Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 191 The Place of Inheritance

Disciple of Sanxian Island.

After hearing Han Yueli's words, Chu Fengmian also looked at Fang Poxuan.

Among the four major sects, Sanxian Island does not have many grievances and disputes.

Because most of the disciples of Sanxian Island are indifferent by nature, they rarely move around in the Wusheng Kingdom.

Therefore, Chu Fengmian did not recognize Fang Poxuan, the top disciple of Sanxian Island.

However, from Han Yueli's words, Chu Fengmian did hear something wrong, that is, Fang Poxuan did not have an indifferent personality like the other disciples of Sanxian Island.

Definitely not a kind person. This was the first time Chu Fengmian heard this comment from Han Yueli.

"Brother Fang, you must also know that the new king of our Zhuyan Sect, Yan Xuan, was beheaded."

Mr. Yan Nan snorted coldly and pointed at Chu Fengmian.

"This boy is the one who killed Yanxuan. He even stole the Red Flame Sword, one of the three magic weapons of our Zhuyan Sect. If we don't kill him today, where will our Zhuyan Sect's face go? put."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

After listening to this, Fang Poxuan looked a little thoughtful in his eyes, and suddenly looked at Chu Fengmian and said.

"Wusheng Academy, the four major sects should be united and cannot always have internal conflicts."

"Chu Fengmian, how about this? Although you killed Yan Xuan, people cannot be resurrected after death. This matter is in the past. Now as long as you return the Red Flame Sword to Young Master Yan Nan, you and the Zhuyan Sect will Even if the grievances are over like this."

"The Red Flame Sword is, after all, one of the three divine weapons of the Zhu Yan Sect. If you, an outsider, hold it, it will inevitably cause trouble. How about returning it to the Zhu Yan Sect to resolve this grudge?"

Fang Poxuan's words were righteous and sounded like persuasion, but the meaning behind his words was that he wanted Chu Fengmian to hand over the Red Flame Sword in vain.

With such a righteous attitude and an attitude that seemed to be helping Chu Fengmian, Chu Fengmian handed over the Red Flame Sword in vain.

Sanctimonious, this word couldn't be more suitable for Fang Poxuan at that time.


After hearing Fang Poxuan's words, Chu Fengmian laughed loudly.

"Of course I don't agree. You want me to hand over the Red Flame Sword? I'm dreaming!"

"Steal? I got this Red Flame Sword from the traitors of your Zhu Yan Sect. I helped your Zhu Yan Sect kill the traitors. After all, you should thank me."

"As for Yan Xuan, that loser wanted to kill me, but he was killed by me instead. His skills are inferior to others."

"Such a waste should be regarded as the new king of your Zhuyan Sect. Your Zhuyan Sect will also have a disgraceful face. If Chu kills him, it can be regarded as clearing up the door for your Zhuyan Sect."


After hearing Chu Fengmian's words, Fang Poxuan's face showed a bit of anger.

It seemed that he had never expected that Chu Fengmian would be so disrespectful to him and would directly refute his words.

"Brother Fang, there is no need to be angry. There is no need to reason when dealing with this boy. When the inheritance test of the Emperor of Fertility is over, my first priority will be to kill this boy!"

Young Master Yan Nan said with a hint of killing intent on his face.

Young Master Yan Nan had no interest in killing Yan Xuan, but he had a red flame sword in his hand.

This Red Flame Sword is one of the three divine weapons of the Zhuyan Sect. If outsiders know that this Red Flame Sword is now in Chu Fengmian’s hands.

The whole Zhuyan Sect's face will be wiped out.

"Hehehe, if you want to kill this kid, take me with you too."

The Holy Son on the side suddenly spoke coldly and quietly, opening his mouth with the same murderous voice.

"Oh? The Holy Son also has a grudge against him?"

Fang Poxuan said curiously.

He knew a little bit about the feud between Chu Fengmian and Young Master Yan Nan, but he seemed to have heard nothing about the relationship between him and the Holy Son.

"Of course, this kid refused our black market's invitation before! He slapped our black market in the face. If he doesn't die, how can I establish my authority in the black market?"

The Holy Son sneered, looked at Chu Fengmian and said.

The moment the Holy Son spoke, the murderous intent in his words was much more proficient than before.

His realm has broken through to the peak of the Divine Sea Realm and officially entered the Wind Control Realm.

Every word spoken by the Holy Son contained some heartbreaking inner demons. The warriors present were all strong and would not be affected.

But if some Shenhai realm warriors were allowed to come, they would be possessed by inner demons just by hearing a word from this holy son.

"Whoever wants to kill Chu, I will always accompany you."

Chu Fengmian sneered, not bothering to compete for the courage of words.

Now that he has broken through to the Divine Sea Realm, he is enough to activate the Monument of Fertility. Even if he fights against Young Master Yannan and the Holy Son, Chu Fengmian has no fear in his heart.

While the three of them were talking, two more figures came out of the cave.

The moment he saw these two figures, Chu Fengmian's eyes were filled with murderous intent and he whispered to himself.

"It's true that we are enemies on a narrow road."

These two figures were the two people who had previously chased Chu Fengmian and forced him to flee into the mausoleum.

Chu Heng, Cheng Tiankong.

When the two of them saw Chu Fengmian, their eyes first showed surprise, and then turned into a strong murderous intent.

"Boy, you're not dead!"

When Chu Yu saw Chu Fengmian, his eyes turned cold, and his mind suddenly moved, wanting to use his spiritual power to rush towards Chu Fengmian.

"Well, today I will kill you once!"

But his figure stood still, motionless.

In this assessment place, no warrior can use spiritual power.

"What's going on? Why is my spiritual power blocked?"

Chu Huan frowned and said, he suddenly felt that although the spiritual power in his body could be felt, it could not be activated at all.

It was as if it was blocked by a force.

"Brother Chu, there is no need to expend your energy. In this assessment place, you cannot use your spiritual power."

Fang Poxuan looked at Chu Yu and said with a smile.

"Fang Poxuan? You are actually here too!"

Only then did Chu Yun see Fang Poxuan's presence, and then glanced around at the others.

"Young Master Yannan, Holy Son, Han Yueli? It seems that we are not the only ones who can participate in the inheritance assessment."

Young Master Yan Nan looked at Chu Yu and sneered.

"Chu Yu, you are not the only one who wants to kill that kid."

"Yes, we all want to kill him."

The Holy Son also spoke.

Among the people present, except for Han Yueli and Fang Poxuan, the other four people regarded Chu Fengmian as their mortal enemy and wanted to kill him. This scene was extremely strange.

If the spiritual power had not been blocked, the scene would have been in chaos.

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