly knocked away.

Feng Poxuan took a step forward and laughed.

"Chu Fengmian, you are still too greedy. You treat a peak warrior of the Wind Control Realm as your servant. Sure enough, even you will inevitably die because of greed!"

"what happened?"

Han Yueli, who was standing aside, saw this scene and his expression changed drastically.

Feng Poxuan and Chu Fengmian had signed an eternal contract. Feng Poxuan should be absolutely unable to take action against Chu Fengmian. How could he suddenly attack Chu Fengmian when Chu Fengmian was unprepared.

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