Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 216 Defeat one person first

"You guys, all together, can you hurt Chu?"

Chu Fengmian laughed loudly. Seeing the crowd surrounding him, there was no fear on his face, only a sarcastic smile on his face.

"Chu Yu, aren't you a body cultivator? Then today I will directly use my body power to kill you!"

Facing Chu Feng's punch, Chu Fengmian actually punched Chu Feng directly without using any martial arts or swordsmanship.


The two fists faced each other, and a crisp sound suddenly sounded at Chu Hun's wrist.

Chu Huang's entire wrist showed a strange degree of distortion. With two fists facing each other, Chu Huang's wrist was directly broken.

It was abruptly shattered by Chu Fengmian's power.

The huge pain suddenly made Chu Huan scream.

"How dare you break my hand, I'm going to kill you!"

Chu Huan roared crazily. As a body cultivator, what he was most proud of was his own body, but now his wrist was broken by Chu Fengmian's punch, which made him feel great shame.

He made a fist with his left hand and punched Chu Fengmian again.

"You still dare to take action? If you dare to take action once, Chu will interrupt you once!"

Chu Fengmian's cold voice sounded again. He was not polite and punched Chu Hun's left wrist again.

As a body cultivator, having his hands broken unexpectedly was such a huge humiliation that Chu Huan had never encountered in his life.


Seeing this scene, the person who was most shocked was Cheng Tiankang.

He has a very good relationship with Chu Rong, and naturally he knows Chu Rong's strength best. In terms of body, Chu Rong's body is enough to be called the first person under the saint.

Not even Zhi Lingtian dared to fight with Chu Yuan with his physical strength.

But now, when he and Chu Fengmian punched each other, Chu Fengmian's ears and hands were forcibly broken. This Chu Fengmian's physical strength must be so terrifying.

"Damn it! This kid will eventually become a big problem! No, today's opportunity, we must kill him!"

Cheng Tiantian roared angrily, and suddenly made a move, activating the power of the Sealing God Diagram in his hand, and a strong pressure pressed against Chu Fengmian.

"Burning sky and sea of ​​fire!"

"Troubled Sea Hurricane!"

The two martial arts skills of Young Master Yan Nan and Feng Poxuan also attacked Chu Fengmian at the same time.

"What can we do if we join forces?"

Chu Fengmian glanced at the three of them, and suddenly the sword in his hand flashed, and endless killing intent emerged.

This murderous intention condensed on Chu Fengmian's body, turning Chu Fengmian into an extremely terrifying god of death.

Endless blood energy condensed on his red flame sword.

"Slaughter the world!"

Above the sword's edge, the endless blood turned into a sea of ​​blood that filled the sky. The flames and hurricanes were swallowed up by the sea of ​​blood in an instant.

Even the Sealing God Diagram seemed to be unable to withstand the power of the current sea of ​​blood, and suddenly shattered.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this! It's full of blood and murderous intent!"

"Don't worry about it now, kill this kid, everything on him belongs to us, kill him first!

As soon as the killing swordsmanship came out, the three of them were indeed shocked. However, the three of them were also people who had seen big scenes, so they naturally understood that they could not mess up their position now.

If one is affected by this murderous intention, the effect will be similar to that of being affected by the Holy Son's Demonic Art of Killing Hearts.

At this time, what is needed most is calmness.

"The will is still strong, yes, but it's a pity that this killing swordsmanship is powerful, not only the killing intention, but the most powerful thing is his endless power!"

Chu Fengmian glanced at everyone and sneered.

"The sea of ​​blood turns into a sword!"

The sea of ​​blood that filled the sky suddenly returned to Chu Fengmian's sword and turned into a hundred-foot-long sword. Suddenly, it slashed down on everyone.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The moment the sword edge fell, it was swept with countless blood energy. Chu Yu, whose hands were broken, was the first to be involved in the blood energy.

His body suddenly became much shriveled, and all the blood in his body had been drained by the killing swordsmanship. At the same time, Chu Feng's storage bag also fell into Chu Fengmian's hands.

Chu Fengmian opened it and saw that the Mysterious Body Pill given to him by Emperor Fengrao was indeed still in Chu Feng's storage bag.

It seems that Chu Huang still doesn't have time to refine this Mysterious Body Pill. Now this Mysterious Body Pill belongs to Chu Fengmian.

Now Chu Fengmian has been inherited by Emperor Fengrao and inherited the treasure of Emperor Fengrao. This mysterious body pill originally belonged to Emperor Fengrao. Now that it has fallen into the hands of Chu Fengmian, it can be regarded as returning to its original owner.

Except for Chu Rong, Cheng Tiantian, Feng Poxuan, and Young Master Yan Nan, they all hid behind this sword, but everyone was covered in scars now.

Under this sword, the three of them were unable to compete together.

"Chu Fengmian, if you dare to kill Chu Yuan, aren't you afraid of the Chu family's revenge? Our Cheng family and the Chu family are both one of the four major families of Wusheng Academy. Countless senior officials of Wusheng Academy will come to kill you. It’s yours!”

Cheng Tiantian said with an angry expression when he saw that Chu Yu was killed with one move.

"There is a saint in the Chu family. But when the saint is angry, even your master cannot protect you."

"Stop talking nonsense! Today Chu killed you first and is waiting for the revenge of your two families!"

"Cheng family, Chu family, sooner or later, Chu will destroy these two families and be buried with you!"

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly, and the red flame sword in his hand moved again, and a sword energy hit Cheng Tiantian.

This sword energy contains endless killing intent, it is a small killing sword energy.

As soon as the sword was slashed out, Young Master Yannan and Feng Poxuan couldn't help but take a few steps back, for fear of being affected again.

After the sword blow just now, the two of them were already filled with fear, so how could they dare to help Cheng Tiantian resist it.


This sword energy struck Cheng Tiantian and suddenly stopped three feet away from Cheng Tiantian.

In front of Cheng Tiantian, a spiritual barrier suddenly appeared, coming from a piece of black scale armor on his body.

"The black armor is actually a spiritual weapon given to you by the Emperor of Harvest, allowing you to escape this time."

Chu Fengmian glanced at the black armor and suddenly grabbed Cheng Tiantian. A powerful spiritual power rushed into Cheng Tiantian's body, trying to pull the black armor out of his body. .


Cheng Tiankang roared crazily and struggled. This black armor was his only chance to save his life from Chu Fengmian. Once lost, he was probably not far from death.

I finally finished updating the four chapters in the middle of the night and went to bed. I will continue to update tomorrow.

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Thanks to Tony Stark for the tip

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