Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 183 The aftermath

Every time the Monument of Fertility is activated, the spiritual power of one hundred thousand Qi Gathering Pills is consumed.

Chu Fengmian thought that now that the Monument of Fertility had awakened, it would be able to get new help, but he didn't expect that he would actually raise another big stomach king.

Fortunately, Chu Fengmian now broke through with the help of the Dragon Dragon Pill and did not consume the accumulated Qi Gathering Pill.

In this way, Chu Fengmian should not be short of Qi Gathering Pills in a short period of time. If there is an emergency, he can also activate the Fertility Monument to fight the enemy.

Although Chu Fengmian didn't know the power of the Fertility Monument, as a heaven-level spiritual weapon, it must be extremely powerful.

Although this Monument of Fertility cannot be used frequently, it still gives Chu Fengmian an extra trump card, and he also has a few more means when encountering danger.

"You'd better take a look at the woman you brought in first."

Xingxuan's voice suddenly turned cold.

Chu Fengmian was calm and suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly turned to look at Han Yueli who was aside.

Han Yueli now looked like an ice sculpture, her whole body was extremely cold, although Chu Fengmian could still feel that she was still alive.

But the way he looks now is not much different from that of a dead person.

"This woman has cold air entering her body now. She is not far away from death. In order to save a woman with cold air entering her body, she almost lost her life. I don't know if she is stupid or not."

Xingxuan said dissatisfiedly in his mind.

"Shut up."

Chu Fengmian frowned and snorted coldly.

He observed Han Yueli again. Han Yueli should not be dead now, but her body had been penetrated by cold air, and even her internal organs were affected.

It turned into a state of suspended animation.

"I want to save her."

Chu Fengmian spoke out.

Han Yueli ended up like this because she used the Ice Love Sword to save him. No matter what, Chu Fengmian couldn't just sit idly by.

"You want to save her? A woman with cold air entering her body?"

Xingxuan heard Chu Fengmian's words and snorted coldly.

"Even if the most powerful alchemy master in the Nine Domains, the Medicine God of the Medicine King Sect, comes, he may not be able to save her."

"Her internal organs have been eroded by the cold. How do you have the confidence to save her?"

"Just because the God of Medicine can't save him doesn't mean I can't."

Chu Fengmian said coldly.

At the same time, he took out his storage bag, took out the elixir one by one, and placed it in front of him.

At the same time, he also took out Han Yueli's storage bag, and Chu Fengmian took out countless elixirs and placed them aside.

These elixirs were all collected in the Holy Land before.

Chu Fengmian didn't expect that it would be put to use so quickly.

"Fire Flame Grass, Warm Yuzhu, Hua Qing Ye..."

Chu Fengmian looked at the elixirs in front of him one by one and analyzed them one by one.

"These elixirs are enough to wake her up and temporarily maintain her life."

"what are you up to?"

Xing Xuan asked curiously as Chu Fengmian took out a bunch of elixirs.


Chu Fengmian replied calmly and arranged all the elixirs neatly in front of him.

As soon as his mind moved, a spiritual power beat in Chu Fengmian's hand, and a golden flame burned.

Innate fire spirit.

Now that Chu Fengmian has stepped into the Divine Sea Realm, he naturally has the ability to control the spirits of the five elements.

Only this time, the flames that Chu Fengmian condensed were not ordinary ordinary fires.

It is a special flame with a much higher temperature, and there is a bit of dragon power in this flame.

"Dragon flame? This is a flame that only the true dragon clan can control."

Chu Fengmian was a little surprised.

He seemed to have never imagined that he could actually summon dragon flames.

"Of course it's Long Yan. Do you think your body is still human?"

Xingxuan said.

"The bloodline flowing through you now is also the bloodline of the ancient war dragon, and the flame condensed out of it is naturally dragon flame."

"Dragon Flame, with Dragon Flame, the effect of refining elixirs should be enough to reach the next level."

Chu Fengmian felt happy.

He had refined countless medicines in his previous life, so he naturally understood the importance of the flame. The grade of the elixir he refined was closely related to the required flame.

For example, the materials used to refine heaven-level elixirs cannot be melted by ordinary flames.

In his previous life, Chu Fengmian had refined numerous medicines and was close to reaching the pinnacle of medicine refining, but he had never refined a heaven-level elixir.

The reason is that Chu Fengmian has no spiritual power and cannot control the powerful flames.

Refining the best earth-level elixirs with the flames of the alchemy furnace alone was already the limit, so even if he had the ability to refine heaven-level elixirs, he had never succeeded in refining them.

With this dragon flame, Chu Fengmian became more confident in the elixir he refined for Han Yueli.


Chu Fengmian sat on the ground, his left hand spread out, and a ball of golden dragon flames danced on his left hand.

Chu Fengmian carefully put one of the elixirs into it. When the elixir came into contact with the hot dragon flames, it melted.

It is already showing signs of being burned.


Chu Fengmian hurriedly activated the dragon flame to lower its temperature. If the temperature of the refined elixir was low, it would not be completely melted and refined, but if the temperature was high, the elixir would be destroyed.

Nowadays, these elixirs were all picked from the Holy Land before. Chu Fengmian didn't know if other elixirs could be found in the tomb of Emperor Fengfu.

Any one of them is extremely precious and must not be wasted.

As the flames cooled down, the elixir's liquid gradually stabilized.

The black impurities were all removed by Chu Fengmian's palm with a movement of his hand, and the entire medicinal liquid took on a pure cyan color.


Chu Fengmian muttered silently, then took out a jade bottle and poured all the medicinal solution into the jade bottle.

At the same time, he took out another elixir and put it into the flames.

Melt, quench, extract, pour.

Chu Fengmian was doing the same thing, almost repeating it dozens of times, all the while melting all the elixirs around him into liquid medicine.

Next to Chu Fengmian, there was no longer any elixir in sight. All that could be seen were jade bottles filled with medicinal liquid.

"Starting now is the actual refining."

Refining medicine was something Chu Fengmian knew very well, but now Chu Fengmian was extremely nervous when doing it.

Because any one of these elixirs is irreplaceable. There are only so many elixirs in total. How many elixirs can be refined represents how long Han Yueli can stay alive.


Chu Fengmian's eyes were extremely serious. He picked up several jade bottles and poured out all the medicinal liquids. In the palm of Chu Fengmian's hand, countless medicinal liquids began to merge.

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