Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 196: The opponent in the final level: Ancient Dragon Turtle

I saw Chu Fengmian's finger, and three drops of golden blood condensed on Chu Fengmian's fingertips.

With a flick of his finger, he landed on the body of the ancient dragon turtle.

As these three drops of blood essence fell into the ancient dragon turtle's body, his body gradually dissipated.

This ancient dragon turtle was originally a phantom. Now that the ancient dragon turtle has lost its will to fight and voluntarily surrendered, it means that Chu Fengmian has passed.

This third level, originally the most difficult level, was passed by Chu Fengmian with ease.

In front of Chu Fengmian, the grassland gradually disappeared. He had already passed the stone bridge and came to another strange place.

"Being able to come here now means that I have passed the first test."

Chu Fengmian looked at the sky in front of him and suddenly said.

"Yes, by being able to come here, you have indeed passed the first test."

The figure of Emperor Fengrao suddenly condensed. In front of Chu Fengmian, beside Emperor Fengrao, Han Yueli also stood beside him.

"And you were the first to pass."

"Although your methods are a bit tricky, for a warrior, all means can be used. The fact that you can win without fighting also represents your ability."

Emperor Fengrao said calmly.

How Chu Fengmian passed the three tests was naturally very clear to Emperor Fengrao.

Although Chu Fengmian did not actually fight the ancient dragon turtle, it was Chu Fengmian's ability to be able to defeat others without fighting.

Chu Fengmian passed without any problems.

"Tell me, now that you have passed the first test, you also know my conditions and what you want."

Emperor Fengrao laughed loudly.

"In my wealth, although I cannot say that I have everything in the Nine Realms, most of the things you want can be obtained."

Emperor Fengrao's words were also filled with incomparable confidence. As the founder of the Wusheng Kingdom, he had no idea how much wealth he had.

Treasures to some wind-controlling warriors were nothing to Emperor Fengrao.

The strength is not enough, and the truly valuable treasure has never been seen before, so naturally it is impossible to tell, so Emperor Fengrao is so confident.

"I want one, a fire elixir."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

"Chu Fengmian, you!"

Hearing Chu Fengmian speak, Emperor Fengrao had not said anything yet, but Han Yueli next to him looked shocked.

Being able to obtain any treasure from the treasure trove of the Emperor of Fertility is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for all the warriors present. Such an opportunity.

Chu Fengmian actually asked for a fire-type holy medicine for Han Yueli.

You must know that this opportunity only comes once. The opportunity that Chu Fengmian got after passing the first assessment was actually given away for nothing.

"Oh? Fire elixir? It seems you want it for this little girl."

Emperor Fengrao glanced at Chu Fengmian and said with a half-smile.

"A little guy with a big appetite suddenly wants the holy medicine. If it weren't for this king who has such knowledge, he might end up breaking his trust."

Holy medicine, this is the pinnacle of elixirs in the entire nine realms. Just this word, even ordinary warriors have never heard of it.

Not strong enough, he didn't even have the opportunity to come into contact with such words. Chu Fengmian's words also made Emperor Fengrao slightly surprised.

"Senior, do you really have a fire-type holy elixir?"

Chu Fengmian was a little surprised when he heard what Emperor Fengrao said.

Holy medicine is extremely rare even for the most powerful people in the Nine Realms. Chu Fengmian's inquiry was actually just to try his luck.

Unexpectedly, I heard the answer from Emperor Fengrao. Emperor Fengrao really has a fire-based holy medicine.

"Yes, I once obtained a ten-thousand-year fire lotus in a volcano. Although this fire lotus is not considered a holy medicine, the ten-thousand-year fire lotus can indeed be called a holy medicine."

As Emperor Fengrao said, a fire lotus appeared in the palm of his hand.

There is always a kind of flame burning on this fire lotus. This flame is the essence of fire spiritual power condensed to the limit.

"Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus!"

Chu Fengmian's eyes showed a bit of desire.

For a former master of alchemy like him, these ten thousand years of fire refining were a dream come true.

The fire lotus itself is a high-level elixir that can be called a elixir. It is born from lava and will only appear when a volcano erupts.

But the volcanic eruption is so powerful that even some saints dare not approach it, let alone enter it to look for the fire lotus.

Generally, the newly grown fire lotus is an earth-level elixir. If it is a hundred-year-old fire lotus, it is enough to be ranked as a heaven-level elixir.

Thousand-year fire lotus can reach the peak of heaven level, while ten-thousand-year fire lotus can be called a holy medicine.

"You have to think clearly, although this Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus is precious, it is of no use to you? Are you sure you want it?"

Emperor Fengrao glanced at Chu Fengmian and said pointedly.

He naturally knew why he wanted the Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus, and it was definitely not because of Chu Fengmian himself.

"Yes, this junior wants this Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

If you want other elixirs, many elixirs, such as Tianling Fruit, are indeed enough to be of great help to Chu Fengmian now.

But there is only one chance to get the fire-type holy medicine. In the entire Wusheng Kingdom, only Emperor Fengrao has the ability to come up with a fire-type holy medicine.

The cold poison in Han Yueli's body cannot be delayed, so if there is an opportunity, Chu Fengmian will certainly not let it go.

"Okay, then this Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus is for you."

Emperor Fengrao smiled and handed over the Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus.

Chu Fengmian hurriedly took it. The fire lotus was already in his hand, and there was a burning feeling in the palm of Chu Fengmian's hand.

Chu Fengmian hurriedly used his spiritual power to temporarily suppress the flames of the Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus, making them only slightly hotter.

"This Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus is likely to have medicinal power of five or six years."

Chu Fengmian was also surprised when he felt the medicinal power of the Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus in his hand.

The medicinal power of this Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus has probably been around for about five or six years. Such medicinal power is enough to rank in the middle of the holy medicine.

Holy medicines are also divided into grades. For example, the ordinary Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus can only be regarded as a low-grade holy medicine, a low-grade holy medicine.

And the medicinal power of this Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus is enough to be regarded as a middle-grade holy medicine.

With such medicinal power, Chu Fengmian has greater confidence that he can help Han Yueli resolve the cold poison in her body.

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